Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Drummond isn't good enough to make a bad team that much better but will ask for too much money to go a situation where he will make a real impact
kevin love to atl ?
Kevin Love is best suited on a contender honestly. If you're looking for the tactical value that he provides while being a bad team go after Gallo. Cheaper and helps raise your floor to attract a max guy. A young team shouldn't lock into Loves contract
Image result for oprah you get a car gif
Drummond (by all indications) and Trez will be free agents this summer, it will be really interesting to see what deals they get. Especially considering who has money and both of their skill sets in relation to their positions

Oh, ok.That makes sense. I thought you were referring to possible trades involving those guys.
Windy podcast was interesting.

Teams/Players still do not fear the Bucks huh?.............

There's reason for skepticism seeing as how in theory how they lost Brogdon and the blueprint on how to defend Giannis in the playoffs. Nobody outside of him scares you on that team.
And then everybody retroactively said, but but they were a Super Team!
Don't think anyone doubted their talent that season, BUT there were some calling them "lucky" that season because the teams they played in the playoffs were injured.
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