Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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How can someone still be so ignorant this deep into it is baffling
Yeah, this isn't 3 weeks ago when we weren't educated on the topic. I was even a bit skeptical when we were in early-mid March. A LOT has changed though since. There's no reason to be ignorant at this point.
I was even a bit skeptical when we were in early-mid March.
SAME!! Dude, I was legit saying on repeat, 'Swine flu, mad cow disease, West Nile virus, bird flu, ebola, SARS, I've seen so many things that were supposed to plummet us all into real life apocalypse and then... nothing. This is no different. Chilllll.'

This is definitely different. Definitely don't chill.
it’s difficult to imagine any of these leagues starting back up if we still don’t have an actual cure for this thing.

The unemployment provision in that new Coronavirus bill that just passed provides benefits for up to 39 weeks, almost 10 months.

We’re far away from the conclusion of this.
it’s difficult to imagine any of these leagues starting back up if we still don’t have an actual cure for this thing.

The unemployment provision in that new Coronavirus bill that just passed provides benefits for up to 39 weeks, almost 10 months.

We’re far away from the conclusion of this.
Said this on March 11. We're never going to be able to fully safeguard this thing. I'm extremely curious as to which sports league will be the first to resume

Which metric(s) will be used to decide when games can resume

Will they need 100% negative results from players, coaches and staffers? Dance team and entertainers. What about arena employees. Then there's the fans. The media. Seems like there will never be a full proof signal
I had to verify myself but here is a three week timeline of how MAGA Em has responded to the thread of COVID-19

Agreed man. Are kids not even gonna be able to play sports at all for the foreseeable future? Gyms gonna all be shut down and everybody is gonna be out of shape? Hoping for a return to normalcy as soon as possible.

Ya boy bout to cop that $20 flight to Argentina :pimp:


The whole now no more than 10 people should be gathered at once thing is the most ridiculous, implausible thing I’ve ever heard. If that’s the case then EVERYTHING needs to be shut down, not just sporting events, concerts, parties, etc. People at a lot of offices aren’t much further away in their cubicles than at sporting events or concerts. Then at lunch the cafeteria would obviously have to be shut down and everybody would have to eat in separate places throughout the building.

1000%...I don’t understand what a two week quarantine is gonna do when it seems like 95% of the people that have it don’t even have a symptom as small as a runny nose. Even after the two weeks unless you have some type of hardcore symptoms nobody is gonna know whether you have it unless they magically come up with tests we can take every week. Is every person on earth now going to panic for the rest of their lives and have to self quarantine for two weeks as soon as they get a sore throat or runny nose? This whole thing is a ****ing mess.

I think I’m done opening this thread for the foreseeable future. Don’t need to make my anxiety even worse. If something actually legitimately important happens then I’ll hear about it when it does.

I think within the next two months things are going to have to start getting at least somewhat back to normal and **** is going to have to start opening back up. Limit the amount of people sitting in restaurants/bars/stores/movie theaters and inside gyms, have people continue to be spread out a little at the beginning and then slowly allow more people in.

The thing is people will NEVER follow those rules unless you have cops with road blocks on every corner arresting people/giving heavy fines for going out. So my thing is enforce it to the absolute EXTREME or don’t enforce this halfway BS at all.

This is what I’m not understanding :lol:

Acting like dudes are blowing snot rockets at each other in the streets and licking shopping cart handles.

Somebody will post a pic on their IG story of a group of a few people drinking at a campfire and all hell will break loose.

If you dudes think that people are gonna stay inside all summer and no beaches or anything else is going to be open to the public then y’all out of your damn minds. The air outside would have to literally turn you into a zombie in order for people to not go nuts and start protesting at some point. Also, if that was the case then damn near every local business would go under and the economy would be in a hell we wouldn’t recover from for a ridiculous amount of time. Once **** like beaches, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters and stuff like that start opening up then sports leagues will start operating again. They’ll just take the necessary precautions.

Stop listening to the news made to make you panic.

Hopefully when he's on the beach in a few weeks his cargo shorts that Sixers polo serves as an effective face mask.
I knew **** was real when I went to NYC a few weeks ago and **** was already looking walking deadish in certain places. And just a few days before Agent Orange was still calling it a hoax, right then I knew **** was hitting the fan and we're in for the long haul.
How can someone still be so ignorant this deep into it is baffling

Not even sure it’s ignorance

Honestly starting to wonder whether he’d straight up just prefer having pro sports back to the world doing what’s necessary to slow what’s becoming the 21st Century Plague.

What’s a few hundred thousand people dying in the US when you can see the Sixers lose in the 2nd round of an abbreviated playoffs, right?
Buc was pullling out stats of players who tested positive weeks ago. Till this day there has been no progress .

No progress on what? Every player who tested positive either never had any symptoms at all or had minor *** symptoms and was fully cured after like a week.
Not even sure it’s ignorance

Honestly starting to wonder whether he’d straight up just prefer having pro sports back to the world doing what’s necessary to slow what’s becoming the 21st Century Plague.

What’s a few hundred thousand people dying in the US when you can see the Sixers lose in the 2nd round of an abbreviated playoffs, right?
Buc Em is such a type, man. Any community black, white, Asian, American, Euro, whatever... there’s always that contrarion dude who’s just wrong about everything.
Clips had won 8 of 9, PG and Kawhi’s net rating on the floor was like a plus 18, 38-13 this year w/Kawhi on the floor, ah well.

simmons and Lowe had a great discussion on the season though on Lowe’s latest pod and it lowkey made me now doubt the season coming back even before seeing windy’s tweet

1) as others have pointed out, how will it look that the top medical professionals are in Vegas for basketball and not in hospitals around the country

2) the amount of people that would need to be quarantined then tested daily is massive

3) getting the players to buy into this hail mary

4) obviously no fans/

5) and until we get a vaccine this will affect next season too. Disposable income gone, who wants to risk their health going to a ball game? What happens if the person by you sneezes or coughs? Craze
Plus the world, let alone the NBA Is in too deep for this to end any time soon

can’t take a position of suspending the season until **** gets right, then continue the season even when stuff still isn’t right and there’s no vaccine.

even flattening the curve doesn’t do much because it doesn’t eradicate it. One staff member from a team, one broadcaster, one hotel clerk, coming down with the package would be devastating
When did storm2006 storm2006 graduate from the JD617 JD617 and HIM HIM NT Detective degree program

I can stand and will sometimes even entertain hot takes, biased opinions and things of the like. However, I refuse to let blatant misinformation, flagrant lies and willful ignorance go unchecked. People get away with it all the time but there's no place for it in 2020 yet. April, August, January, IDGAF because every season is SummerJam to me and Buc just happened to end up on the screen today due no one's fault but his own.
The posts in here and on this entire site regarding this **** are ****ing ridiculous :lol: just straight up doomsday attitudes like there’s an impending meteor set to destroy half of the world.

i feel you but the smartest people are estimating that 100k to 200k people will DIE

that kind of is doomsday when you consider there’s no cure to stop this from happening hence the drastic measure of staying home 24/7
The posts in here and on this entire site regarding this **** are ****ing ridiculous :lol: just straight up doomsday attitudes like there’s an impending meteor set to destroy half of the world.
Loooottta gray area in between 'Everything is just grand' and 'There's a meteor set to end mankind and most likely Earth.'

We're somewhere in that gray area, dude. It seems that you are confusing 'calculated caution' for 'apocalyptic panic', but your 'blissful naivete' isn't being confused for 'bravery'.
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