Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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We legitimately have some of the smartest people on EARTH telling us how bad this is, but buc em buc em doesn’t want us to listen :lol:

And his reasoning seems to be, “well, a lot of people are going to be sick of staying home by Summer; so we should just go back to normal regardless of the lethal disease that’s still out there.”

Super logical.
Man's got that clown *** Tiger King as an avy, should just block him on principle.

Logistically it was a wrap on the season when they postponed it given the lack of response the federal government has had and general lack of seriousness with taking this virus.

Damn shame, Show was about to run through the west.
If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.
"Will people legitimately stay inside?" is a completely different topic than "Should sports venues resume?"

And the public ignorance of continuing to be in large groups despite an increasing case number is problematic, but using that as a barometer for whether or not sports venues should resume is even more problematic
"Will people legitimately stay inside?" is a completely different topic than "Should sports venues resume?"

And the public ignorance of continuing to be in large groups despite an increasing case number is problematic, but using that as a barometer for whether or not sports venues should resume is even more problematic
The funny thing is that goes against his initial argument of leagues being back soon anyway...If ppl say F it and hit the beach, live their regular summer time lives then that’s the type of time when most ain’t checking for sports heavy anyway so it won’t really matter if they back or not at that point :lol:

Cats ain’t trippin ova sports if they outside at a day/pool party, on the strip or with some biddies on the beach
I’m glad you all did the Lord’s work and call and buc’s foolishness. Honestly, and I hate to say this, but if folks are going to go against the advice of the top medical professionals and institutions just to get intoxicated on the beach then maybe this is just natural selection at play.

Technology is as advanced as its ever been. We are in the golden age of entertainment. There are billions of books and pieces of literature you can read. Endless skills and hobbies you could pick up. A number of at home workouts you can do that don’t even require weights. You can call, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc folks you may miss. Hell, according to Curb Your Enthusiasm, you can buy life-size joints that feel like yambs if you’re really that desperate.

Aside from picking up groceries (I’ll even include booze in that)/medication, a medical emergency or fresh air for you/your pet....why in the world must you go outside and congregate with others?
This virus has shown us a lot of things to be honest. Which governments care for their people and who the major idiots are.
  • Wow
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We are in the golden age of entertainment. There are billions of books and pieces of literature you can read. Endless skills and hobbies you could pick up. A number of at home workouts you can do that don’t even require weights. You can call, FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc folks you may miss. Hell, according to Curb Your Enthusiasm, you can buy life-size joints that feel like yambs if you’re really that desperate is so much porn, just SOOOOO much.
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