The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

1. When religion calls for bigotry, are we not supposed to fight it? Posts like this make it more acceptable for closet atheists to come out. 5 years ago on NT, you wouldn't have ever seen this much religion topics on here.

2. Those atheists made atheism a state religion. Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people. Religion does.
When did I state that we should not fight bigotry from religious people?  Where are you getting this from?  And
at you justifying the number of religion-bashing threads with concern for "closet atheists" and letting them know it's OK to be an anonymous, faceless atheist on Niketalk.

As for your other "point," you are clearly refusing to deal with reality.  I thought that's what you and so many other atheists, agnostics, etc. prided yourselves so much on.  You don't have a real argument so you just say, "Well, those people turned atheism into a religion and that's why it was so bad... so it's really religion's fault again."

1. Not just bigotry from religious people, but the Bible and religion calls for bigotry itself. What I'm trying to say is that constantly bashing religion is perfectly fine with me since religion promotes things like bigotry. Constantly propagating religions that teach bigotry is wrong. Again, as more people continue to turn to atheism or agnosticism, others become more open with their attitudes against religion. This is something I want to see.

2. Am I supposed to defend atheists that murder people? You're right. I don't have an argument for that. They turned their government into a dictatorship. Am I supposed to defend that somehow? If people didn't follow their laws or spoke against the leader, they were persecuted. That sounds like a religion to me. If I'm mistaken, please clarify what reality you're talking about.

Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people. Religion does.
Either you love the same type of sweeping generalizations and black-and-white thinking that you and other atheists, agnostics, etc. insult and denounce many believers for, or you don't know what it is to qualify a statement.  Either way, it's not a good look, especially for people who pride themselves on "logic" and being different from religious people.  Statements like "the Bible and religion calls for bigotry itself," and "Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people.  Religion does," reveal your lack of critical thinking or your own bigotry...

The Bible can be interpreted to call for bigotry, and it can alternately be interpreted as not doing so.  Everyone needs to understand that the Bible, Qur'an, Torah, etc. are products of the time, place, and culture in which they were written and should be interpreted as such.  Failure to do so has led many religious institutions and followers (I use this word intentionally) to, what actual scholars and others characterize as, inaccurate or incomplete interpretations which can be manipulated for bigotry, oppression, etc.  However, individual religions are diverse in and of themselves in their beliefs and their interpretations of scriptures so to make blanket condemnations once again reveals your lack of critical thinking or your bigotry.

at your strict condemnations of religious bigotry and simultaneous promotion of open bigotry and hostility toward religion and believers.

No, you're not supposed to defend atheists that murder people.  The point is that you are supposed to acknowledge it instead of blaming "religion."  You think that people with similar beliefs systems coming together and forcing their beliefs on other people "sounds like religion" to you... how does this, by definition, exclude atheists from doing so?  They have their own set of beliefs just like people of various "religions" do.  They can force their beliefs on others and persecute those that don't follow just as "religions" can.  Just because it hasn't really happened in this country (to any significant extent as far as I know) doesn't mean that "religions" have a monopoly on oppression and bigotry.  And what prevents "atheism" from being categorized as a religion?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

1. When religion calls for bigotry, are we not supposed to fight it? Posts like this make it more acceptable for closet atheists to come out. 5 years ago on NT, you wouldn't have ever seen this much religion topics on here.

2. Those atheists made atheism a state religion. Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people. Religion does.
When did I state that we should not fight bigotry from religious people?  Where are you getting this from?  And
at you justifying the number of religion-bashing threads with concern for "closet atheists" and letting them know it's OK to be an anonymous, faceless atheist on Niketalk.

As for your other "point," you are clearly refusing to deal with reality.  I thought that's what you and so many other atheists, agnostics, etc. prided yourselves so much on.  You don't have a real argument so you just say, "Well, those people turned atheism into a religion and that's why it was so bad... so it's really religion's fault again."

1. Not just bigotry from religious people, but the Bible and religion calls for bigotry itself. What I'm trying to say is that constantly bashing religion is perfectly fine with me since religion promotes things like bigotry. Constantly propagating religions that teach bigotry is wrong. Again, as more people continue to turn to atheism or agnosticism, others become more open with their attitudes against religion. This is something I want to see.

2. Am I supposed to defend atheists that murder people? You're right. I don't have an argument for that. They turned their government into a dictatorship. Am I supposed to defend that somehow? If people didn't follow their laws or spoke against the leader, they were persecuted. That sounds like a religion to me. If I'm mistaken, please clarify what reality you're talking about.

Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people. Religion does.
Either you love the same type of sweeping generalizations and black-and-white thinking that you and other atheists, agnostics, etc. insult and denounce many believers for, or you don't know what it is to qualify a statement.  Either way, it's not a good look, especially for people who pride themselves on "logic" and being different from religious people.  Statements like "the Bible and religion calls for bigotry itself," and "Atheism doesn't call for the execution of people.  Religion does," reveal your lack of critical thinking or your own bigotry...

The Bible can be interpreted to call for bigotry, and it can alternately be interpreted as not doing so.  Everyone needs to understand that the Bible, Qur'an, Torah, etc. are products of the time, place, and culture in which they were written and should be interpreted as such.  Failure to do so has led many religious institutions and followers (I use this word intentionally) to, what actual scholars and others characterize as, inaccurate or incomplete interpretations which can be manipulated for bigotry, oppression, etc.  However, individual religions are diverse in and of themselves in their beliefs and their interpretations of scriptures so to make blanket condemnations once again reveals your lack of critical thinking or your bigotry.

at your strict condemnations of religious bigotry and simultaneous promotion of open bigotry and hostility toward religion and believers.

No, you're not supposed to defend atheists that murder people.  The point is that you are supposed to acknowledge it instead of blaming "religion."  You think that people with similar beliefs systems coming together and forcing their beliefs on other people "sounds like religion" to you... how does this, by definition, exclude atheists from doing so?  They have their own set of beliefs just like people of various "religions" do.  They can force their beliefs on others and persecute those that don't follow just as "religions" can.  Just because it hasn't really happened in this country (to any significant extent as far as I know) doesn't mean that "religions" have a monopoly on oppression and bigotry.  And what prevents "atheism" from being categorized as a religion?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

torgriffith wrote:

proper english wrote:

i am an Atheist..  i have my reasons..

but i cant help to think that alot of you non-god believers do it to feel "holier-than-thou" (
).. constantly coming up with the same "I live a better/enlightened life because of what I DONT believe in..etc etc,, yada yada yada" shtick every time a religion thread pops-up. calm down already.. you guys are just as bad as the religious heads trying force feed us w/ their beliefs on here. 

What's funny is that scientist are using scientific method to study both athiest vs. religion debates such as these. 
 Ya'll both arms on the same body of ( I don't know). Just one side admits it, while the other side proclaims a truth. Both polar opposites of the same ideology. 

   I'm tryna separate this whole science vs. religion "debate". I use science first and foremost for practical reasons and admit that science does NOT have all the answers but they're are perpetually looking. Religious people are in here tryna front like their entire lives aren't affected in one way or another by "science". 

When it comes to the unknown, there are somethings science cannot prove. The difference between myself (strict agnostic) and a religious person is I don't make absolute statements about the unknown. I don't claim to know where I go when I die. I don't make attempts to describe a holy, higher-being I have never witnessed.

I don't know what happens when we die. I don't know/can't know if there is a God. I treat the scriptures in organized religion like I treat all other things fiction, but I still contemplate existence.

Even religious people use science to call ducktales on the unbelievable....just as long their own religion is left alone. If I told a religious person that I'm supersaiyan and can shoot bolts of energy out of my hands, they are gonna want proof.
What I find interesting is that both arguments are not complete theories. They are both ever evolving and growing into something else or towards a single point. We all know that science continues to re write itself and branch off into new segmented fields of study, and religious institutions schism and are created just alike. kcmochris: said something very important and that was about instead of religion, we should focus our mystical connection to something bigger than ourselves. IMO this is essentially all religion should amount to if it is around and that's to bring people into focus on theirselves instead of preaching about an external God and Christ that you have to get to come to you.

No. God and creationism is not a theory. A theory has to have the ability to be tested.
Can creation not be tested?

No. I don't see how one can scientifically test if and how God created this universe.
Nor can we test the string theory or any of that BS. it's all speculation, nobody was actually there.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by torgriffith

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

torgriffith wrote:

proper english wrote:

i am an Atheist..  i have my reasons..

but i cant help to think that alot of you non-god believers do it to feel "holier-than-thou" (
).. constantly coming up with the same "I live a better/enlightened life because of what I DONT believe in..etc etc,, yada yada yada" shtick every time a religion thread pops-up. calm down already.. you guys are just as bad as the religious heads trying force feed us w/ their beliefs on here. 

What's funny is that scientist are using scientific method to study both athiest vs. religion debates such as these. 
 Ya'll both arms on the same body of ( I don't know). Just one side admits it, while the other side proclaims a truth. Both polar opposites of the same ideology. 

   I'm tryna separate this whole science vs. religion "debate". I use science first and foremost for practical reasons and admit that science does NOT have all the answers but they're are perpetually looking. Religious people are in here tryna front like their entire lives aren't affected in one way or another by "science". 

When it comes to the unknown, there are somethings science cannot prove. The difference between myself (strict agnostic) and a religious person is I don't make absolute statements about the unknown. I don't claim to know where I go when I die. I don't make attempts to describe a holy, higher-being I have never witnessed.

I don't know what happens when we die. I don't know/can't know if there is a God. I treat the scriptures in organized religion like I treat all other things fiction, but I still contemplate existence.

Even religious people use science to call ducktales on the unbelievable....just as long their own religion is left alone. If I told a religious person that I'm supersaiyan and can shoot bolts of energy out of my hands, they are gonna want proof.
What I find interesting is that both arguments are not complete theories. They are both ever evolving and growing into something else or towards a single point. We all know that science continues to re write itself and branch off into new segmented fields of study, and religious institutions schism and are created just alike. kcmochris: said something very important and that was about instead of religion, we should focus our mystical connection to something bigger than ourselves. IMO this is essentially all religion should amount to if it is around and that's to bring people into focus on theirselves instead of preaching about an external God and Christ that you have to get to come to you.

No. God and creationism is not a theory. A theory has to have the ability to be tested.
Can creation not be tested?

No. I don't see how one can scientifically test if and how God created this universe.
Nor can we test the string theory or any of that BS. it's all speculation, nobody was actually there.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.

I disagree. All you are doing is opening the door for creationism to step in. If there is a creator, who or what created the creator?

Your view is simply to look how the world we live in sustains us, so there must be something out there greater that "cares" for us.


You speak on all of this "beauty", but I see the pain and suffering as well. I see earthquakes, tsunami's, then other so called natural events that indiscriminately wipe out humanity. The real arrogance is with those who think that we are so damned important, that nothing else matters.


Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.

I disagree. All you are doing is opening the door for creationism to step in. If there is a creator, who or what created the creator?

Your view is simply to look how the world we live in sustains us, so there must be something out there greater that "cares" for us.


You speak on all of this "beauty", but I see the pain and suffering as well. I see earthquakes, tsunami's, then other so called natural events that indiscriminately wipe out humanity. The real arrogance is with those who think that we are so damned important, that nothing else matters.


In response to airjzz's comments, I do believe SOMETHING started it all. What that something is doesn't really matter to me. How it happened doesn't really matter. Neither does Why or When. None of that matters to me. I couldn't care any less. I don't care if he/she/it never reveals it's face. Doesn't matter to me. I think it is a waste of energy trying to search for that "truth" because it will never be revealed to us. And I don't care WHAT big George Foreman said. I don't believe him. LOL. Why should I?

So Nat Turner, what do you believe started this all? What is your personal idea of how the world was created? If you have one?
In response to airjzz's comments, I do believe SOMETHING started it all. What that something is doesn't really matter to me. How it happened doesn't really matter. Neither does Why or When. None of that matters to me. I couldn't care any less. I don't care if he/she/it never reveals it's face. Doesn't matter to me. I think it is a waste of energy trying to search for that "truth" because it will never be revealed to us. And I don't care WHAT big George Foreman said. I don't believe him. LOL. Why should I?

So Nat Turner, what do you believe started this all? What is your personal idea of how the world was created? If you have one?
Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
What is so bad about the word chance? Does everything have to have a purpose? I'm arrogant because I deny a higher being?

And it bothers me that you have some higher being to come to grips with what you see. You're simply filling in gaps of knowledge with God.

I myself don't feel the need to do that, I have enough facts to come to grips with simply existing out of "chance".
I understand that we're in a great position as far as our Earth goes, and I also understand that the universe seems to be finely tuned for life to evolve.

But I don't think we are special, I'm almost positive that there is life out there in the universe. Of the hundreds of billions of galaxies with billions of stars within them the
probability of one being in just the right position for life is quite high. And the universe is full of organic material floating around for it to be able to ignite life somewhere else.

As far as the universe goes, is it a universe that comes from nothing? We don't know, but I'm not going to say a higher being must of created it, why should I?
Will we have the ultimate answer to the big bang? Probably not, but I will never subscribe to your form of thinking.

I appreciate the fact that I'm here, and I will continue to enjoy my time on this planet and in the universe. Don't think we don't appreciate what we see around us, nature is beautiful
and it leaves me in awe at times but again never do I reach for the God card to explain it all.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
What is so bad about the word chance? Does everything have to have a purpose? I'm arrogant because I deny a higher being?

And it bothers me that you have some higher being to come to grips with what you see. You're simply filling in gaps of knowledge with God.

I myself don't feel the need to do that, I have enough facts to come to grips with simply existing out of "chance".
I understand that we're in a great position as far as our Earth goes, and I also understand that the universe seems to be finely tuned for life to evolve.

But I don't think we are special, I'm almost positive that there is life out there in the universe. Of the hundreds of billions of galaxies with billions of stars within them the
probability of one being in just the right position for life is quite high. And the universe is full of organic material floating around for it to be able to ignite life somewhere else.

As far as the universe goes, is it a universe that comes from nothing? We don't know, but I'm not going to say a higher being must of created it, why should I?
Will we have the ultimate answer to the big bang? Probably not, but I will never subscribe to your form of thinking.

I appreciate the fact that I'm here, and I will continue to enjoy my time on this planet and in the universe. Don't think we don't appreciate what we see around us, nature is beautiful
and it leaves me in awe at times but again never do I reach for the God card to explain it all.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Didn't mean to say I agree with all. I underlined what I agreed with.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by airjzz

Yunno, I don't mind people downplaying religion or questioning its origins or even denying man-made organized religions as fact. After all, religion is all's all theoretical and you choose to believe based on whatever faith you are. I myself question all religions just as I think most competent 21st century human beings should.

However, to not believe in a higher power at ALL completely behooves me as to what makes you think you are so arrogant as to believe that this planet, and our existence was completely a shot in the dark.

Some of the non-believers like to look at only FACTS which is understandable. So I say to you look at the facts of how our planet works, how the placement of the other planets and the moon around Earth works, hell almost anything science related period. Some of you don't understand how perfect our surroundings are for sustaining life, and being off by just a bit, would make earth uninhabitable for humans.

If you can't simply take a walk outside, feel the cool breeze, warm sun, see birds and bugs of all shapes,sizes, and colors. Hell turn to National Geographic and watch Lions in Africa, or 100 ft Blue Whales (all of which play a very important part to our ecosystem) and not understand this is apart of some grand creation/scheme with an owner whom has a very creative personality....then I have to question your ability to draw conclusions from facts that surround you.
Well said man. I can agree with that. All of it.
Didn't mean to say I agree with all. I underlined what I agreed with.
Some of you dudes must have had a horrible childhood. Why are yall so bitter to everything 

I believe that there is something greater. Period. Creation of all this was NO accident. I dont give a damn what you guys say
Some of you dudes must have had a horrible childhood. Why are yall so bitter to everything 

I believe that there is something greater. Period. Creation of all this was NO accident. I dont give a damn what you guys say
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In response to airjzz's comments, I do believe SOMETHING started it all. What that something is doesn't really matter to me. How it happened doesn't really matter. Neither does Why or When. None of that matters to me. I couldn't care any less. I don't care if he/she/it never reveals it's face. Doesn't matter to me. I think it is a waste of energy trying to search for that "truth" because it will never be revealed to us. And I don't care WHAT big George Foreman said. I don't believe him. LOL. Why should I?

So Nat Turner, what do you believe started this all? What is your personal idea of how the world was created? If you have one?
Why did it have to be started at all? This is the problem with that sort of thinking, in my opinion. Some believe that the universe is actually some kind of continuum. I can get with that, as it explains evolution and adaptation, two things that are necessary for humanity to survive. 

We adapt, the world does not adapt to us. We change due to that adaptation, in order to survive. In this, humankind is no different than any other animal on this planet. The only difference is that we have the ability to use reason, which is used to create a system of survival. Animals without the ability to adapt die off, becoming extinct.

When you take away a persons ability to use reason, he then lives in fear of the unknown. This is evident with American Slavery, as my ancestors were stripped of their ability to use logic and reason. RELIGION/CHRISTIANTY was the main tool used in order to brainwash, then enslave them.

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Knowing this, I cannot, then will never get with the thought of some "creator". Examining what has gone on in this world, the history, I feel as if there is some sort of "god", especially the one examined in the "bible", then he must be some kind of sadist.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In response to airjzz's comments, I do believe SOMETHING started it all. What that something is doesn't really matter to me. How it happened doesn't really matter. Neither does Why or When. None of that matters to me. I couldn't care any less. I don't care if he/she/it never reveals it's face. Doesn't matter to me. I think it is a waste of energy trying to search for that "truth" because it will never be revealed to us. And I don't care WHAT big George Foreman said. I don't believe him. LOL. Why should I?

So Nat Turner, what do you believe started this all? What is your personal idea of how the world was created? If you have one?
Why did it have to be started at all? This is the problem with that sort of thinking, in my opinion. Some believe that the universe is actually some kind of continuum. I can get with that, as it explains evolution and adaptation, two things that are necessary for humanity to survive. 

We adapt, the world does not adapt to us. We change due to that adaptation, in order to survive. In this, humankind is no different than any other animal on this planet. The only difference is that we have the ability to use reason, which is used to create a system of survival. Animals without the ability to adapt die off, becoming extinct.

When you take away a persons ability to use reason, he then lives in fear of the unknown. This is evident with American Slavery, as my ancestors were stripped of their ability to use logic and reason. RELIGION/CHRISTIANTY was the main tool used in order to brainwash, then enslave them.

The slavemasters kept them suspended in the fear of the unknown. Many superstitions came from this fear, ones that fly in the face of logic, and many that some hold onto till this day.

Knowing this, I cannot, then will never get with the thought of some "creator". Examining what has gone on in this world, the history, I feel as if there is some sort of "god", especially the one examined in the "bible", then he must be some kind of sadist.

I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs
I see where you are coming from. It makes sense to me. But since you asked, "Why did it have to be started at all?" what is your interpretation of the whole process of how this universe came about? Everything has a starting point right? If it didn't it wouldn't exist right? How do you think the universe came into existence?

Nat, also check your PMs
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Some of you dudes must have had a horrible childhood. Why are yall so bitter to everything 

I believe that there is something greater. Period. Creation of all this was NO accident. I dont give a damn what you guys say
How so? Proof? If you have none, why should we give a damn about what YOU say?

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