Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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IDK looks like he was toying with buddy to me. Dribbling in front of mans like he was playing in a Camp Counselor vs kids pickup game.
Then the kids proceeded hand the camp counsellors an L
He literally did whatever he wanted, and the team was up 17 when he went out of the game. He was toying with anyone guarding him, like the tweet said. If he would've kept playing for some reason, you would've lost by 20+ easy.

Why are you trying to die on this hill? :lol:
i can only speak on what actually happened not your imaginary alternate reality where harden drops 50 and they win
Really trying to figure out what was the rationale for y'all really thinking Zo wasn't going to start?

they accounted for Spacing as if JJ Reddick was prime Ray allen or something. He clearly would add spacing to the floor but it's shooting and nothing else.

He bad on defense at this point, he can't create for himself or others, doesn't rebound. the warriors success has everyone thinking that there aren't other ways to go about winning outside of having shooting everywhere.

The Pels lineup isn't perfect but JJ doesn't have enough upside for that team to sacrifice Zo's development.
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Career 41% 3pt shooter that is just coming off a season where he averaged 18 a game on 40% from 3. Let's just act like that isn't important to a team that lacks perimeter shooting whatsoever though.
Career 41% 3pt shooter that is just coming off a season where he averaged 18 a game on 40% from 3. Let's just act like that isn't important to a team that lacks perimeter shooting whatsoever though.

Once again nobody said that it was important but prioritizing a 35yr old shooter who adds nothing else to the game is crazy when it comes at the expense of one of your potential franchise building blocks who you want out there because he will make the game extremely easier for Zion.
Once again nobody said that it was important but prioritizing a 35yr old shooter who adds nothing else to the game is crazy when it comes at the expense of one of your potential franchise building blocks who you want out there because he will make the game extremely easier for Zion.
You are acting like I’m saying Alphonso (or BI for that matter) won’t ever play because I wouldn’t have them start. They would still be getting 30+ mins a game, and would play with Zion plenty. Spacing the floor with an elite shooter wouldn’t also make the game much easier for Zion?
Once again nobody said that it was important but prioritizing a 35yr old shooter who adds nothing else to the game is crazy when it comes at the expense of one of your potential franchise building blocks who you want out there because he will make the game extremely easier for Zion.

Apparently NAW will supplant Zo as well according to these guys.
This is really how it is though. At first you wanna buy a Rolex, the clothes, the new car, the house and everything else you couldn’t ever afford prior but the allure of that **** fades pretty quick. Other than to insecure people who feel the need to constantly compete with what the next person has.

This is a great article that puts things in prespective:

Discussing it also lead to a pretty hot date back in the day with a ghost writer so it helps in many ways lol
You are acting like I’m saying Alphonso (or BI for that matter) won’t ever play because I wouldn’t have them start. They would still be getting 30+ mins a game, and would play with Zion plenty. Spacing the floor with an elite shooter wouldn’t also make the game much easier for Zion?

As much as having him create a chemistry with Zo..... NO

Point blank the Pels are probably gonna be much better overall as a team with this starting lineup rather then sitting Zo and starting JJ. that's my only point.

that's w/o even taking into account all of the implications that has on outside of purely on court stuff, Starting Zo should be an easy decision for the Pels.
Zion suprised me last night, he's quicker and faster than what I expected.
I think a lot of people aren’t crediting Lonzo’s ball IQ enough. If he gets the shooting down pat he’ll be more than fine. He can cut to the basket off the ball as well

I think it's more about him being in LA that he gets all the hate, even now you are seeing very encouraging signs of people opening up to him. the biggest factor is that he's not wearing the purple and gold neon yellow
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