Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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My fav Kobe commercial:

I really hope Nike floods the market. I haven't bought shoes like that in a while, but I'd be more than willing to jump back in, especially if it goes towards a great cause.
Kinda feels like the season is a wash at this point, almost feels like it doesn't even matter. I know Bron is gonna give it his all to win it though.
My fav Kobe commercial:

I really hope Nike floods the market. I haven't bought shoes like that in a while, but I'd be more than willing to jump back in, especially if it goes towards a great cause.

Why don't they make sneaker commercials anymore for signature athletes? Social media a cheaper and better form of advertisement I suppose?

Loved sneaker commercials as a kid.
Man I’m just so sad. Was in shock yesterday but I’ve just been distraught all day. It’s hard not to shed tears.

bro, i posed a question in regards to "greatness" to students today in class and in just asking the question, i got choked up and teary eyed most periods. in 13 years of being a high school educator, it's probably one of the more human moments i've shared with students.

i've never been brought to tears or overcome with emotion due to the passing of a celebrity (like michael jackson, nipsey, bourdain)...but the passing of Kobe Bryant, i don't know why but it just hits different.
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