Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Scottie was under contract thru 98 though. They couldn't renegotiate. Mike had to play under that trash deal all the way thru before getting that payday.
I find it hard to believe that the old CBA didn't allow for that. Now that I'm not as emotional about it I know we need more context.
This dude was really trying move Pipp all the damn time.. jalen rose got a story from his draft night too

I love how NBATV is replaying lebron’s Miami stuff right now in an attempt to offset all of the Jordan energy out right now :lol:
Scottie was under contract thru 98 though. They couldn't renegotiate. Mike had to play under that trash deal all the way thru before getting that payday.

You'd think a Spurs fan would understand organizations giving out trash contracts/underpaying players. :smile:
I find it hard to believe that the old CBA didn't allow for that. Now that I'm not as emotional about it I know we need more context.

They got a new CBA in 95. So if your premise is true we are to believe that MJ willingly played for only 4 mil in 96? Or any of the other top guys didn't try to renegotiate their deals?
They got a new CBA in 95. So if your premise is true we are to believe that MJ willingly played for only 4 mil in 96? Or any of the other top guys didn't try to renegotiate their deals?
Yeah that's the part that I need clarity on. Could have just been the way things were. I'm sure twitter will let us know.
NM, trade was actually discussed in 94.

Then-Seattle coach George Karl in “Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving NBA Divas, Clueless GMs, and Poor Shot Selection:”

The Bulls saw an opportunity. Four days before the draft, Jerry Krause called. The Chicago GM, who’d visited me in Spain, had a proposal: Kemp, Pierce, and our number one for Scottie Pippen. Pippen was the best small forward, or 3, in the league. Nothing he wasn’t good at. During one of Michael’s retirements, Scottie led his team in all five of the main categories—rebounds, scoring, blocks, steals, and assists—so rare that it had only happened once before in NBA history (Dave Cowens, for the Celtics, in 1977-78). But with his running buddy MJ now a baseball player, maybe Pippen was a little disconnected. When I tried to imagine the Sonics without Shawn I knew I’d miss him, but I got pretty excited picturing Gary and Scottie teaming up on a trap; they’d smother opposing guards. But every trade prompts a debate. I was in favor of this one but I wasn’t sure.

So I called Michael. We talked about minor-league baseball, North Carolina basketball, and golf. Then we talked about the big deal on the table. Should we do this?

“Do it,” he said. “Scottie can make your other players better. Kemp can’t.”

So, the day before the draft, we said yes. News of the trade immediately leaked out and onto the KJR airwaves. More anger from the callers, a lot more; our fans loved Shawn. Again, Ackerley listened. That afternoon, he called our draft headquarters in the Sonics locker room. It doesn’t feel right, he told Wally. Better wait. I had the unpleasant job of calling Krause, who was not happy.

While we dragged our feet on draft day, Krause got desperate. He called to tell me the Bulls would drop the demand for our number one pick. He offered a big chunk of money in the next call. Then he called back to double it. Literally minutes before the draft started, Ackerley backed us out of the deal. When I delivered the bad news, Krause dropped f-bombs and called me names. We’d keep Kemp, they’d keep Pippen.
Yeah that's the part that I need clarity on. Could have just been the way things were. I'm sure twitter will let us know.

This is from the Washington Post after the 95 CBA was signed.

The new deal guarantees the players around $5 billion during the six years and will increase the average salary, which was $1.7 million last season, to around $3 million by the end of the agreement.
However, it also includes a rookie wage scale and tightens many of the loopholes in the salary cap. Richmond is one of the players who will be hit hard by the new deal because it eliminates the so-called balloon payments that many underpaid players had tacked on to the end of contracts to increase their salaries. Because Richmond is 30 years old and has four years remaining on a contract that paid him a relatively modest $3 million last season, he may never be paid what other players of comparable talents are making.
But the players who like the deal say it still has merit. The salary cap will rise from last season's $15.9 million to $23 million next season and $32.5 million by 2000. Players will receive a much bigger slice of the licensing pie, and the Larry Bird exemption, which allows teams to exceed the salary cap to re-sign their own players, is still in place (if a player has been with a team for at least three years).

MJ's contract was up in 96 so that's why the Bulls were able to use his Bird Rights to go way over the cap to give him that 30 mil. But the overall cap hadn't increased crazily. It's why they had another lockout in 98-99.
Enjoyed watching the old tittle runs but dont like the revisionist history by the Reinsdorfs.
History always repeats itself.

First they let Krumbs Krause do whatever even at the detriment of the team, this couldn't be more evident then the Tim Floyd hiring.
The fact that Krause was allowed to continue as a GM even after all the horrible moves past the MJ era was despicable.
The Reinsdorf's never uttered a word or even contemplated firing him! Krause had to leave cause he was sick! Literally sick!
While the rest of Chicago was sick and tired of his moves he was allowed to stay on.

Fast forward to today and the Reinsdorf's are still allowing incompetent general managers to linger and cripple the franchises future with horrible cap management and bad trades.
Once again the GM (PAX) is allowed to skate free and take a cushy "consultant" job while the rest of us are sick and tired of the franchise.
Pretty spineless for the Reinsdorfs to sit there and let Krause take all the bullets....Clowns should come out and say the damn truth.
Reinsdorf never cared about the Bulls, he spent more time and money on that scrubby @ss minor league team on the southside the Sox.
F Michael & Jerry Reinsdorf!!! F Paxson!!! F Krause!!!!
This is from the Washington Post after the 95 CBA was signed.

MJ's contract was up in 96 so that's why the Bulls were able to use his Bird Rights to go way over the cap to give him that 30 mil. But the overall cap hadn't increased crazily. It's why they had another lockout in 98-99.
That Jordan deal was more than the cap I remember that. Wild.
Kinda forgot about Bron hitting that 3 there after throwing up a brick just before that.
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