Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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The NBA definitely has the money to play out the rest of the season/playoffs in a controlled environment, without fans. Where every player, coach and other member of the team's staff is tested on a daily basis, right before a game is played. It just feels wrong to talk about entertainment product like the NBA carrying on at this point, where so many people are getting sick and dying.
my bet is the season (~10 games) + playoffs (shorten series) will be played without fans
The NBA definitely has the money to play out the rest of the season/playoffs in a controlled environment, without fans. Where every player, coach and other member of the team's staff is tested on a daily basis, right before a game is played. It just feels wrong to talk about entertainment product like the NBA carrying on at this point, where so many people are getting sick and dying.

Indeed, I think they care a lot about the backlash, but in the end it would also be a great diversion for people stuck at home. And the thing people also need to understand is that this is not only for entertainment, it's for the people who work in the NBA, the teams' staff, sports casters, cameramen, etc etc. We need to think on them too, and not only ourselves.
The NBA definitely has the money to play out the rest of the season/playoffs in a controlled environment, without fans. Where every player, coach and other member of the team's staff is tested on a daily basis, right before a game is played. It just feels wrong to talk about entertainment product like the NBA carrying on at this point, where so many people are getting sick and dying.
Indeed, I think they care a lot about the backlash, but in the end it would also be a great diversion for people stuck at home. And the thing people also need to understand is that this is not only for entertainment, it's for the people who work in the NBA, the teams' staff, sports casters, cameramen, etc etc. We need to think on them too, and not only ourselves.

At this point, I don’t think it’s a money or a logistics issue and that it mostly boils down to optics. A couple of things that come to mind
  1. If players are getting tested every day and getting results shortly after while the average American citizen can’t even get a test, people are not just going to chastise the NBA or athletes, they’ll broadly attack “the wealthy” which isn’t a good look for player, owners, league or rich folks in general.
  2. I want the NBA and sports back as much as anyone but again, if the average American citizen is being forced by the government to stay home, got fired or got their pay reduced due to a furlough and they’re struggling to survive because of the quarantine where only “essential” employees are allowed to work....yet NBA players/staff are going back to their jobs and securing their bags, THEY will be up in arms.
  3. Even if the league ignored all nuance and resumed play, if just one player or crew member catches COVID-19 then the backlash and narratives about the NBA being negligent and only caring about profits would be rampant. They’ve done such a good job to be recognized by many as THE “Players League” in professional sports up-to and including being the first to shutdown for COVID-19. This could jeopardize that.
That along with everything you guys listed out as cons....It seems like a very risky move and a decision that Adam Silver wouldn’t make.
You don’t need to test the players every damn day, that’s going too far. Just have them rent out resorts and **** and keep them in like a dorm room/basketball camp type of atmosphere for a couple months where all the players, coaches, broadcasters and everybody are all only around each other unless there’s an emergency a player needs to leave for. We’d probably get some great games that way too because dudes wouldn’t be out getting hammered the night before games and having jet lag.
Watching the scheme on HBO. College basketball is so ****ing wack. FBI is trash.

That **** had me heated, man. We can break down the legal definition of “entrapment” all day but that’s what they did to Dawkins. Off the rip, he said that he wasn’t trying to get coaches involved to the undercover, to his connects, to the the Indian American investor, etc. Then after he hit the FBI with the okie doke in Vegas, they tried to jam him up something serious. Had the feds come through like he was Ted Bundy then stuck him in that cell with a murderer (maybe another UC, though) and el Chapo upstairs just to spook him :smh:

I think the most infuriating part was the path they chose to proceed once they realized no one was saying ****. They threatened to bring down college basketball and all they got was a random 20-something that was following his dreams? FOH. I liked Dawkins last statement as well as yours but they’re incomplete. **** the Southern District of NY. **** Sean Miller. **** Will Wade. **** the Government.

The real crime is the way they had to twist the law such that giving money to a head coach was considered “bribing a political figure” and that if you do something to make a player ineligible, you’re “defrauding an institution” which is now considered felony.

ballinsam23 ballinsam23 , you need to watch this documentary and speak on behalf of your organization because the streets want answers.
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You don’t need to test the players every damn day, that’s going too far. Just have them rent out resorts and **** and keep them in like a dorm room/basketball camp type of atmosphere for a couple months where all the players, coaches, broadcasters and everybody are all only around each other unless there’s an emergency a player needs to leave for. We’d probably get some great games that way too because dudes wouldn’t be out getting hammered the night before games and having jet lag.

What you described was basically the scenario I proposed last week but putting this in perspective, on March 11, towards the beginning of the pandemic in the US, they shut down the whole league because of a single positive test. 3.5 weeks later and things have only gotten worse and experts predict that it will continue to do so. I don’t think we have any sort of handle on this disease yet which is why the cure is just “stay the **** home and stay away from other people”. If the NBA comes back and a single person gets infected, the entire plan will be considered a failure.

I know you want Brett Brown gone and finally have a legitimate reason to be excited for the NFL and your team for the first time in almost two decades but you need to brace yourself for Brett coming back next season and Thomas not making a TB debut until 2021 if he even makes a TB debut at all
finally have a legitimate reason to be excited for the NFL and your team for the first time in almost two decades
What you described was basically the scenario I proposed last week but putting this in perspective, on March 11, towards the beginning of the pandemic in the US, they shut down the whole league because of a single positive test. 3.5 weeks later and things have only gotten worse and experts predict that it will continue to do so. I don’t think we have any sort of handle on this disease yet which is why the cure is just “stay the **** home and stay away from other people”. If the NBA comes back and a single person gets infected, the entire plan will be considered a failure.

I know you want Brett Brown gone and finally have a legitimate reason to be excited for the NFL and your team for the first time in almost two decades but you need to brace yourself for Brett coming back next season and Thomas not making a TB debut until 2021 if he even makes a TB debut at all

Dude the NFL is not going to just shut down for the next two years :lol: this season doesn’t even start for 5 months. Calm down.

Lebby knew the clock was ticking after this. What year was this? Sounded like LeBron was sucking up to Steph and thinking of ways to team up with Steph once he was ready to kick Bosh and Wade to the curb.

Dude the NFL is not going to just shut down for the next two years :lol: this season doesn’t even start for 5 months. Calm down.

I was mostly being facetious and just wanted to rain on your parade but in all seriousness, people are questioning if CFB/NFL are going to come back and those are about three months out from when team activities need to begin, four-ish from pre-season, five-ish from regular season. To think that those are being labeled as in jeopardy but the NBA can come back in a shorter time frame is wild to me.
If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.

Stop listening to the news made to make you panic.
If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.

Stop listening to the news made to make you panic.
This seems like a bit of an odd response.

Do you think someone like Windhorst is just sending out that tweet just to make people panic?
If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.

Stop listening to the news made to make you panic.

The CDC, WHO, Surgeon General of the US, California Department of Public Health, etc. aren’t news organizations. And they’ve all been saying the Coronavirus situation is bad and getting worse and have been increasing the precautions they recommend almost on a weekly basis. It’s not just fear mongering.

Think it might be you who’s watching the wrong news.
If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.

Stop listening to the news made to make you panic.
So a big money professional sports league = your local movie theater or planet fitness ? Got it :lol:

Also what are the “necessary precautions“ when they still scrambling to figure out exactly what the hell is going on? ...The only answer they have for people right now is legit “stay away from each other” , that is where we are at with this thing...No league is putting themselves and money on the line just cuz cats are bored until they start to see some clear answers, and there no timeline for it right now so every day/week that passes just decreases the likelihood of sports anytime soon and minimizes its importance tbh
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