Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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How much coaches and staff are in one NFL team? They have like 60 players. Its a logistics nightmare. They at least dont have to play multiple times a week
The "campus" is the only way to do sports right now and we still got a ways to go for that for the NBA and NHL. Can't see how MLB resumes or NFL/CFB even happens after this.
Dont really know how the prem pulled it off so smoothly. The stats say that per capita they have more infected than in the US
Dont really know how the prem pulled it off so smoothly. The stats say that per capita they have more infected than in the US

Isn't football over there known for some shady business? Or am I thinking of something else?
The NBA has done an amazing job with Orlando so far

But ppl have to remember that it’s not at all realistic

you can’t have a sports league as grand as the NBA NFL MLB play an entire season in a damn bubble. It’s kind of ludicrous to do it now for the NBA. People are ****ting on the MLB right now but that’s a pretty realistic approach to having a league amidst a pandemic

I find what the nba is going to do for next season fascinating

It’ll be interesting to see what route some of these franchises go.

Or, how about the league expand by two teams. Set the expansion fee at $2 billion. There's about $130 million injection for each existing team. It won't cover everything, but it's not nothing. It would certainly be appealing to have-not teams.
The NBA has done an amazing job with Orlando so far

But ppl have to remember that it’s not at all realistic

you can’t have a sports league as grand as the NBA NFL MLB play an entire season in a damn bubble. It’s kind of ludicrous to do it now for the NBA. People are ****ting on the MLB right now but that’s a pretty realistic approach to having a league amidst a pandemic

I find what the nba is going to do for next season fascinating

Crazy how quickly the MLB is going down given that it's a sport that physically can be played at a reasonable amount of social distance when you compare it to basketball, hockey and football.
The NBA has done an amazing job with Orlando so far

But ppl have to remember that it’s not at all realistic

you can’t have a sports league as grand as the NBA NFL MLB play an entire season in a damn bubble. It’s kind of ludicrous to do it now for the NBA. People are ****ting on the MLB right now but that’s a pretty realistic approach to having a league amidst a pandemic

I find what the nba is going to do for next season fascinating
Yeah "the campus" is definitely not realistic for an entire season of any sport.

Until we get a vaccine or the virus magically disappears or becomes almost nonexistent, I don't see how you can have players traveling all throughout the country doing who knows what and playing. Just doesn't make sense.
Crazy how quickly the MLB is going down given that it's a sport that physically can be played at a reasonable amount of social distance when you compare it to basketball, hockey and football.

it is but at the same time it isn’t imo. Traveling and having players and staff still within big society is a recipe for disaster. They are human.

I said it before, but really the only true way to ‘stop’ this virus it seems, is a complete lockdown. The NBA bubble is a form of that. But allowing guys to travel, go to restaurants, be with their significant others, etc is all a recipe for disaster
Or, how about the league expand by two teams. Set the expansion fee at $2 billion. There's about $130 million injection for each existing team. It won't cover everything, but it's not nothing. It would certainly be appealing to have-not teams.

This probably the best idea for generating cash but is it best for the product to water things down with two more teams? That would have to come with a hard cap to allow talent to spread across the league otherwise the teams with money will just continue to dominate, especially over the expansion teams.
This probably the best idea for generating cash but is it best for the product to water things down with two more teams? That would have to come with a hard cap to allow talent to spread across the league otherwise the teams with money will just continue to dominate, especially over the expansion teams.

The talent pool is certainly deeper than the last two times the league expanded. They added two teams in 1995 after adding four teams just five years earlier. Then, they added another one in 2004 during the NBA's worst talent drought since the '70s.

Also, it's worth mentioning that right now is by far the longest the NBA has gone without expanding in its entire history. It's been 16 years, and it would be nearly 20 years by the time new teams would start playing. If anything, this is the ideal time for the league to expand.
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