Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Luka better than Dirk EVER was at his peak? Scorching take there.
This dude way more explosive than anyone that size has a right to be

He is the same size as he was at Duke. Nobody wants to hear it though...would rather make more jokes about him eating Cajun food. Can’t wait to see him out there dominating.
Of course, but to a certain extent. I think we've seen an explosion of offense not only from superstars but from a lot of younger guys who are playing to the analytics. Superstars are always gonna get theirs, but teams are putting so many more shots. Hearing Steve Nash saying he thought the Suns should have played faster and took more threes was kind of wild to me, but the way the game has sped up since then is kind of insane.

Yea part of me doesn't take any of these stats from a lot of guys seriously. I'm not a Luka hater but drop him in LeBron or Magic's era and he's not putting up the same numbers, I think it's dishonest to act like he's better than those guys at the same age. Harden takes 13 threes and 12 free throws so now he's a better scorer than MJ :lol:. What's really crazy to me is how damn near everyone in the NBA is a legit hooper now. Starters go down and some random no name comes in and is productive. The overall talent level has definitely increased but some of this **** is hard to believe
Of course, but to a certain extent. I think we've seen an explosion of offense not only from superstars but from a lot of younger guys who are playing to the analytics. Superstars are always gonna get theirs, but teams are putting so many more shots. Hearing Steve Nash saying he thought the Suns should have played faster and took more threes was kind of wild to me, but the way the game has sped up since then is kind of insane.

Luka has been phenomenal but I agree numbers can't be compared directly with this era and the past. Just like how NFL passing numbers have got so ridiculous compared to 20/25 years ago.
Not as drastic as NFL but this is why so many people don't bat an eye with what Harden puts up.

Please nobody take this as hate and start *****ing at me about how I'm trying to take away from their greatness.
Luka better than Dirk EVER was at his peak? Scorching take there.

yeah I don’t see the point of the comparison. Dirk is a made man. Luka is in year 2. I’m cool with the comparison after 10 years but not 2.

but comparing Luka to other guys this season Is cool to me
Aite man i see how today is gonna go in here :lol: :lol:

also why exactly would the Wizards be "Crazy" to give up bertans if they are getting something relevant back. He's 27, will be looking to get paid & outside of this season hadn't done much on a winning team.
Luka having the best 20yo season in the history of the NBA = everybody's crowning him undeservedly.
Saying he’s going to be better than Dirk after 100 career games is undeserving, absolutely. Progress is not linear at all.

How many games have they tricked off this year because of his failed James Harden impersonations late in games? Will this 100% not happen in April? Will this 100% not happen when he’s an 8 year vet?

If this guy retires and every year were not talking about him after April because his teams were always eliminated by then, who is probably going to be the more beloved Maverick between him & Dirk?

Let. His. Career. Play. Out. That’s all :lol:
Aite man i see how today is gonna go in here :lol: :lol:

also why exactly would the Wizards be "Crazy" to give up bertans if they are getting something relevant back. He's 27, will be looking to get paid & outside of this season hadn't done much on a winning team.
Can we name some examples of what they would be getting in return that would make it worth it for the Wizards? They have already said that they want to include him in their future plans. They are willing to pay him.
I see **** about “Magic’s era”....when the showtime Lakers played at one of the fastest paced ever and averaged 122 PPG :lol:.

People have a misunderstanding of the arc of basketball in terms of scoring, pace, defense etc. it’s a reason that the fastest pace of ball played SINCE the late 70s to mid 80s.

Don’t see dudes rushing to discredit that era tho. Funny.
Another thing is the freedom and longer leash these guys benefit from. Guys like harden and Trae take sooo many HORRIBLE shots but they're allowed to play thru it because the analytics say that even if you miss 3-4 in a row you'll eventually get hot and hit a few in a row to get back in the game. Individual possessions aren't valued as much because the 3 ball allows you to catch-up.

That's why winning is important and shouldn't be diminished. Stats fluctuate from era to era and guys are either limited or enabled by rule changes but rings are rings no matter what. Who cares if you can put up all the stats if you never win anything?
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I see **** about “Magic’s era”....when the showtime Lakers played at one of the fastest paced ever and averaged 122 PPG :lol:.

People have a misunderstanding of the arc of basketball in terms of scoring, pace, defense etc. it’s a reason that the fastest pace of ball played SINCE the late 70s to mid 80s.

Don’t see dudes rushing to discredit that era tho. Funny.

It's not just about pace tho. There wasn't even a 3 point line until 1979. And dudes didn't even start spamming threes until like 5 years ago. Putting up 122 and either not having a 3 point line or not utilizing it is completely different from doing it today. It's not the same playing field. Literally a completely different game
Yes saying a player has finally found his confidence & a way to be a productive player..... is definitely the same as saying a player is better than HOF because he's put up good numbers for 30+ games :lol:
That's NOT what I was referring to. I was referring to the Luka is top 5 in the league this year conversation
Speaking of Harden, Steve Nash & Bill Simmons go in detail about how D'Antoni actually regrets not making the Suns play even faster and taking more 3's. It's a great listen and I'd recommend it.

Which very likely plays into why Harden has so much freedom
I see **** about “Magic’s era”....when the showtime Lakers played at one of the fastest paced ever and averaged 122 PPG :lol:.

People have a misunderstanding of the arc of basketball in terms of scoring, pace, defense etc. it’s a reason that the fastest pace of ball played SINCE the late 70s to mid 80s.

Don’t see dudes rushing to discredit that era tho. Funny.
Again, it's not to discredit. These are facts. The game has changed a ton, and players have played faster and faster since SSOL. The Showtime Lakers were the Showtime Lakers for a reason. Now it seems everyone plays at that pace.
I see **** about “Magic’s era”....when the showtime Lakers played at one of the fastest paced ever and averaged 122 PPG :lol:.

People have a misunderstanding of the arc of basketball in terms of scoring, pace, defense etc. it’s a reason that the fastest pace of ball played SINCE the late 70s to mid 80s.

Don’t see dudes rushing to discredit that era tho. Funny.

Pace is far from the sole factor in the differences in eras.
Personally, I think analytics has had a bigger impact on the game than anything. Not a fan of how it's killed the mid range game.

So while the league has adjusted to put offense and scoring at the forefront, teams have also found ways to be more efficient with their shots. Whether or not it's as entertaining is debatable.
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