Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Don't think anyone doubted their talent that season, BUT there were some calling them "lucky" that season because the teams they played in the playoffs were injured.

And looking back on it, seeing the difficulty they had the following year with healthy teams in the playoffs in their last 2 series, that was a 'lucky' run if there ever was one.
Drummond is interesting to teams that already have talented guards/wings in the equation. Like if the Hawks end up with a top pick and get Anthony Edwards, to go along with Tray/Collins/Huerter/Hunter, they'll have a solid core and I think Drummond could actually be a good addition.

When you have his contract and don't have that core in-place is where you end up getting in trouble, like the Pistons have been in.
Eh. I don't think that compares at all. GSW was more of an unknown/untapped potential. We pretty much know what to expect from these Bucks as far as individual talents. All those guys have been around the block already
Definitely isn't an exact comparison. More so on that "prove it in the playoffs" angle after many regular season wins. I think people had an idea of how good Steph was at the time, he won MVP and Giannis the same thing now.. he's won MVP but the Bucks still get questions about how good they really are
If I was the Nuggets, I’d feel kind of disrespected by so many people acting like them beating the Clippers in Denver without PG was just because the Clippers are supposedly “coasting” through the regular season.
I honestly thought the Pistons had something with Drummond, Harris, Johnson, KCP and Jackson. I probably had too much faith in SVG more than anything else looking back.
If I was the Nuggets, I’d feel kind of disrespected by so many people acting like them beating the Clippers in Denver without PG was just because the Clippers are supposedly “coasting” through the regular season.

Nobody is taking them seriously with that wing rotation.
They're a very good team but not on the level of the top dogs.
If I was the Nuggets, I’d feel kind of disrespected by so many people acting like them beating the Clippers in Denver without PG was just because the Clippers are supposedly “coasting” through the regular season.

Well your not going to get respek by beating the Clips without PG or the Show without Bron also coming off a loss to the Cavs the night before. They're fools gold personified.
If I was the Nuggets, I’d feel kind of disrespected by so many people acting like them beating the Clippers in Denver without PG was just because the Clippers are supposedly “coasting” through the regular season.

We done beat the rockets, Mavs and Clippers. Really, the only team in the top half (other than rockets) with continuity, recent playoff success, chemistry, depth, right mix of youth and vets, and a superstar player. And it’s not like the Nuggets have a hangover from a season ago. On pace for a better record.

I like our chances at a WCF, given we stay at 2.

Then again....F sports. It’s cruel, and doesn’t matter :smh:.
Nobody is taking them seriously with that wing rotation.
They're a very good team but not on the level of the top dogs.

Wing rotation lacks size...but the guys can play. Barton, Beasley, Craig all bring something...and grant can play some wing or mpj.
We done beat the rockets, Mavs and Clippers. Really, the only team in the top half (other than rockets) with continuity, recent playoff success, chemistry, depth, right mix of youth and vets, and a superstar player. And it’s not like the Nuggets have a hangover from a season ago. On pace for a better record.

I like our chances at a WCF, given we stay at 2.

Then again....F sports. It’s cruel, and doesn’t matter :smh:.
Still don't know how Denver and Jazz stack up against each other, especially fully healthy. Dallas has also beat Denver and Houston blew out Denver in their second game
We done beat the rockets, Mavs and Clippers. Really, the only team in the top half (other than rockets) with continuity, recent playoff success, chemistry, depth, right mix of youth and vets, and a superstar player. And it’s not like the Nuggets have a hangover from a season ago. On pace for a better record.

I like our chances at a WCF, given we stay at 2.

Then again....F sports. It’s cruel, and doesn’t matter :smh:.

Hang in there, man. Don’t go freddy fig freddy fig on us...
Didn't realize the Nuggets defense has fallen off as much as it has. Pretender status for sure if that continues.
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