Sorry to hear that fambily. You just got to keep grinding and hope for the best but unfortunately our fate is in the hands of an orangutang. Make sure to take advantage of your bennys while you still got them if you feel ill AT ALL. Have been you been working from home or in the lab?
I’ve been telling this to all my mentees but I would advise everyone, even if your job is safe, to use this downtime to dust off your resumes, get that thang as spicy as possible and see what openings currently exist in your field/field of interest. Chances are the markets are that when this all over the applicant pool in the job market is going to be like your favorite rappers AP #flooded.
I didn’t foresee this coming or anything but I responded to an executive recruiter around the holidays and been flirting with them all year. Yesterday while everyone at my company was panicking, I had two interviews so it definitely pays to get a head start. You can use this time to get light years ahead of the competition and potentially end up better off if you play your cards right.