Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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At the end of his college season I said he reminded me of a younger, high energy Shabazz :lol: ...A gunner but doesn’t do anything great offensively, just alotta “Ok” things

Could end up solid but hesitant to include him in any “core”

Bobby Portis reminds me of Kenyon Martin went on a run of flagrant fouls back in the day.
sweetie we’re not playing that. lakers are the kings of LA. the banners and jerseys from decades ago. remember?

we can let the overwhelming regular season record that favors the clippers slide, but for the clips to actually beat a loaded los angeles lakers in the playoffs, that’s a big no no.
but you JUST said the clippers would beat them

and dont call me sweetie!
kevin knox on his rookie deal might actually be up there as one of the worst contracts in the league

Jesus....he was 2-10 tonight and 0-5 from three

He hasn’t made more than 2 field goals in a game in 9 games...........

Where is the dude that was trying to argue with me last night that the Knicks aren’t bad at developing young players?
Perfect timing...7.6 seconds left...who would you rather have the ball..Luka or Giannis?
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