Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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^^^ I guess the information is out there if people look for it, but many kids (and their parents) don’t realize all the scholarship money that’s potentially available.

True story - when I was in high school one of my buddies called me on night and was like, “dude, what are you going to write about for your UC Regents Scholarship application?” I said, “what’s that?” He told me what it was and that the application for it was due soon. I put together the application together last minute and ended up getting the scholarship. Ended up paying for about 1/4 of my undergraduate fees and came with some other perks like priority registration. If my friend didn’t call my about it, I probably never would have known. I don’t know about now, but 25 years ago, those things were not publicized much.
i was in the similar situation but we are def in the minority (low income family to college) & im assuming storm wasn't talking about people like us.

to answer bro's question, i think it's def disingenuous. i think a couple of solutions would be expand/offer other options outside of tradition colleges (JUCO then 4-year or trade school) & to offer classes about personal finance in HS. i can elaborate more if anybody interested.
I definitely agree but it varies. I was the guinea pig of the family being first generation so I took the Ls on the loans/FAFSA so my brothers after me don’t have to end up with 30K in loans
One of my college roommates was pre-med because that’s what his brother did; he had no real intention of going to med school. Got mostly Cs. After college he ended up going into business with his uncle repairing and installing security gates. Started out with him doing all the work out of one truck. It’s now one of the biggest companies in LA for that kind of thing and he lives in a $10M house in Pacific Palisades.
College is not for everybody
to answer bro's question, i think it's def disingenuous.
But there are definitely better options than immediately going to school.

This isn’t discussed enough in America. In 2020, the idea that you need a college degree, which often comes with mountains of debt, is beyond antiquated. Like antidope antidope said, THEY don’t want you know that but it’s the truth. You just don’t know any better at such a young, impressionable age after having it pushed on you entire your life that college is the end all be all.
One of my college roommates was pre-med because that’s what his brother did; he had no real intention of going to med school. Got mostly Cs. After college he ended up going into business with his uncle repairing and installing security gates. Started out with him doing all the work out of one truck. It’s now one of the biggest companies in LA for that kind of thing and he lives in a $10M house in Pacific Palisades.

That's my friend's dad, essentially. Went to medical school, interned, and was on a path to being a cardiologist. He loved computers and programming, so when he moved back home, he interviewed at Microsoft. I don't think he even worked ten years before retiring. He was employee #180, so you can kind of do the math on that one.
This isn’t discussed enough in America. In 2020, the idea that you need a college degree, which often comes with mountains of debt, is beyond antiquated. Like antidope antidope said, THEY don’t want you know that but it’s the truth. You just don’t know any better at such a young, impressionable age after having it pushed on you entire your life that college is the end all be all.

Put myself in debt for too long, got an engineering job at 29 with no degree and my only work experience being retail/service jobs outside of one.
They also need to cool it with general education requirements.

If you go want to go to college for a specific interest, you should be able to opt out of all the extras B/S.

I was pretty much forced to take completely useless classes to fill out my general ed. Badminton, Japanese Art, American Popular Music, and several more that did nothing except line the pockets of the university. Scam.

Felt like Zack Morris doing Swan Pond so he could graduate from Bayside.
They're really doing this as a PPV lol

I might have to pay for it. Seeing what Ricky Davis’and Eddy‘s respective games looking like these days might be pretty entertaining. Got the intrigue of whether Reggie Evans will manhandle anyone’s nuts. Could be worth it.
Serious question, did Iso Joe not manage his money well? His name seems to pop up for every league/tournament involving ex-NBA players. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and just assume its all for the love of the game.
They also need to cool it with general education requirements.

If you go want to go to college for a specific interest, you should be able to opt out of all the extras B/S.

I was pretty much forced to take completely useless classes to fill out my general ed. Badminton, Japanese Art, American Popular Music, and several more that did nothing except line the pockets of the university. Scam.

Felt like Zack Morris doing Swan Pond so he could graduate from Bayside.
I saved some of my required general Ed stuff for my last 3-4 semesters. Going from working on my senior design to project to Cinema survey was the break I needed
Also, the people who wear their colleges on their sleeves<<<<<<<<<<<<< The worst

A guy I went to law school with managed to mention the fact he went to Princeton in like 1/3 of the conversations he had with anyone. First question he asked about everyone he didn’t know well was where they went to undergrad. Nice guy overall, but definitely wanted to punch him a few times for that stuff.
Agreed. A big part of it is growth. I came in pre-med and ended up with Wall Street internships. In today’s world though, some of these degrees can be worthless if they’re not from the right school/ right major.

I changed my degree five times and ended up with a double major in Economics and Business. The two reasons I did not drop out was because of my mom and it was a safer bet to secure a VISA (International Student). Never had to use my degree...BUT
  • I built Canada's largest Youth Entrepreneurship Org that's 100% run by students and 10 years later runs a conference of 1000 student attendees
  • I was a VP of Canada's chapter of the World's largest student development platform (
  • I built a startup that grew to 10 employees before being bought out
I worked for another well-funded startup after I moved on from my startup and now do consulting and run a boutique agency.

Honestly, I realized the school name itself was one way to get into a company that you want or to land your "dream job" but school was never my strong suite, so I looked at it at a different way.
  • I realized my school had pretty soft retention rules (I basically had to maintain a D to stay in it) so I was able to take those big risks.
  • The reason I changed my degree the 4th time was because I failed a course twice and was kicked out of business school so I did Economics (which I actually loved), after I finished Econ, I realized I needed just two more classes to get a double major so I did it anyway (one main reason was to extend my student VISA to not get deported while running my struggling startup :lol: )
  • The school had strong student success services to support you to do all this stuff.
So's a bit unorthodox but it worked for me. If you can find a school that allows you to carve your own path, I would consider that over an Elite School that has a very linear and strict way of doing things. dacomeup dacomeup
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