Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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How do I reconcile this with the too-much-smashing-makes-you-play-worse theory? Maybe Kendall is holding out on Ben when she visits...
I don’t even think I would entertain the theory no matter how proper somebody explains it. He definitely smashing tho
Its been pretty funny seeing the thread replace Lil' Russ with James Harden as the new universal punching bag.

Why y'all hate gaudy numbers so much?
Ja, Murray, Booker, Ingram, Giannis..seems like a lot of these young guns don't **** with Jamie like that. The fear isn't there
I'm sure nobody loses sleep knowing Harden is going to guard em. Just not that kind of player.

I love how Ja pulled for the 3 and talked smack the moment Harden left him open on purpose.

The rook has confidence in himself. Sometimes even vets struggle with that. That 'I'ma leave this dude wide open, he can't shoot that' D rattles some ppl
I didn't read the article, but the headline sounds like it's all PG quotes. His words were always fluffy, like "destiny" and "meant to be". I'm sure Kawhi cringes everytime PG says something to the media.

I don’t think Kawhi-borg is programmed to pay attention to that kind of stuff...
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