The Whole "wife falls off when they get married thing........."

Dec 28, 2004
Man I dont know exactly how to word or explain the thread im tryin to make...

but man (and to the ladies) does your significant other realize they "not what they use to be?"

Im not married but it seems like day by day, my girl is startin to care less and less about her appearance, way she acts, what she does for me, attitude, etcetc etc. man her attitude has me

ITs like i always hear the older men talkin about givin into their wife cause thats the way it is, or they get big and i think....i want no part of that. I useto be on my S!!! to make sure my girl is doin what she is suppose to be doin, but things feel like they may go past fixin.

*** I know folks are gonna ask "well what about you?" just dont ask that yet. ***

ANy opinions/comment? Also ladies if yall feel the same way about us, chime in, this isnt a bashin thing.

EDIT: Plays "Girl you know" by Scarface
I don't know how long you have been with your lady so let me know.

But me personally, I make sure to be honest with my girl. We've only been together for 18 months but for alot of people that is long enough for the girl tostop giving a %*#%.
My girl hit the gym hard in order to impress me initially, and was looking flyer than ever about 6 months in. Then she kinda slacked off, stopped wearing makeup or dressing well when we went out. It got to me so I made sure to let her know. I am straight up with her when she wears something ugly.
She took note and is back on her steez tryna look proper when shes with me. She stays in shape, eats well, and is still doing those sweet things that make aguy like a girl.

I guess it has to do with her parents as well. Her mother and father did not get along well, and from what I know her mother did alot for her father but thefather didn't appreciate it. They are divorced now. Anyway, I make sure to show my appreciation for those things she does for me, even if its just a thankyou.
She loves me alot but I think that my ridiculous honesty on just about everything keeps her self esteem a little down, and so she is forever trying to impressme. I might sound like an %#+%+%+ here but I think that might be the trick.

Man it's a tough one. I think the woman gotta just want to be on her A game, married or not. Its so common to get comfortable in a relationship. But againthat double standard pops up here. I want my future wife to stay on top of hers, so I gotta just stay on top of mines as well. I'm sure no woman wanna abig fat %$% dude in the bed. So I say set the example and everything should work out.
Honestly, if your girl's appearance falling off is an issue for you, I probably wouldn't advise being in a serious relationship.

I know you mentioned other things like what she does for you, attitude, etc. But what jumps out at me is appearance. If that is a major issue, just be singlebecause eventually we all fall off in some form or fashion.

And the whole significant other not acting the same after awhile thing is normal. This is why relationships take WORK. +@%@ just doesn't happenautomatically--after awhile once the honeymoon wears off, you actually have to THINK about how you treat someone because all the happy-go-lucky +@%@ is out thewindow. But all of this isn't anything that proper communication can't help fix.
I Promise You
I'll Keep Myself Up
Remain The Same Chick
You Fell In Love With
I'll Keep It Tight, I'll Keep My Figure Right
I'll Keep My Hair Fixed, Keep Rocking The Hottest Outfits
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

I Promise You
I'll Keep Myself Up
Remain The Same Chick
You Fell In Love With
I'll Keep It Tight, I'll Keep My Figure Right
I'll Keep My Hair Fixed, Keep Rocking The Hottest Outfits

is it wrong for me to know every word to that song?
ive been with her for over 5 years (some breaks)

Appearance isnt as big of deal as you interpreting it Trife, but it is an issue. i would get breakfast on the weekends...not in a minute.

Use to get more "pleasure" not happenin lately.

She always has this "deserving" attitude.

And this gonna sound a lil F!!! up cause its all about how you ask for things, but B!!! i dont need to say please when i ask you to do something...(<<< thats prolly gonna be misinterpreted) but it use to be (this is an example from last night)

Me: Can you get me some water
her: can you say please
Me:frown:havin had this this "please" convo too many times) Why the hell i need to say please...

few minutes pass
i get my water
her: can you get me some water...PLEASE

Word ya girl might go past fixing.

Realtalk: My girl got to big i ditched her. When i first got with her she was active in volleyball, then she just stopped and progressively getting bigger. Iwas young so i didnt put on with it. If i could go back id let her know.

Id just say you get more active with her. Go for walks, playsome ball, or join a karate class together. Im pretty sure yalls daily is watching tv with eachother. Cut out that fast food, not for the weight per se just on that fact its terribly bad for you all.
When I get serious with a girlfriend I straight up tell her
"I am no attracted to fat women. If you get fat down the line I will not be attracted to you, and let's be honest the love is lost after 5 years,I'll have no reason to be with you"

If you have upkeep and do your best to make yourself the best man for her expect that and some from her!

Get rid of this @#@*$ in the worst way
Originally Posted by jthagreat

And this gonna sound a lil F!!! up cause its all about how you ask for things, but B!!! i dont need to say please when i ask you to do something... (<<< thats prolly gonna be misinterpreted) but it use to be (this is an example from last night)

Me: Can you get me some water
her: can you say please
Me:frown:havin had this this "please" convo too many times) Why the hell i need to say please...

few minutes pass
i get my water
her: can you get me some water...PLEASE


uhhhh saying please just goes with having manners.


i wouldnt get you the water either.

sounds like you might be a jerk.
..... you shouldnt have to say please for the nookie though.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

When I get serious with a girlfriend I straight up tell her
"I am no attracted to fat women. If you get fat down the line I will not be attracted to you, and let's be honest the love is lost after 5 years, I'll have no reason to be with you"

If you have upkeep and do your best to make yourself the best man for her expect that and some from her!

Get rid of this @#@*$ in the worst way

The irony of this post kills me. That's getting"serious" with a girlfriend? If a chick had any self respect, she wouldn't take you seriously after hearing that.

Then again, when I was a young dude I had no idea what serious meant. So I guess its expected.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Honestly, if your girl's appearance falling off is an issue for you, I probably wouldn't advise being in a serious relationship.

Everyone gets older & ages.... but come on
Originally Posted by MissKickBack

Originally Posted by jthagreat

And this gonna sound a lil F!!! up cause its all about how you ask for things, but B!!! i dont need to say please when i ask you to do something... (<<< thats prolly gonna be misinterpreted) but it use to be (this is an example from last night)

Me: Can you get me some water
her: can you say please
Me:frown:havin had this this "please" convo too many times) Why the hell i need to say please...

few minutes pass
i get my water
her: can you get me some water...PLEASE


uhhhh saying please just goes with having manners.


i wouldnt get you the water either.

sounds like you might be a jerk.
..... you shouldnt have to say please for the nookie though.
youre a jerk, youre a jerk, i know, youre a jerk, youre a jerk, i know
jerk jerk jerk jerkin jerk jerk jerk jerkin

blah too much to drink
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

When I get serious with a girlfriend I straight up tell her
"I am no attracted to fat women. If you get fat down the line I will not be attracted to you, and let's be honest the love is lost after 5 years, I'll have no reason to be with you"

If you have upkeep and do your best to make yourself the best man for her expect that and some from her!

Get rid of this @#@*$ in the worst way

The irony of this post kills me. That's getting "serious" with a girlfriend? If a chick had any self respect, she wouldn't take you seriously after hearing that.

Then again, when I was a young dude I had no idea what serious meant. So I guess its expected.
See... it wouldn't be THAT harsh on her. But if you don't explain to your wife that you don't want to be married to a fat cow then shewill be a fat cow.
Look at any 45 year old women... chances are she is overweight and was hot when she got married...
They only try hard until they lock down that prize husband

If you want her to get her #+%@ together this site is 100% guaranteed

Traces of an Imaginary Affair« is a kit containing a set of nine tools which can be used to create an imaginary affair. These tools leave marks on the body, such as bite marks, carpet burns, bondage marks, love bites, scratches and bruises. In addition, probes of perfume, lipstick and hair can be applied to either the body or clothes. The project broaches the issue of intentionally instigated jealousy in relationships, which often serves to bolster self-esteem or to test the strength of partnerships. It was inspired by stories of people who used fake evidence of victimisation or illnesses to receive attention from others.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Honestly, if your girl's appearance falling off is an issue for you, I probably wouldn't advise being in a serious relationship.

Everyone gets older & ages.... but come on

Get real superblytife.
How you appear is 100% in your own hands.
You are marrying a beautiful women because among other things, she is beautiful. Would you marry a women you weren't attracted to? No. So why justifymarrying a woman who is going to let herself go just because she is comfortable. That is flat out disrespect if I've ever heard it.

Divorce in America is so high it disgusts me. This is almost entirely becuase A) spouse is unfaithful (would you cheat on your wife if you had a hot wife whogave it to you at home?) and B) because you no longer are able to have good sex anymore becuase your spouse is

Can't have love without lust

What's a relationship without love?
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

single ftw

hell nah.

an with this swine flu goin around, hell nah even more.

Nah, I dont think this is goin on with my chick......if anything she cares too much. It gets very annoying.

Like 2 weeks ago when we were getting her new car the salesman/ actually the sales manager because at this point we were in the office talking/doing paperwork. The guy was talking to us and he randomly was like "man, look at your arms, you must go to the gym a lot" in the middle of the convo about likeextended warranty..... I did the bs chuckle like "haha, you know.." my gf just sat that didnt say anything. Later on she was like that wasunprofressional of him because your in shape an im fat? Im like wth? Relax. She be buggin that *#^# pisses me off.
She's only been looking washed up is because you allow her to.. You put her in the comfort zone where she feels as if she doesn't need to look all"pretty" for you anymore. Soon enough, she's gon be taking the deuce with the dooropen.

That's why you have to play that game where you try to part from her for a while.. And then when time comes around for you to see each other she just mightgo back to looking incrededible. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell but except the fact:

If you don't like how things are going.. Why not just let her know straight up?
I'll love you when ya hair turs gray and...
I'll still want you if you gain a little weight, yeah...

Sike na. Simple solution...tell her about it. Either she care enough 2 step her game up 2 keep her man, or not. Point blank period.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

ive been with her for over 5 years (some breaks)

Appearance isnt as big of deal as you interpreting it Trife, but it is an issue. i would get breakfast on the weekends...not in a minute.

Use to get more "pleasure" not happenin lately.

She always has this "deserving" attitude.

And this gonna sound a lil F!!! up cause its all about how you ask for things, but B!!! i dont need to say please when i ask you to do something... (<<< thats prolly gonna be misinterpreted) but it use to be (this is an example from last night)

Me: Can you get me some water
her: can you say please
Me:frown:havin had this this "please" convo too many times) Why the hell i need to say please...

few minutes pass
i get my water
her: can you get me some water...PLEASE


My husband knows damn well he needs to be saying please if he wants me to get him something. Our conversations are the same, but when I jokingly ask him"what do you say" he says please
I believe they callthem.... manners.

Anyways, we're the same as we were before we got married. I tell him I don't spend all this money on clothes and makeup just to stop doin it. Besides, I like getting dressed up and pretty. He likes it too
maybe I'm bored with life, but I wanna try this relationship stuff again.....all these amusing capers.
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