Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Dude, you are sick. Like seriously, you are not well. It was a simple A or B question: Giannis or Luka, and yet you somehow integrated LeBron into your answer. I'd tell you to seek help, but it would be useless, because if you went to a psychologist who showed you a bunch of these pictures:


You'd be like:

"That's LeCoward passing to a teammate in the clutch."
"That's LeBrick missing a clutch free throw."
"That's Kyrie hitting a big 3 and winning a championship for LeFraud."
I see you baby. You cute. You here alone?
I don’t think any role player has benefited out of being a Laker and Hollywood than Kuz.

I ain’t even mad at players for living it up.
^^^ Every probable playoff team that needs shooting has interest in Bertans. They also don’t have much to offer the Wizards for him that they’d be likely to take, IMO.
even if you move him to PF he’s still occupying the dunker making Embiid play the perimeter.
You can run him in some DHO sets but is that going to make him aggressive in the 4th?
He’s been at the 4 in the half court being the main screener on PnR a lot in the 4th the past few games.
he’s been getting Embiid easy dump offs

Even if he’s in the dunkers spot, PnR/Pop with Tobi-Jo or JRich-Jo will lead to wide open lobs for Simmons (happened at the end of the Heat game)

I’m just mad at the fact it’s taken Brown a year to even try to do this instead of his BS motion offense. He’s even admitted to it
He’s been at the 4 in the half court being the main screener on PnR a lot in the 4th the past few games.
he’s been getting Embiid easy dump offs

Even if he’s in the dunkers spot, PnR/Pop with Tobi-Jo or JRich-Jo will lead to wide open lobs for Simmons (happened at the end of the Heat game)

I’m just mad at the fact it’s taken Brown a year to even try to do this instead of his BS motion offense. He’s even admitted to it

We all know how fast Brown works...he would milk something until the very end. It's frustrating and hurts the team more than it helps. I hope he doesn't make the "I wAnT hOrFoRd To sHoOT mOre tHreEs" bs and keep him at the 4 when Embiid is out.
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