The Whole "wife falls off when they get married thing........."

Originally Posted by ridingonlorenzos

I don't know how long you have been with your lady so let me know.

But me personally, I make sure to be honest with my girl. We've only been together for 18 months but for alot of people that is long enough for the girl to stop giving a %*#%.
My girl hit the gym hard in order to impress me initially, and was looking flyer than ever about 6 months in. Then she kinda slacked off, stopped wearing make up or dressing well when we went out. It got to me so I made sure to let her know. I am straight up with her when she wears something ugly.
She took note and is back on her steez tryna look proper when shes with me. She stays in shape, eats well, and is still doing those sweet things that make a guy like a girl.

I guess it has to do with her parents as well. Her mother and father did not get along well, and from what I know her mother did alot for her father but the father didn't appreciate it. They are divorced now. Anyway, I make sure to show my appreciation for those things she does for me, even if its just a thank you.
She loves me alot but I think that my ridiculous honesty on just about everything keeps her self esteem a little down, and so she is forever trying to impress me. I might sound like an %#+%+%+ here but I think that might be the trick.

Haha wow you sound like a jerk...
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