Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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but you said he'd be "out of place" in the DC scene ....which is why we're still talking. That's it :lol:

I figured you were referring to the other things that dc offers a black man...which he wouldn’t be able to really enjoy as an 18 year old. As far as the “city” goes.
Only thing I meant by that is the public perception of the school
if you ask someone to rattle off prestigious HBCUs, I highly doubt they would name A&T lol
And you see the same 3-4 HBCUs represented in pop culture
Howard was able to land a commitment from a 5 star prospect and an on campus visit with another off the strength of being Howard... they won like 2 games this past year lol
What kind of roster would you have to have for Ros to be a last resort chick :lol:

What’s that saying about NTers and the girls they date + the cars they drive?
For an NBA player, I could see how Ros wouldn't be in the Honor's Classes.

For an NBA player.

HIM HIM my comments were from the perspective that DC mentioned or that of another professional athlete/celebrity.
Only thing I meant by that is the public perception of the school
if you ask someone to rattle off prestigious HBCUs, I highly doubt they would name A&T lol
And you see the same 3-4 HBCUs represented in pop culture
Howard was able to land a commitment from a 5 star prospect and an on campus visit with another off the strength of being Howard... they won like 2 games this past year lol
My job just started looking for recruits outside of Spelhouse & Howard broadly... in 2016. I totally agree with you and part of a reason why HBCU's are jig. Its the Black Ivy's... And everyone else.
My job just started looking for recruits outside of Spelhouse & Howard broadly... in 2016. I totally agree with you and part of a reason why HBCU's are jig. Its the Black Ivy's... And everyone else.

Expand on this please. Almost went to Howard out of HS
My job just started looking for recruits outside of Spelhouse & Howard broadly... in 2016. I totally agree with you and part of a reason why HBCU's are jig. Its the Black Ivy's... And everyone else.
If I had kids it’d probably have to be Spelhouse or Howard if they went the HBCU route. And my sister goes to FAMU :lol:
I personally feel like you should determine what you want to major in and then look at schools based off that... not the other way around.
I personally wouldn’t have went to A&T if I didnt wanna study engineering.
Some schools are major proof though, but for the most part I agree.
Expand on this please. Almost went to Howard out of HS
Granted where I work is not like everywhere else, but they primarily recruit from "Target schools". So if you're not one of those places, we may not even send people there to look for students. Of the HBCU crop the perception is that there are three "Tier One" schools: Morehouse, Spelman, and Howard. After that the stigma has always been that there's a huge quality drop off.

I'm on my third year of intern recruiting and I'm seeing all the same schools I see every year, PWI or HBCU doesn't matter.

Its nonsense for sure, but its how the game goes, I know that I got my resume pulled partly because I went to Morehouse. Its wildly unfair.
If I had kids it’d probably have to be Spelhouse or Howard if they went the HBCU route. And my sister goes to FAMU :lol:
My family is big on the HBCU kick. Its all they ride for. Me? IDK man, especially which the cost of HBCUs quickly approaching Ivy League cost... I'm not with it.
Some schools are major proof though, but for the most part I agree.

That’s true, but a big portion of people don’t really know what they want to study right out of high school. I didn’t. I ended up double-majoring based on liking certain classes once I got to college. I also went to school with lots of people who changed majors while there.

It’s great if someone is confident in what they want to right when they finish HS and can pick a a school based on that, but not everyone can (or should).
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That’s true, but a big portion of people don’t really know what they want to study right out of high school. I didn’t. I ended up double-majoring based on liking certain classes once I got to college. I also went to school with lots of people who changed majors while there.

It’s great if someone is confident in what they want to right when they finish HS and can pick a a school based on that, but not everyone can (or should).
Agreed. A big part of it is growth. I came in pre-med and ended up with Wall Street internships. In today’s world though, some of these degrees can be worthless if they’re not from the right school/ right major.
Personally, I think there’s a big problem with America’s approach/philosophy on higher education across the board. Think we’d be better off if the idea that everyone needs a college degree was deemphasized. I’d be interested in seeing more alternatives to college like formal apprenticeship programs.

College ends up being a waste of time and money for too many people.
I personally feel like you should determine what you want to major in and then look at schools based off that... not the other way around.
I personally wouldn’t have went to A&T if I didnt wanna study engineering.
Which engineering discipline?

I personally could’ve also went to FAMU for computer engineering but I went to UCF because 1. Cheaper 2. 40% of my graduating HS class went to FAMU, I ain’t wanna be around them :lol:
On the discussion of major - what do y’all think of college loans? Lending a 17/18 year old tens, and in some cases hundreds, of thousands of dollars with no idea of how they plan to pay it back is wild to me.
100% predatory. This is why personal finance needs to be taught in High School, but THEY don't want that because it will help slow down the student loan debt machine churn
On the discussion of major - what do y’all think of college loans? Lending a 17/18 year old tens, and in some cases hundreds, of thousands of dollars with no idea of how they plan to pay it back is wild to me.
It honestly varies. Tuition as a whole varies from school to school. Had I not been lazy in HS I would’ve done more scholarships since my pell grant alone pretty much covered most of the tuition (like 90%). Most of my loan money basically all went to housing costs.

Scholarships are easy money if you write a damn essay :lol:
It honestly varies. Tuition as a whole varies from school to school. Had I not been lazy in HS I would’ve done more scholarships since my pell grant alone pretty much covered most of the tuition (like 90%). Most of my loan money basically all went to housing costs.

Scholarships are easy money if you write a damn essay :lol:

i was in the similar situation but we are def in the minority (low income family to college) & im assuming storm wasn't talking about people like us.

to answer bro's question, i think it's def disingenuous. i think a couple of solutions would be expand/offer other options outside of tradition colleges (JUCO then 4-year or trade school) & to offer classes about personal finance in HS. i can elaborate more if anybody interested.
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