Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Real talk though i know that the NBA G league and WNBA dont necessarily generate profit. it would not hurt if the NBA took out a small percentage from their earnings to pay these athletes better
Real talk though i know that the NBA G league and WNBA dont necessarily generate profit. it would not hurt if the NBA took out a small percentage from their earnings to pay these athletes better

Jw what would be the potential benefits for the nba?
Real talk though i know that the NBA G league and WNBA dont necessarily generate profit. it would not hurt if the NBA took out a small percentage from their earnings to pay these athletes better

Don't they already do that?
Real talk though i know that the NBA G league and WNBA dont necessarily generate profit. it would not hurt if the NBA took out a small percentage from their earnings to pay these athletes better
LOL at billionaires helping funding the WNBA

Sweet pic of young Mullin man! He would've thrived with today's Warriors as great as he was on offense.
I appreciate what Beal is trying to to, but at the same time there’s only so much the NBA can do to make the WBNA more popular/successful (that makes economic sense). The WNBA has been around for 20 years now and it’s not like it hasn’t been promoted. Ads for the league are featured on NBA broadcasts, they talk about it on NBAtv, prominent WNBA occasionally players get features on NBA studio shows. The NBA can’t force people to be more into women’s hoops who are not.

I personally have tried multiple times to get into the WBNA and can’t. The drop off in athleticism is so significant from the men’s game that I just don’t find the product that entertaining. I respected the WNBA players’ skills and ability, but it’s just not something I feel compelled to watch. No amount or promotion or investment by the NBA is going to change that. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.
That's fair. I try and watch as much WNBA as possible and the drop off in athleticism doesn't really brother me that much because I know I'm still getting a high level of skill. Compared to something like men's college basketball where there's a drop off in athleticism, skill level, and something that I refer to as playing with intent. Half of a college basketball possession is spent swinging the ball around the perimeter and it bores me.
Beal talking about investing into the WNBA goes past marketing. They still fly commercial with layovers.

I can’t say I have a huge problem with that since they play far fewer games, in less places with more games in between then the men. NBA players were still flying commercial until the 90s.

If the NBA incurs the extra expense to have the WNBA fly private all the time, how do they get back that return on investment? It’s a business. “Support” is one thing, but throwing extra money at the WNBA just because it exists, when it’s not actually going to ultimately make the league more profitable, is something else.
Think the idea is that if the NBA invest 'more' in the WNBA, they won't see a profit in the immediate future, but 15, 20 years from now how our society digest WNBA basketball could be completely different.
Think the idea is that if the NBA invest 'more' in the WNBA, they won't see a profit in the immediate future, but 15, 20 years from now how our society digest WNBA basketball could be completely different.

That makes sense. I personally don’t see anything happening in the next 20 years that hasn’t happened in the last 20 years that’s going to result in the WNBA being dramatically more popular than it is now, but who knows? Things change faster now than they used to.
That makes sense. I personally don’t see anything happening in the next 20 years that hasn’t happened in the last 20 years that’s going to result in the WNBA being dramatically more popular than it is now, but who knows? Things change faster now than they used to.

MLS is an interesting comparison to the WNBA, both started around the same time and have had completely different trajectories. i think i read MLS franchises are worth over 200 million now.
Let's be serious. Burry needs to have a MVP season for them lol, which is something I am fully expecting. Talent on the team looks tuurible.

also, need a DLO for Covington + fillers trade to happen ASAP.

Covington legit needs to fire his agent for that contract he ended up with lol

Why would the warriors make this trade? :lol: This makes 0 sense
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