The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

I like the international trailer better.

Where exactly does this movie fall in the X-men universe timeline? I need to be sure I know where were at from x1 all the way to days of future past
I don't know how I feel exactly about the trailers, they feel so different than the X-Men Wolverine days as if he wasn't even a part of them. Stylistically and story wise it's just such a diversion from what we've been use to with the character, I think it may take time to settle in for hardcore fans
I felt the same way a minute ago. I think it's the overall setting and tone of the movie.

I'm more excited for DOFP than this.
EDIT: Took the wrong quote but info stays the same

Takes place after X-3. So chronologically its the last movie in the series
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First class>Origins>x1>x2>x3>Wolverine

Then days of future past is in the whole timeline?

First class>Origins>x1>x2>x3>Wolverine

Then days of future past is in the whole timeline?

I would say that timeline is wrong.

First Class is on a different dimension or world. It has nothing to do with X1-3 films, canon just makes no sense if it did. I think Future Past will touch on it and connect that timeline/dimension but as of now, First Class completely ignores the existence of the first 3 XMen films.
I would say that timeline is wrong.

First Class is on a different dimension or world. It has nothing to do with X1-3 films, canon just makes no sense if it did. I think Future Past will touch on it and connect that timeline/dimension but as of now, First Class completely ignores the existence of the first 3 XMen films.

I've only seen first class once but how does it not connect? I thought this was just a prequel to show Magneto and X before any of the original films happened? Am I missing something more obvious than it should be.
I would say that timeline is wrong.

First Class is on a different dimension or world. It has nothing to do with X1-3 films, canon just makes no sense if it did. I think Future Past will touch on it and connect that timeline/dimension but as of now, First Class completely ignores the existence of the first 3 XMen films.

I've only seen first class once but how does it not connect? I thought this was just a prequel to show Magneto and X before any of the original films happened? Am I missing something more obvious than it should be.

Posted on June 5, 2011

It has already been established that X-Men: First Class is the official prequel to all the other X-Men films. The movie explains the origins and upbringing of the mutant team, as well as their archnemesis, Magneto. Now, I've seen the film, and I really enjoyed it (read my review HERE), but there are a crap load of continuity problems amongst the five movies.


After my first screening of the movie, I noticed a whole bunch of inconsistencies within the X-Men movie timeline, as I'm sure you probably did too. Curious to know what they messed up? Here's a list of continuity errors:

At the end of First Class, we see the incident that paralyzes Professor X from the waist down. Mind you, this movie takes place in the 60s. In the movie, The Last Stand, the opening scene shows Professor X walking, which is set to be 80s.
In the same opening scene in The Last Stand, Xavier and Magneto are still friends. In First Class, they have already went their separate ways.
In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, we also see Professor X standing at the end of the film.
Back to the Wolverine movie, during the escape of Three Mile Island, we see Emma Frost as a teenager. In First Class (which happens years before), she is an adult. Of course, they never mentioned her name in the movie, but the actress was credited as "Emma Frost."
In the first X-Men movie, Xavier states that his first meeting with Magneto was when they were teenagers. In First Class, they are grown men the first time they meet.
In X2, we see Beast in human form. In First Class, we see him transform from human to blue mutant. Unless he was able to transform himself back to human, and decided to turn himself blue again in The Last Stand, that just wouldn't make any sense.
First Class establishes that Hank McCoy (Beast) was the one who built Cerebro. In the first movie, Professor X explains that he built it with the help of Magneto.
Because it was stated that Magneto helped Professor X construct Cerebro, Magneto was able to build a helmet that was impervious to telepathy. Well in First Class, Magneto merely takes the helmet from Sebastian Shaw.
In First Class, during the scene when Xavier uses Cerebro for the first time, we see a young Storm cameo. That would mean Storm in the trilogy should be about 50 years old. I'm sure this was made clearly for fan service, but I'm just sayin'.
In The Last Stand, Mystique becomes cured from her mutation, where we see her revert into a brunette. In First Class, she's a blonde. First Class also establishes that her blue form is her "true" form, which means she was born blue. If being "cured" in The Last Stand means she gains a human appearance, I'm going to assume that she had normal skin before her blueish scales. So which one came first?
Moira Mactaggert seems to look about the same age in both First Class and The Last Stand, which is set decades apart.
There is no Stan Lee cameo.
There are probably a few more, but that's all I can remember for now. And as much as this movie had problems keeping true to the previous films' continuity, I say, **** it. First Class was great (I liked it a lot), and just because it doesn't follow up on the last movies, that should not take away from how good it was. I mean, they do this all the time in comic books. Tons of writers would take certain key points from previously established storylines so they can create new, unique and interesting stories for readers to get involved with. X-Men: First Class is the same thing.

And besides, because of Bishop and Cable time traveling everywhere (or should I say... everywhen), the X-Men universe has tons of different timelines. Maybe First Class is just another alternate universe? Who knows. Regardless of all the continuity problems that exists in this movie, I say, just take First Class as a complete reboot, and disregard the last movies.
Well, damn!!!

I guess they WILL tie it in together somehow with some alternate universe stuff, which if done correctly will be amazing.

I mean with all the cast returning they'll have to.
I would say that timeline is wrong.

First Class is on a different dimension or world. It has nothing to do with X1-3 films, canon just makes no sense if it did. I think Future Past will touch on it and connect that timeline/dimension but as of now, First Class completely ignores the existence of the first 3 XMen films.

I've only seen first class once but how does it not connect? I thought this was just a prequel to show Magneto and X before any of the original films happened? Am I missing something more obvious than it should be.

If you connect the two, there are plenty of plot holes. How can Xavier and Mystique be best friends prior when they barely acknowledge each other in X1-3? In X1 or X2, I believe ProfX/Magneto stated he built Cerebro with Charles but it was obviously Hank/Beast who built it (or at least the original) in the 1st Class. Charles and Erik were already enemies in the end of 1st Class so how would they work together to make Cerebro? In X3, Charles and Erik also visited Jean at her house, I think Charles was walking still then too but is already bald and Magneto was already much older and the school already existed. At that point, they were working together still.

The timeline of which came first between Origins and 1st Class is also confusing. On Origins, we see a Young Emma Frost so it had to be before 1st Class but towards the end, we see an already bald Prof X so that means Origins is actually the first. That Prof X also isn't paralyzed yet.

The Sabretooth in Origins and X1 also seems drastically different, not just in looks but in attitude. I get Wolverine not remembering Sabretooth but for Sabretooth not to recognize or acknowledge Logan? Just ridiculous.

You really could nitpick these films to death and find tons of plot holes/mistakes that will lead you to believe none are related to the other. The only way it would make sense is if the films had nothing to do with each other.
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Saw the trailer this morning and I'm still a little skeptical (blame xmen origins). I hope silver samurai is as bad a** as his comic book counterpart. As for how the storyline connects with the original trilogy, first class and days of future past...who cares. Since when did Hollywood care more about story continuity than money. Never
As for how the storyline connects with the original trilogy, first class and days of future past...who cares. Since when did Hollywood care more about story continuity than money. Never

Marvel did with the set-up for the Avengers and it is the 3rd highest grossing film of all time now. Same can be said with Nolans Batman trilogy, well thought out and turns out to be great and money making series. Lord of the Rings are similar but that is based on a book so it might be a bit different.

It just has to be done right with careful though. Sadly the XMen films really did start this comic book film frenzy and they weren't really thinking about it's future. These days, they know better so SpiderMan is becoming the same kind of franchise, thinking of the future and sequels for films.
Marvel did with the set-up for the Avengers and it is the 3rd highest grossing film of all time now. Same can be said with Nolans Batman trilogy, well thought out and turns out to be great and money making series. Lord of the Rings are similar but that is based on a book so it might be a bit different.

It just has to be done right with careful though. Sadly the XMen films really did start this comic book film frenzy and they weren't really thinking about it's future. These days, they know better so SpiderMan is becoming the same kind of franchise, thinking of the future and sequels for films.

They'll always keep a continuity going with sequels and keeping the same actors to familiarize the audience with (side eyes Terrence Howard and Edward Norton) but marvel knows that their character are larger than life and 50% of the reason we're getting our larger than life comic book characters we grew up with on the big screen is the merchandising attached to it. Avengers was a gold mine because people were able to grow with those characters in 2007 I had to explain to every no comic savy person who nick fury Was AND what the avengers initiative was about...
Does Fox still have some rights to the X films?

Yes and all the characters that frequent the comic series.

They also own Fantastic 4 franchise and a new reboot with the Kree is slated to come out 2014 or 2015. They are banking on doing it like First Class and Spiderman as well where they plan to keep the stories going from film to film.
Can a FF movie actually be done well?

And can anyone give me some more info on the silver samurai, I'm not that big into X-Men outside the cartoons and movies. He seems like a character everyone is excited about.
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