The Wolverine - Movie Thread (07/26/13) - Trailers on page 7

I was watching the walking dead and I too had thought Shane might make a good wolverine/Logan/James whatever name they want to give him.  I never had a problem with Jackmans portrayal of Wolverine as far as his height goes. Jackman has been good to me, however the movie surrounding him doesn't always support him. The Iron man example was great thank you for pointing out how short he is IRL and how tall the character is in the comics/movie.  
The Wolverine Trailer Will Debut Online March 27th!

The Wolverine director James Mangold has confirmed this and more. On Twitter this morning, he posted this message:

"Clarity for all asking: I will tweet a peek (a "tweazer") on 26th. Full teaser online on 27th. 3D and 2D in theaters on the big screen 29th."

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I love x men and the movies but the last wolvorine movie was the cheesiest movie I had seen in a while
I love x men and the movies but the last wolvorine movie was the cheesiest movie I had seen in a while


It was a travesty what they did to two of my fav characters and one of my favorite actors

R. Reynolds

I never once thought as a child that I would see Wolverine on the big screen as a B-list (at best) franchise. Wolverine is my favorite comic book character of all time yet I have no interest in this franchise at all. Hugh Jackman was never the right one to portray Wolverine. It's time to stop pretending like he ever was. And I don't buy the whole "mask didn't look right" BS. If Batman works, Wolverine could have worked.

Maybe Jackman has worked out to try his best to look like the character but he doesn't capture the attitude at all. But this is his bread an butter and I don't see him letting go of this role if he isn't forced to. The Weapon-X/Logan angle should have been brought to the big screen way after the traditional masked Wolverine had been established.
Nope, his traditional mask would not work at all like Batmans. Bats it more of a head protection/helmet with the ears being antenna/transmitters and ti is very plausible in real life. Wolverines is just, well, weird and not work in real life. Not to mention how colorful it is. But look at the mask, it isn't really ears or horns, it is just sticking out for no reason, looks almost like a mardi gras mask. Looks cool in drawing but it is hard to imagine it looking cool in real life w/i altering it heavily.
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Comicbook Wolvie is a beast..always loved his bad a** look, his low stance...dude is that bad guy that just happens to be a good guy and you just have to love.

Didn't dude outlive all the xmen?
I never once thought as a child that I would see Wolverine on the big screen as a B-list (at best) franchise. Wolverine is my favorite comic book character of all time yet I have no interest in this franchise at all. Hugh Jackman was never the right one to portray Wolverine. It's time to stop pretending like he ever was. And I don't buy the whole "mask didn't look right" BS. If Batman works, Wolverine could have worked.

Maybe Jackman has worked out to try his best to look like the character but he doesn't capture the attitude at all. But this is his bread an butter and I don't see him letting go of this role if he isn't forced to. The Weapon-X/Logan angle should have been brought to the big screen way after the traditional masked Wolverine had been established.

One of the issues it that Hugh Jackman is quite tall and the comic Wolverine has a small stature. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but is height is about 5'2-5'4 right?
One of the issues it that Hugh Jackman is quite tall and the comic Wolverine has a small stature. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but is height is about 5'2-5'4 right?

He is short and stocky but he has pretty much evolved from that body now I believe.
Nope, his traditional mask would not work at all like Batmans. Bats it more of a head protection/helmet with the ears being antenna/transmitters and ti is very plausible in real life. Wolverines is just, well, weird and not work in real life. Not to mention how colorful it is. But look at the mask, it isn't really ears or horns, it is just sticking out for no reason, looks almost like a mardi gras mask. Looks cool in drawing but it is hard to imagine it looking cool in real life w/i altering it heavily.

Really? You choose the worst looking costume with some out of shape lame to show why the mask wouldn't work? Batman's mask has always worked fine even when it didn't (Adam West). It's about staying true to the character. I'm willing to bet that it had more to do with Jackman wanting more "face" time. Dude from Watchmen had a similar mask that worked. I think it boils down to politics. Same with the dude who played Hawkeye. There's no reason why these masks won't work.

Does this really look that bad?

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This look should be the goal:

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At the very least, the gloves could allow for some real metal claws instead of the sad looking CGI.

I could ***** about this for hours so I'll just leave you with words from Hugh Jackman followed by a brief translation.


"I still don’t think we’ve seen the definitive Wolverine [...] and the longer I play the character, the more the desire to get him right grows. The more I speak to fans and explore his world, the more it means to me. Look, there’s no question that it’s a great role [...] I didn’t fully understand that when I went in, you know? The pressure now is way more. I feel I understand why there’s the passion. I understand the character and the legacy and I don’t feel, up until this movie, that we’ve completely lived up to that. So that’s what I intend to do.”


"I know I really don't play the character very well, but damn this is a lucrative role. It's been over a decade and fans keep coming back for more. I'll just act meaner and meaner and hope for the best."
What if they made his costume look like this (skip to the 2:13 mark):

I love wolverine and he's my all time favorite hero. It's a shame the movie isn't able to support Hugh Jackman. I really wish aronofsky still directed this film. Anyway I hope I get to see Logan in his original costume before I die. I really believe if fox gave up the rights marvel would do it justice. From the original xmen they basically established they wanted it realistic with those black suits all the xmen wore. If they gave all of them their unique costume it would work because it would be consistent. I think the problem is that you can't have wolverine in costume and not have any other mutants have costume. Either give them all cool costumes or none at all. Kind of like the movie kick ***. It looks silly but they all look cool together. Stick to the marvel formula and have fun with it, no need to be super serious.
I think Ultimates Wolverine is the closest we could get to his comic book costume but w/o the mask, just a black short-sleeve tee with yellow claw strips and black gloves, enough with the beaters.
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Cast Shane(TWD), get a dope costume/mask & have Nolan direct it.

I don't get the love for Shane for TWD playing Wolverine? People only see that one scene as him looking like Wolverine ebcause he is a spitting image of Jackmans version. We already got Jackman, who really does have the muscle definition of Wolverine, just that raw and muscular animal so why seek someone who is just a bootleg version? It's like Tokyo Drift with the bootleg version of Paul Walker.

Seriously, not many actors out there that has the same acting chops and can dedicate to transform or workout as much as Jackman. Let alone a short, stocky ripped dude that can act. No one really comes to mind.
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thank god they didnt listen to you all and put one of them goofy *** masks on him. all them look silly as **** :lol:

somethings work for comics and animation. doesnt mean it works for live action..

dudes have him looking like he was sent back in time to the 80's in october and he found a gremlins mask at a local kmart :lol:
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