The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

cant wait. they need to put some villians that everyone could relate to perhaps omega red. anyone rememmber. x- men the cartoon perhaps one of those villians
I can't wait to watch this movie...
This! The trailer looks
haven't been keeping up with updates on this film but after watching the trailer, wolverine loses his healing powers? isn't this road he takes before he takes out his adamantium for bone claws?
haven't been keeping up with updates on this film but after watching the trailer, wolverine loses his healing powers? isn't this road he takes before he takes out his adamantium for bone claws?
I'm pretty sure he didn't take out his adamantium, I think magneto took it out
I hope Wolverine gets a costume soon... any costume

That same damn beater every movie. :smh:
I'm pretty sure he didn't take out his adamantium, I think magneto took it out

yeah that's what i meant but you know marvel. they will twist the story around. either way, this movie looks wack. that fighting on the scene on the train :x :lol: what a joke
If it gets an R rating....please let it get an R rating

Hugh Jackman on the R-Rating

“There’s such great temptation to make an R-rated ‘Wolverine’. I’ve always felt that. I know a lot of fans would like that. I totally get it. If there was ever a superhero that was going to be R-rated, it’s Wolverine. However, in the last ten years, I’ve also met many, many 12, 13, dare I say 10, 14, 15 year-olds who, for them, Wolverine is not just cool, you see it in their eyes. He’s everything to them. So my thing is — which James Mangold and I talked about — is let’s not put it off the table. There’s even a talk of us doing two versions, as in finding a way for us to do both as you shoot it, which could be really cool. But you need to have a really good reason to exclude those fans.”
PG-13 really pushes the limit more than it used to. I used to be bothered thinking about ratings and how it changes the overall tone of the movie, but I think it is executed well now.
Hugh jackman just hamed it up. Lets make it PG-13 so...10 year olds can watch it.............

News Flash: If you make it rated R and tell a 10 year old he can't watch it, it's gonna want to make him watch it more. But I'm being stupid, cause I'd watch it even if it was PG. Marvel takes all my money
Well the thing is if the kids wants to see a Rater R film, they likely sneak in to theaters to watch or just wait it out on blu-ray, not much box office revenues from them there. They really would make more money off of parents taking their kids and even if those parents have no interest int he film, that is still an extra ticket to purchase to accompany their kids. Why do you think all these kids animation films makes so much money? Like the Croods being #1 in the box office last week for example. Granted these Pixar and Dreamworks animations have been very good films but at the end of the day, it is still a cartoon/animation meant for kids and it is a cash cow.
Exactly. I meant by saying that when I mentioned Hugh jackman commenting on the PG 13 rating. Money of course is the deciding factor but its going to make money regardless. It's a marvel property releasing in the summer time. Add in merchandising and they're bound to make a killing. I'm just speaking from a pure comic nerd standpoint. I think we deserve an R rated wolverine film. Hell a good xmen movie
am i the only person who thinks they should just start over because all the movies involving wolverine were lackluster. like they should just find a new actor and start over.
I do want a rated R Wolverine film too, believe me but I do understand their reason for going against it. These movies want to do Avengers/TDK money and that is the only way to keep these films going.

Origins opened to $85mil but only finished with ~$180 domestically on a ~$150mil budget. Budget on this one is probably the same and with how bad the Origins was, people still have a bad taste in their mouth and might not go see this because of that film alone so they are already at a disadvantage. This film also has a lot less heroes we knows like Sabretooth, Deadpool, Gambit, etc... so their merchandising and hype isn't as big. I mean just read this thread, it barely gets going after the trailer and half of the conversation is how bad origins was. So they really can't afford to lose audience at this point because they are still trying to dig out of a hole they created with the Origins film.
watching this final products is just a shame. as a marvel fan, i refuse to watch these movies but they are all the same. they put together 'known' characters and just mash it up with below sub-par acting and shove it down your throat and people still consider this 'well hey, if it's what we get, we might as well enjoy it' no, that's not it. true fans need to boycott this stuff so that the studios get the point. but i know i'm speaking to deaf ears since most people will still see this trash
After looking at the pics, reading different things, I've come to the conclusion that this will most likely be awesomely bad. So bad that its still fun to watch for the LOL's. the first one was just bad and unwatchable, so there is an "improvement" so to speak
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