Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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This ain’t the sniffles, my dude. This is an unknown virus with no official vaccination that has led to the death of thousands of people across the world and has sent the entire world into a panic. Yet you don’t believe that Donovan doesn’t have a right to be upset when his teammate ignorantly infected him due to said teammates gross and willful ignorance.

Funny NT will make something out of nothing while other times they downplay something as if it’s nothing.
You're acting like he knew he had it when he was just effing around. That one teammate that plays too much but is unknowingly carrying a virus is different than the picture you're trying to paint, which is like Gobert knew he had it and was just effing around too much. Huge difference.
You guys still hoop?

I got invited to a run with some pro Ballers here since they’re season is also on a hold. Im prolly gonna pass.
You're acting like he knew he had it when he was just effing around. That one teammate that plays too much but is unknowingly carrying a virus is different than the picture you're trying to paint, which is like Gobert knew he had it and was just effing around too much. Huge difference.

If you can’t verify via recent test that you don’t have it and you’re messing around about it that may be even worse especially because symptoms can remain dormant therefore one can transmit it unknowingly. He’s young and in good shape so while he may not die, who knows the chain effect it could cause and potentially up reaching an elderly person who is at far greater risk.

The entire situation was caused by child-like behavior, ignorance and negligence. And if you really reallllyyyyy want to ride the Protect Gobert Wagon, consider the fact that if he had just not pulled the presser stunt then the headline would read “Two Utah Jazz (maybe even two NBA) players have tested positive for COVID-19” and he would be slander free. But he didn’t. And now he’s deservedly being ridiculed for it.
All in all Donovan Mitchell didn’t even feel like he had so much as a cold when he tested positive and he’s still fine as far as we know. So I’m sure the Jazz as a team will get over it and work things out.
All in all Donovan Mitchell didn’t even feel like he had so much as a cold when he tested positive and he’s still fine as far as we know. So I’m sure the Jazz as a team will get over it and work things out.

This is exactly what people aren’t realizing. This virus is deeper than yourself. Yes, you may be fine if you get infected but Cornavirus is highly contagious. It is well within the realm of possibility that one could set off a string of contagion that ends up getting an elderly, high-risk individual infected. Some younger folks may live and/or take care of their parents, grandparents or other older relatives. It’s not as lightweight as “Oh, I’m young and got over it so it’s whatever.”

Here’s some light Saturday AM reading:

ON 3/11/20 AT 2:29PM

The World Health Organization Declares The New Coronavirus Outbreak A Pandemic


I'm a doctor in a major hospital in Western Europe. Watching you Americans (and you, Brits) in these still-early days of the coronavirus pandemic is like watching a familiar horror movie, where the protagonists, yet again, split into pairs or decide to take a tour of a dark basement.

The real-life versions of this behavior are pretending this is just a flu; keeping schools open; following through with your holiday travel plans, and going into the office daily. This is what we did in Italy. We were so complacent that even when people with coronavirus symptoms started turning up, we wrote each off as a nasty case of the flu. We kept the economy going, pointed fingers at China and urged tourists to keep traveling. And the majority of us told ourselves and each other: this isn't so bad. We're young, we're fit, we'll be fine even if we catch it.

Fast-forward two months, and we are drowning. Statistically speaking—judging by the curve in China—we are not even at the peak yet, but our fatality rate is at over 6 percent, double the known global average.

Put aside statistics. Here is how it looks in practice. Most of my childhood friends are now doctors working in north Italy. In Milan, in Bergamo, in Padua, they are having to choose between intubating a 40-year-old with two kids, a 40-year old who is fit and healthy with no co-morbidities, and a 60-year-old with high blood pressure, because they don't have enough beds. In the hallway, meanwhile, there are another 15 people waiting who are already hardly breathing and need oxygen.

The army is trying to bring some of them to other regions with helicopters but it's not enough: the flow is just too much, too many people are getting sick at the same time.

We are still awaiting the peak of the epidemic in Europe: probably early April for Italy, mid-April for Germany and Switzerland, somewhere around that time for the UK. In the U.S., the infection has only just begun.

But until we're past the peak, the only solution is to impose social restrictions.

And if your government is hesitating, these restrictions are up to you. Stay put. Do not travel. Cancel that family reunion, the promotion party and the big night out. This really sucks, but these are special times. Don't take risks. Do not go to places where you are more than 20 people in the same room. It's not safe and it's not worth it.

But why the urgency, if most people survive?
Here's why: Fatality is the wrong yardstick. Catching the virus can mess up your life in many, many more ways than just straight-up killing you. "We are all young"—okay. "Even if we get the bug, we will survive"—fantastic. How about needing four months of physical therapy before you even feel human again. Or getting scar tissue in your lungs and having your activity level restricted for the rest of your life. Not to mention having every chance of catching another bug in hospital, while you're being treated or waiting to get checked with an immune system distracted even by the false alarm of an ordinary flu. No travel for leisure or business is worth this risk.

Now, odds are, you might catch coronavirus and might not even get symptoms. Great. Good for you. Very bad for everyone else, from your own grandparents to the random older person who got on the subway train a stop or two after you got off. You're fine, you're barely even sneezing or coughing, but you're walking around and you kill a couple of old ladies without even knowing it. Is that fair? You tell me.

My personal as well as professional view: we all have a duty to stay put, except for very special reasons, like, you go to work because you work in healthcare, or you have to save a life and bring someone to hospital, or go out to shop for food so you can survive. But when we get to this stage of a pandemic, it's really important not to spread the bug. The only thing that helps is social restriction. Ideally, the government should issue that instruction and provide a financial fallback—compensate business owners, ease the financial load on everyone as much as possible and reduce the incentive of risking your life or the lives of others just to make ends meet. But if your government or company is slow on the uptake, don't be that person. Take responsibility. For all but essential movement, restrict yourself.
This is epidemiology 101. It really sucks. It is extreme—but luckily, we don't have pandemics of this violence every year. So sit it out. Stay put. Don't travel. It is absolutely not worth it.

It's the civic and moral duty of every person, everywhere, to take part in the global effort to reduce this threat to humanity. To postpone any movement or travel that are not vitally essential, and to spread the disease as little as possible. Have your fun in June, July and August when this—hopefully—is over. Stay safe. Good luck.

The author is a senior doctor in a major European hospital. She asked to remain anonymous because she has not been authorized to speak to the press.
As told to Dimi Reider.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own.
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people getting sick/dying and no sports/no concerts/work force taking HUGE hit. This is going to be the worst year in the last 70 years. Bigger things at steak. But sports is extremely important to have people thinking there is light at end of the tunnel/sense of normalcy

We need sports, no i dont want players taking risk but once these tests are widely available they should do 2-3 tests and if 90% of players ball IF the players are in agreement of at least 70%...........

just like the work force already, if someone is sick the company adjusts and moves forward and tells the person stay home......thats how its going to be with sports........look at all the people that are working around you today from USPS, UPS, food service, transportation, gas station etc they are taking risks.........sports will be back by June latest......

All teams should be expanding rosters.......if they do come back and a few players have it then you play ball with the guys who don't have it.

Assuming in month or 2 they have access to tests......thats the key folks look at countries that are handling this well......testing is the way to keep the sick at home and clear everyone else to do their jobs
So the Jazz had test kits ready to go? They were in quarantine basically from the time they went back to the locker room.
So the Jazz had test kits ready to go? They were in quarantine basically from the time they went back to the locker room.

this is how the world works you got money you get what you need..... i'd guess every team had a few from their GUY......the public have to beg.......funny thing is trump said yesterday that we should have a million more tests next.week....then says id likely get tested......its like the man just has to lie he cant control himself......jazz can test players....ALL THEIR players and i'd guess staff BUT you trump have not yet been tested......LOL wow
people getting sick/dying and no sports/no concerts/work force taking HUGE hit. This is going to be the worst year in the last 70 years. Bigger things at steak. But sports is extremely important to have people thinking there is light at end of the tunnel/sense of normalcy

We need sports, no i dont want players taking risk but once these tests are widely available they should do 2-3 tests and if 90% of players ball IF the players are in agreement of at least 70%...........

just like the work force already, if someone is sick the company adjusts and moves forward and tells the person stay home......thats how its going to be with sports........look at all the people that are working around you today from USPS, UPS, food service, transportation, gas station etc they are taking risks.........sports will be back by June latest......

All teams should be expanding rosters.......if they do come back and a few players have it then you play ball with the guys who don't have it.

Assuming in month or 2 they have access to tests......thats the key folks look at countries that are handling this well......testing is the way to keep the sick at home and clear everyone else to do their jobs

Agreed man. Are kids not even gonna be able to play sports at all for the foreseeable future? Gyms gonna all be shut down and everybody is gonna be out of shape? Hoping for a return to normalcy as soon as possible.
So the Jazz had test kits ready to go? They were in quarantine basically from the time they went back to the locker room.
UNBEKNOWNST TO 29 other teams, the Utah Jazz had contacted local health officials in Oklahoma City on Wednesday morning to request assistance with a player -- later identified as center Rudy Gobert -- who was showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19. He had already tested negative for influenza, an upper respiratory infection and strep throat.

Gobert stayed at the hotel as team and league officials waited for the results, which would take at least four to six hours. Privacy laws prevented anyone from sharing details of his condition. Only a small group -- the Jazz training staff and front office, Gobert, NBA officials and Oklahoma City public health officials -- knew of the situation.
Even in Oklahoma City, it looked like business as usual before the Thunder-Jazz game. Ball boys chased down long rebounds and fed passes to players warming up on both teams. But just a few minutes before tipoff, Jazz general manager Dennis Lindsey got the call. Gobert had tested positive for the coronavirus.

Within minutes, Lindsey, Thunder GM Sam Presti, Bennett, Adam Silver and Oklahoma City county health officials had to decide how to proceed. They landed on: Postpone the game, confine both teams to their locker rooms, test everyone who came in close contact with Gobert, and put anyone who came in close contact with those people in isolation until those test results were in.
If you can’t verify via recent test that you don’t have it and you’re messing around about it that may be even worse especially because symptoms can remain dormant therefore one can transmit it unknowingly. He’s young and in good shape so while he may not die, who knows the chain effect it could cause and potentially up reaching an elderly person who is at far greater risk.

The entire situation was caused by child-like behavior, ignorance and negligence. And if you really reallllyyyyy want to ride the Protect Gobert Wagon, consider the fact that if he had just not pulled the presser stunt then the headline would read “Two Utah Jazz (maybe even two NBA) players have tested positive for COVID-19” and he would be slander free. But he didn’t. And now he’s deservedly being ridiculed for it.
I'm not protecting Gobert; I'm protecting...

... you.

Have you verified via recent test that you don't have it? If not, have you self quarantined?
Damn we still going in on Gobert for the Event?
He said sorry.(seemed like he MEANT it)
He admitted it was thoughtless and reckless.
Should he go to jail? Be kicked out of the League? Tried by a Jury?
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