Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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I didn’t see a second of the game but lonzo took 10 shots and 8 were 3’s.

sounds like the same issues that plagued him prior are still there.
Honestly if Zo becomes a good / decent shooter he would automatically become a really really good role player.

I think really really good be a stretch. Only because what’s stopping him to me isn’t shooting.

all these games happened yesterday? Sheesh :lol: had no idea. NBA really byke :pimp:
Zion needs to work with JJ (or someone) on his shot. Dude looks like he's just throwing the ball at the basket on his jumpers. Even without a jumper, he's going to basically walk into 15 pts a night just based off of his athleticism/strength/body control.

motor + athleticism + minutes almost guarantees 16&8 I think

Probably accurate but Rich need to chill. Freak x AD 2021 ?
If zo has shooting he can space the floor. Push on transition make the right pass and be an elite defender. Only flaw is he cant take his man off the bounce
He literally cannot score inside of the 3pt line unless he has a clear line to the basket. Has zero touch and is scared of contact. Can't shoot off dribble other than that one step back move which any decent defender will see coming.

Even with that though, he can be a good role player.
Comparable to KD dropping 50 pts in a L
He literally did whatever he wanted, and the team was up 17 when he went out of the game. He was toying with anyone guarding him, like the tweet said. If he would've kept playing for some reason, you would've lost by 20+ easy.

Why are you trying to die on this hill? :lol:
I think a lot of people aren’t crediting Lonzo’s ball IQ enough. If he gets the shooting down pat he’ll be more than fine. He can cut to the basket off the ball as well
I don't think there's anyone on here that discredits his bball IQ.
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