The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:

Nat Turner wrote:

Perhaps you need to stick to speaking about Niketalk then. You have many who are demanding that a "god" exists, then attempting to change and force goverment policy due to that belief.

Prove that "God" exists, then perhaps I will believe that homosexuality is wrong, then women should not have equal rights, and that Black people are meant to serve "white people", here, then in the socalled "hereafter".

The burden of proof is on those of YOU who believe in what amounts to a sadist, then wanting us to think as YOU do.

Of course people's values and beliefs are going to play a role in what they think public policy should be.  It would be asinine to think or expect otherwise.  That goes for everyone, non-believers are no exception.  When such beliefs (based on religion or not) oppress and deny people their rights, then there is certainly a problem.

But your whole line of thinking about people having to convince you that God exists and then you will follow certain interpretations of the Bible used to oppress and marginalize is narrow-minded and hyperbolic.  Belief in a higher being does not automatically make someone embrace such beliefs just as not believing in a higher power does not automatically preclude someone from doing so.

As far as me, you have very, very little idea of what I believe in... perhaps you need to stick to speaking in generalities then.  And then you state that I (and other believers) want everyone to think as we do.  What the hell do you think you're doing in this thread?

   1. This is a christian nation. One that has used religion to justify many positions, right or wrong, including the current war against Iraq. Bush stated that "God" told him to invade Iraq. Who was the last atheist,agnostic/non believer to be heard on the political platform in this country, in regard to public policy, the defense of this country, and the law?

Can you name him/her?

2.  When I am walking through Times Square, there is this dude who screams that I am "going to hell", because I won't take his pamphlet on finding "Jesus".
I ignore the guy, only to reach 50th street to encounter some guy with a megaphone screaming the same thing at people, tourists, about the same "destination".
On the subway, a seemingly homeless dude is asking for money. I ignore him as well, why? Because everyone who gives him something, he states, "God bless you". I walk by, he states "god bless you", as if his "god" is gonna "get me" for not giving him something.
On the shuttle, there is another dude, but he is collecting money FOR the "homeless". He states, "You never know when you are gonna need someone, 'god' forbid that happens to any of you one day".

Total guilt shot! And I laugh my *** off, LOUDLY as soon as he says this.

The "God" thing is nothing but a tool used to instill fear of the unknown, in order to keep people dumb, deaf and blind, and in most cases, BROKE.

3. You are right, I do not know as to what you believe in, but who cares anyway? Either you are defending something, or you would not be responding. I am quite sure that you are not simply trying to convince me of anything, are you?

4. As soon as you read the title of this thread, you made the decision to respond. I, like others, decided to agree with brother Einstein.
 You, knowing that you'd disagree, came on claiming that those of us who agreed with 'stien, were simply wrong.

Now since this is the case, what proof do you have that WE ARE WRONG while sitting in agreement with brother Einstein?  

Your turn.  

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."

You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by chickhien

all we need is LOVE. you can blame organized religion for diluting this message. when i look at myself in the mirror, i sometimes say "it's weird that i'm in this body and i see out into the world. how did my soul come about?". my soul, my inner thoughts, my dreams can't be measured or explained by any science or philosopher or religion definitively.

imagine if we truly loved one another. no wars, no egos...we'd always be on the same side. we would create our own heaven on earth. peace all day everyday. that to me is a wonderful concept. otherwise, we're no better than the animals and plants that inhabit this earth.
How many wars were created in the name of religion/god?


tell me about it. religion. greed. power. all unfortunately human nature. if you look at dominant religions right now...common theme is love. common theme is we all ignore its true power.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by chickhien

all we need is LOVE. you can blame organized religion for diluting this message. when i look at myself in the mirror, i sometimes say "it's weird that i'm in this body and i see out into the world. how did my soul come about?". my soul, my inner thoughts, my dreams can't be measured or explained by any science or philosopher or religion definitively.

imagine if we truly loved one another. no wars, no egos...we'd always be on the same side. we would create our own heaven on earth. peace all day everyday. that to me is a wonderful concept. otherwise, we're no better than the animals and plants that inhabit this earth.
How many wars were created in the name of religion/god?


tell me about it. religion. greed. power. all unfortunately human nature. if you look at dominant religions right now...common theme is love. common theme is we all ignore its true power.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
red mpls[/td][td]
[/td][td] [/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM
The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps?


It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."

You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence."
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
red mpls[/td][td]
[/td][td] [/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM
The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps?


It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."

You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence."
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed
that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he
said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to
justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not
really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than
trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and
others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it
comes to topics concerning "religion."

You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God
and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the
United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence."


red mpls[/td]
[td] [/td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed
that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he
said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to
justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not
really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than
trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and
others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it
comes to topics concerning "religion."

You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God
and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the
United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence."


red mpls[/td]
[td] [/td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
I'm always deterred from entering into these broad general religion vs. atheism threads.

They are always very random in the arguments presented, and they increase polarization rather than encourage discussion.

People just get wrapped up in being right, and not truth.
I'm always deterred from entering into these broad general religion vs. atheism threads.

They are always very random in the arguments presented, and they increase polarization rather than encourage discussion.

People just get wrapped up in being right, and not truth.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
Not with me though. I'm the most beautifulest $+%@+ out you feel me?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
Not with me though. I'm the most beautifulest $+%@+ out you feel me?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
Not with me though. I'm the most beautifulest $+%@+ out you feel me?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I've been torn all week about posting a thread about "unintelligent design".
 I f God created us in his image he did an AWFUL job
Not with me though. I'm the most beautifulest $+%@+ out you feel me?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
red mpls[/td][td]
[/td][td] [/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM
The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps?


It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.


Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
red mpls[/td][td]
[/td][td] [/td][td]

Registered Member

Posts: 707

08/19/10 12:07 AM
The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.


My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps?


It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.


Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by chickhien

all we need is LOVE. you can blame organized religion for diluting this message. when i look at myself in the mirror, i sometimes say "it's weird that i'm in this body and i see out into the world. how did my soul come about?". my soul, my inner thoughts, my dreams can't be measured or explained by any science or philosopher or religion definitively.

imagine if we truly loved one another. no wars, no egos...we'd always be on the same side. we would create our own heaven on earth. peace all day everyday. that to me is a wonderful concept. otherwise, we're no better than the animals and plants that inhabit this earth.
How many wars were created in the name of religion/god?


tell me about it. religion. greed. power. all unfortunately human nature. if you look at dominant religions right now...common theme is love. common theme is we all ignore its true power.

Love and hate, both are subjective terms. I do not see any religion proposing a true definition for all to follow. They always have someone to hate, be it muslim or jew, gay or female, Black or just simply different. Religion has never been a solution to any social ills, but education and honest discussion has been proven to work.    
Originally Posted by chickhien

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by chickhien

all we need is LOVE. you can blame organized religion for diluting this message. when i look at myself in the mirror, i sometimes say "it's weird that i'm in this body and i see out into the world. how did my soul come about?". my soul, my inner thoughts, my dreams can't be measured or explained by any science or philosopher or religion definitively.

imagine if we truly loved one another. no wars, no egos...we'd always be on the same side. we would create our own heaven on earth. peace all day everyday. that to me is a wonderful concept. otherwise, we're no better than the animals and plants that inhabit this earth.
How many wars were created in the name of religion/god?


tell me about it. religion. greed. power. all unfortunately human nature. if you look at dominant religions right now...common theme is love. common theme is we all ignore its true power.

Love and hate, both are subjective terms. I do not see any religion proposing a true definition for all to follow. They always have someone to hate, be it muslim or jew, gay or female, Black or just simply different. Religion has never been a solution to any social ills, but education and honest discussion has been proven to work.    
I see my name quoted a few times here. I don't understand how my hatred of religion and god is in anyway hypocritical. There are no implications, other than the faithful are wrong, to my belief system.
I see my name quoted a few times here. I don't understand how my hatred of religion and god is in anyway hypocritical. There are no implications, other than the faithful are wrong, to my belief system.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence.
[table][/table]You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
Of course the level or degree is different, once again, I never stated or argued otherwise.  I'm not really sure why you insist on restating this.  However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps? 

It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.

Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by red mpls

I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust,
and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
You really can't compare the relatively few posts in opposition of God and/or religion on NikeTalk to the almost complete domination of the United States by Christianity.
I never tried to.  I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff.  I thought you all prided yourselves on "logic" and basing everything on "evidence.
[table][/table]You compared this thread + other threads like this one to the attempts by believers to force their beliefs onto people. I'm saying it's not hypocritical because the attempts to convert people to a religion occurs much more often, often in public, and the level of confrontation/forcefulness far surpasses posts on an internet message board.
Of course the level or degree is different, once again, I never stated or argued otherwise.  I'm not really sure why you insist on restating this.  However, it is indeed hypocritical because the same things that you blast religious people for are the same things that you all are doing on this board... telling other people that their beliefs are "wrong," insulting others' beliefs, constantly "pushing" your beliefs on others, obsessing over the existence (or non-existence) of a higher being, etc.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

red mpls wrote:
I NEVER claimed that what Einstein said or that him or those who agree with what he said were wrong.  In fact, I agree with a lot of your analysis, disgust, and rage regarding how religion has been (and continues to be) used to justify oppression, marginalization, genocide, etc.

I'm not really trying to convince you or anyone else of anything other than trying to point out what I see as the hypocrisy that you, the OP, and others (Lobotomy Beats comes to mind) espouse on a regular basis when it comes to topics concerning "religion."
My family down in the south will often use this saying in regard to hypocritical behaviour, "A hit dog will holla 'ery time."

This was your first response on this thread, as I am not aware of this poster and his history. However, regardless of his history, I have every right to agree with this topic, regardless of how many times it is posted. When pics are posted of women with wonderfully curvy bodies, I don't see your same complaint in regard to repetition.

A bit of "hypocrisy" perhaps? 

It's painfully apparent that you have nothing... at all.  You posted me initial response to the thread to prove... nothing... only to reinforce what I just stated in my previous post.  My original point was not that having a lot of threads questioning, bashing, etc. religion was so bothersome in and of itself.  My point was that the same people constantly bashing religion and the concept of a higher being in these threads are the same ones who complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on them and bashing their beliefs.  If you can't see the hypocrisy and irony there... well, I guess I really don't expect you to be able to at this point.

None of which has anything to do with threads about curvaceous and scantily-clad women
I have nothing? No matter how well written your denials are, you still chose to click onto a thread that is about Einstein's beliefs, then whining about the content.  It is about choice, and your initial comment was intended to illicit confrontation with those who do not agree with you and your hidden agenda. From that initial comment, you are making it seem as if those of us who voice our opinions against religious dogma, is as being in some sort of extremist position. Churches all around the world are having big problems these days, due to many realizing the real hypocrisy, not the one you are attempting to point out here on a damned message board, with you acting as if you are some sort of martyr. Many young people are rejecting the notion of some "god", especially the one that represents the Catholic church, which happens to have a real mess on its hands. Since what you are reading is from and by, many young people, you are witnessing the repercussions of all of the lies, pain and suffering that religion and its churches have perpetuated for centuries.

So you wanna call those of us who are opposed to all the nonsense "hypocrites", just because we are voicing our opinions?

Sounds like you have an agenda. Why don't you just simply man up, then state what your position actually is?

What is your religious background? What is it that you believe in? Be clear! Don't be afraid! State your position, then why you are so opposed to our freedom to choose and speak out as we can.

Denials?  What the hell am I denying?  My initial comment was intended to illicit SELF-REFLECTION which it seems like some of you refuse to do or are simply incapable of.  Acting like a martyr?  Talk about hyperbole

I never argued that the organized religions of the world do not act hypocritically.  I agree with you that they do.  I never said it was hypocritical for anyone to state their beliefs or voice their opinions.  I said that the way that you, OP, Lobotomy Beats, etc. often do so is hypocritical for the reasons outlined above in this post, my initial response, and my other posts in this thread.

Of course I have an "agenda."  Everyone does... even if that "agenda" is that they are just curious and interested in learning different perspectives, beliefs, etc.  My "position" is one of learning and reflection and the encouragement of learning and reflection among others.

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear."  The same way you and others criticize religion (rightfully so) for so often dividing instead of uniting, will be the way such information will be used "against" me as I see happen so often on this board.  The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.

I'm not opposed to your freedom to speak out as you see fit.  I just think that the way you and some others so often go about doing so does not encourage real dialogue and is ultimately not very useful.  However, it is obviously up to everyone how they choose to communicate.
Originally Posted by red mpls

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear." 
But that is fear. You are afraid of being pigeonholed.
Originally Posted by red mpls

My own personal beliefs and religious and spiritual background I don't often speak on (on the internet) because it only serves as a way for others to "pigeonhole" me... it has nothing to do with "fear." 
But that is fear. You are afraid of being pigeonholed.
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