Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

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I agree but it finished 20 minutes ago and Sportscenter is still dissecting it without showing previews for next week yet. They are holding onto every morsel of new content they can :lol:
Oh no, SVP is about to preview the 3 EP. Bouta change the channel. No spoilers. Hopefully the bulls figure things out and win. That would be an amazing end to the story.
MJ really called Scottie selfish with a straight face when he was making 30mil that last year to Scottie's 2.7 :rofl:
How was that Mike fault.

Scottie the dummy signing a 7 yr 18m contract. That's how the last season of it ended. 2 mil. His fault.

Mike wanted every red cent. F management.
Do y'all think Kobe got an early viewing of it? Kills me thinking he never got to watch it

He probably saw "some" of it, like the early stages.

But the final cut of it? Considering they were still working on the last couple of episodes THIS WEEK, nah.
I could kinda see MJ's frustration seeing as he was also coming of being underpaid before those last 2 seasons. Think he signed an 8 year 25 mil contract those were just the norms back then. A lotta guys were underpaid relative to their values. It wasn't Scottie's time yet. Think more of the angst was they were all supposed to be in on this last push and Scottie was looking out for himself.
I could kinda see MJ's frustration seeing as he was also coming of being underpaid before those last 2 seasons. Think he signed an 8 year 25 mil contract those were just the norms back then. A lotta guys were underpaid relative to their values. It wasn't Scottie's time yet.
I could kinda see MJ's frustration seeing as he was also coming of being underpaid before those last 2 seasons. Think he signed an 8 year 25 mil contract those were just the norms back then. A lotta guys were underpaid relative to their values. It wasn't Scottie's time yet. Think more of the angst was they were all supposed to be in on this last push and Scottie was looking out for himself.
He just chased his contract the summer prior though. The stories pin it on the agent but come on.
I hope they interview T-Mac. He was rumored to be the guy Krause had his eye on during the 97 draft if he traded Pip.
IIRC, Scottie for Kemp almost went down, that was one of the most talked about trade scenario at that time.
Still laughing at MJ telling Jerry if he wanted to run with em they’d have to lower the rim and Pippen wilding out on Jerry on the bus. I could only imagine what he was saying :lol:
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