Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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He was 4/15 and got benched within a few minutes for turning it over every time Ben guarded him
You forgot the part where the Sixers lost and he finished with 19, 8, 12

But whatever helps you sleep at night

my biggest issue with the analytics driven organization is that these nights are gonna happen, but the team is firm in "keep shooting". failing to diversify the offense and not having true defensive stoppers will be this teams biggest issue in april/may/june.

my biggest worry is that like you said, there will be nights like that in the offs but those are like Russ’s playoff splits essentially :lol: without CP there I worry how the Rox can win if Harden isn’t hitting
my biggest worry is that like you said, there will be nights like that in the offs but those are like Russ’s playoff splits essentially :lol: without CP there I worry how the Rox can win if Harden isn’t hitting

the organization rationalizes it by looking at full season stats which is absurd to me. the playoff sample size is so small and the margin of error so thin, it doesn't make sense relying on an 82 game sample size where half the teams there aren't the ones you face in the playoffs. all that 3 and layup stuff is cool until shots aren't falling and the defenses are specifically geared to taking those things away. gotta take midranges from time to time to keep teams honest. 3>2 but 2>0.
It is if you do the math.

it isn't. when they say "a year's worth" they really mean 52 coupons for a chicken sandwich meal. assuming that's an 8 dollar value, that's $416 dollars in chick fil a which also isn't fungible money.
the organization rationalizes it by looking at full season stats which is absurd to me. the playoff sample size is so small and the margin of error so thin, it doesn't make sense relying on an 82 game sample size where half the teams there aren't the ones you face in the playoffs. all that 3 and layup stuff is cool until shots aren't falling and the defenses are specifically geared to taking those things away. gotta take midranges from time to time to keep teams honest. 3>2 but 2>0.

midrange is playoff basketball. Teams are too good And big to be taking contested 3’s come playoff time.
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