There are NO benefits for men to get married.

Originally Posted by nealraj006

There is something to be gained from marriage, that's why it's been around for many thousands of years. It's not simply an advent of modern culture. The modern meaning of marriage has changed significantly though. Check out "Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human" for more information
Marriage also used to be strictly arranged as well, though. "Have my daughter for eight goats and four blankets."

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

For those who are vehemently against marriage, can I ask what your upbringing was like? Honestly, I think the way you were brought up and your experiences seeing the dynamic of your OWN family molds how you view things in the present. Also, your ages....not to knock anyone, but there are some immature responses on both sides of the argument in this thread. Personally, I'm willing to accept other peoples POVs, but it's easy to weed out comments from folks who come off as "young."

Your first comment is quite presumptous, in the fact that just because someone doesnt practice exercises something means they are against it. I dont exercise my right to be homosexual, nor do i practice it, does that mean im against or hate the idea of homosexuality...? No it doesnt. My parents are still together and im well im in my 30's And our relationship really isnt to much different then that of my parents to be quite honest. I have no ill wills etc.. for ppl who choose to get married by todays society, I just feel that i am already married because all the things that what a true marriage stands for i have, and i dont see how a ring/ceremony/contract will change the love/bond commitment weve had all these years.

How does social acceptance/validity and worldy things=love? I have yet to get an answer to this. And if thats the case then does the size of a ring/wedding prove shows the stronger bond/commitment? Like I said there arre ppl outside of american today that dont have rings/pacts contracts etc. Is there love for there sig. other and there kids any less then americans in our society because of americas practices?

So a family who been together for 30+ yrs in  the remote parts of africa bond/commitment isnt as strong as some couple in utah because one signed a pact had a ceremony/ring etc? If so how and why? 

And again i ask if a pact/ceremony/rings=comittment love, then what does that say about religion and your love for your kids? You dont have a written pact/exchange rings ceremony with god/your kids. So how do you prove your undying love, commitment in those instances.

I believe actions/doings are the only true measurement of commitment. Like i said before, ppl havde commitments written contracts in alot of aspects of life. Ppl have pacts/contracts to pay bills etc, that dont mean that they will, or even have the intentions on doing so. So whats exactly you guys point?

This thread reminds me of some of the ppl i deal with hosea help feed the homeless, outreach programs, big brothers/big sisters, programs i deal with. You get these young college kids who sole intentions are to get credits for college, so society, potential employers etc.. view them in a certain manner. Or the ppl who just drop in help during the holidays/certain times of the year so ppl will view them as compationate and caring etc.. Which is what alot of celebs companies do etc.. then you got ppl like myself who do it because I have a general care for ppl and society and want to assist others, and dont need the acceptance, the thumbs up, etc.. And do it just for the love and compassion I have for humanity.

Also to the ppl who said without marriage your bond isnt real etc.. So that would suggest that before you got married etc you didnt have a love/bond with the person. So when did it all of a sudden kick in? Was it at the point of saying i do, all of a sudden love magically appeared, and a life long bond and commitment was predestined? Was it at the point of signing the papers at the court house? When did the defining moment happen?

Becausse you guys said that if your not then you dont have that same love commitment bond etc... So that would include all of you married ppl to before you walked down the aisles. So essentially you guys are saying a single event, along with a signed contract, and materialistic possessions change the whole facade and dynamic of your life and feelings you had with a person. So when does this occur? Its like you guys are equating marriage etc with some sort of metamorphic effect on ones love,bond and commitment to that love.
If I was speaking to you SPECIFICALLY, then initial comment would be presumptuous.  But I wasn't.  I threw that statement out there because I was interested to see some responses from those who are piggybacking off of what you're saying w/o actually adding much to the discussion aside from clapping .gifs.  The folks using lease/owning analogies in their "arguments."  It goes on and on....I DO believe there is a direct correlation between your home environment as a child to what you became/believe today.  Is there a chance that you may settle down (via marriage)?  Sure.  Is there a chance you won't (via marriage)?  Sure.  Nothing in this world is 100% certain. 

FWIW, I actually respect your POV (and DC to a certain extent) on this topic and appreciate what you said.  Do I agree with everything you said? No.  But I get where you're coming from.  I'm not out there to push my beliefs on anyone.  I feel a certain way about marriage and so does everyone else in here.  I don't come into these threads with my feet dug in the sand and unwilling to hear out what folks have to say and be close-minded and naive to think that folks may have a different viewpoint.  There are people who are clearly going against the grain for the sake of doing so.  However, I'm all ears when there is a well-thought out response or POV that has a different goal than LULZ or shock-value. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

For those who are vehemently against marriage, can I ask what your upbringing was like? Honestly, I think the way you were brought up and your experiences seeing the dynamic of your OWN family molds how you view things in the present. Also, your ages....not to knock anyone, but there are some immature responses on both sides of the argument in this thread. Personally, I'm willing to accept other peoples POVs, but it's easy to weed out comments from folks who come off as "young."

Your first comment is quite presumptous, in the fact that just because someone doesnt practice exercises something means they are against it. I dont exercise my right to be homosexual, nor do i practice it, does that mean im against or hate the idea of homosexuality...? No it doesnt. My parents are still together and im well im in my 30's And our relationship really isnt to much different then that of my parents to be quite honest. I have no ill wills etc.. for ppl who choose to get married by todays society, I just feel that i am already married because all the things that what a true marriage stands for i have, and i dont see how a ring/ceremony/contract will change the love/bond commitment weve had all these years.

How does social acceptance/validity and worldy things=love? I have yet to get an answer to this. And if thats the case then does the size of a ring/wedding prove shows the stronger bond/commitment? Like I said there arre ppl outside of american today that dont have rings/pacts contracts etc. Is there love for there sig. other and there kids any less then americans in our society because of americas practices?

So a family who been together for 30+ yrs in  the remote parts of africa bond/commitment isnt as strong as some couple in utah because one signed a pact had a ceremony/ring etc? If so how and why? 

And again i ask if a pact/ceremony/rings=comittment love, then what does that say about religion and your love for your kids? You dont have a written pact/exchange rings ceremony with god/your kids. So how do you prove your undying love, commitment in those instances.

I believe actions/doings are the only true measurement of commitment. Like i said before, ppl havde commitments written contracts in alot of aspects of life. Ppl have pacts/contracts to pay bills etc, that dont mean that they will, or even have the intentions on doing so. So whats exactly you guys point?

This thread reminds me of some of the ppl i deal with hosea help feed the homeless, outreach programs, big brothers/big sisters, programs i deal with. You get these young college kids who sole intentions are to get credits for college, so society, potential employers etc.. view them in a certain manner. Or the ppl who just drop in help during the holidays/certain times of the year so ppl will view them as compationate and caring etc.. Which is what alot of celebs companies do etc.. then you got ppl like myself who do it because I have a general care for ppl and society and want to assist others, and dont need the acceptance, the thumbs up, etc.. And do it just for the love and compassion I have for humanity.

Also to the ppl who said without marriage your bond isnt real etc.. So that would suggest that before you got married etc you didnt have a love/bond with the person. So when did it all of a sudden kick in? Was it at the point of saying i do, all of a sudden love magically appeared, and a life long bond and commitment was predestined? Was it at the point of signing the papers at the court house? When did the defining moment happen?

Becausse you guys said that if your not then you dont have that same love commitment bond etc... So that would include all of you married ppl to before you walked down the aisles. So essentially you guys are saying a single event, along with a signed contract, and materialistic possessions change the whole facade and dynamic of your life and feelings you had with a person. So when does this occur? Its like you guys are equating marriage etc with some sort of metamorphic effect on ones love,bond and commitment to that love.
If I was speaking to you SPECIFICALLY, then initial comment would be presumptuous.  But I wasn't.  I threw that statement out there because I was interested to see some responses from those who are piggybacking off of what you're saying w/o actually adding much to the discussion aside from clapping .gifs.  The folks using lease/owning analogies in their "arguments."  It goes on and on....I DO believe there is a direct correlation between your home environment as a child to what you became/believe today.  Is there a chance that you may settle down (via marriage)?  Sure.  Is there a chance you won't (via marriage)?  Sure.  Nothing in this world is 100% certain. 

FWIW, I actually respect your POV (and DC to a certain extent) on this topic and appreciate what you said.  Do I agree with everything you said? No.  But I get where you're coming from.  I'm not out there to push my beliefs on anyone.  I feel a certain way about marriage and so does everyone else in here.  I don't come into these threads with my feet dug in the sand and unwilling to hear out what folks have to say and be close-minded and naive to think that folks may have a different viewpoint.  There are people who are clearly going against the grain for the sake of doing so.  However, I'm all ears when there is a well-thought out response or POV that has a different goal than LULZ or shock-value. 
OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to
OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to

what if you broke an she the one bringin in the money?
do those dudes need pre nups?
Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to

what if you broke an she the one bringin in the money?
do those dudes need pre nups?
i can tell that OP's views on marriage is highly depended on how his parents relationship was.

my parents been married for over 25 years, strong marriage is strong.
i can tell that OP's views on marriage is highly depended on how his parents relationship was.

my parents been married for over 25 years, strong marriage is strong.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to

what if you broke an she the one bringin in the money?
do those dudes need pre nups?

no double standards here bro. if shorty making the guap she better have that prenup in line. both men and women mistreat and abuse "marriage" and that is why the divorce is what it is. marriage is such a waste
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

OP must have seen my tweets yesterday. but yea i completely agree. there is no point for a man to get married nowadays, and you better have a prenup if you ever decide to

what if you broke an she the one bringin in the money?
do those dudes need pre nups?

no double standards here bro. if shorty making the guap she better have that prenup in line. both men and women mistreat and abuse "marriage" and that is why the divorce is what it is. marriage is such a waste
Originally Posted by nealraj006

There is something to be gained from marriage, that's why it's been around for many thousands of years. It's not simply an advent of modern culture. The modern meaning of marriage has changed significantly though. Check out "Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human" for more information

So has racism/rape/murder/stealing/slavery/prejudice/ etc... So are all those good things something positive to be gained in society? I mean some of these things have gained ppl things although alot of it has hurt. But they are still things/thoughts idealogies that have been around and practiced for thousands of years. And if we are talking about the origins and true definition of marriage then its the unification of two ppl to create become one. And that can only truly happen with the birth of a kid so.... By true definition of marriage there are no baby mammas/daddies etc. Once you get knocked up/knock someone up you are infact bonded for life due to the fact you have created one, that being the child.

And there still isnt direct evidence that having a ring/ceremony/pact etc improves increases the quality of life. That is a attribute that can only be determined by the indicidual who lives that life. How can you say ok this guy isnt content as happy as i am, or wont live as long as i do because i had americas modern day version of marriage and he didnt?

And again i ask ppl which i have yet to get a response. Are ppl who dont believe in americas version of marriage unhappy? Is there bond/love commitment/ not as strong or weaker then ours? What about before this version of marriage we practice now, ppl didnt practice it years ago, was there love/bond/commitment not as real valid as ppl are todays? Stats and facts would be against you on that one.

And also  i havent got an answer to if you and your sig other truly love etc one another, if you never got married would your sig other still be with you love commit to you? If you said you no longer wanted to be married would your sig other still love/honor cherish bond commit to you?

Im making a educated guess in saying HELL NO. We all know for the most part it was a combination of society social acceptance, validity of others, mixed with she wont love me care for me bond commit to me unless I perform this act. I know it and deep down you guys know it to.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

There is something to be gained from marriage, that's why it's been around for many thousands of years. It's not simply an advent of modern culture. The modern meaning of marriage has changed significantly though. Check out "Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human" for more information

So has racism/rape/murder/stealing/slavery/prejudice/ etc... So are all those good things something positive to be gained in society? I mean some of these things have gained ppl things although alot of it has hurt. But they are still things/thoughts idealogies that have been around and practiced for thousands of years. And if we are talking about the origins and true definition of marriage then its the unification of two ppl to create become one. And that can only truly happen with the birth of a kid so.... By true definition of marriage there are no baby mammas/daddies etc. Once you get knocked up/knock someone up you are infact bonded for life due to the fact you have created one, that being the child.

And there still isnt direct evidence that having a ring/ceremony/pact etc improves increases the quality of life. That is a attribute that can only be determined by the indicidual who lives that life. How can you say ok this guy isnt content as happy as i am, or wont live as long as i do because i had americas modern day version of marriage and he didnt?

And again i ask ppl which i have yet to get a response. Are ppl who dont believe in americas version of marriage unhappy? Is there bond/love commitment/ not as strong or weaker then ours? What about before this version of marriage we practice now, ppl didnt practice it years ago, was there love/bond/commitment not as real valid as ppl are todays? Stats and facts would be against you on that one.

And also  i havent got an answer to if you and your sig other truly love etc one another, if you never got married would your sig other still be with you love commit to you? If you said you no longer wanted to be married would your sig other still love/honor cherish bond commit to you?

Im making a educated guess in saying HELL NO. We all know for the most part it was a combination of society social acceptance, validity of others, mixed with she wont love me care for me bond commit to me unless I perform this act. I know it and deep down you guys know it to.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Majority of beautiful looking girls which NT desires so much do not want to work.
 They use there looks to their advantage sucking the life and $ out of stupid {} whipped men.

If you chose to have kids that does not mean you need to get married.

but as posted, a healthy marriage provides a much more stable environment/family dynamic. Are the kids going to be shuttled from one parent to the other or will one parent drift out of the picture (as commonly happens) ? Other women/men in the picture ? Conflicts over time spent/location ? The list goes on. It's not impossible for it to work out, but a marriage greatly facilitates it. 

There is your benefit. 
Not true I have all those things you mentioned and im not married so....... My kids live with me, we dont have different men/women in my house. Only difference between me and my parents is the paper govt gave them and the picture over there fireplace with the dress suit and tie. So are you saying I dont have a healthy/good life for my old lady/kids because we didnt have a tower cake, a govt pact, didnt have a one day special event in a monkey suite?

I never stated having a stable/healthy family life was impossible without marriage (see bolded). I simply made the point that a good marriage greatly facilitates its occurrence. If you/your kids are doing well and you are not married, more power to you.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by Still1Rise

Majority of beautiful looking girls which NT desires so much do not want to work.
 They use there looks to their advantage sucking the life and $ out of stupid {} whipped men.

If you chose to have kids that does not mean you need to get married.

but as posted, a healthy marriage provides a much more stable environment/family dynamic. Are the kids going to be shuttled from one parent to the other or will one parent drift out of the picture (as commonly happens) ? Other women/men in the picture ? Conflicts over time spent/location ? The list goes on. It's not impossible for it to work out, but a marriage greatly facilitates it. 

There is your benefit. 
Not true I have all those things you mentioned and im not married so....... My kids live with me, we dont have different men/women in my house. Only difference between me and my parents is the paper govt gave them and the picture over there fireplace with the dress suit and tie. So are you saying I dont have a healthy/good life for my old lady/kids because we didnt have a tower cake, a govt pact, didnt have a one day special event in a monkey suite?

I never stated having a stable/healthy family life was impossible without marriage (see bolded). I simply made the point that a good marriage greatly facilitates its occurrence. If you/your kids are doing well and you are not married, more power to you.
Their arguments aren't even consistent though. Do you want to stay single forever and "lease" women, switching them out whenever you think you can get a newer, faster, better, more willing one since they are "depreciating assets" and apparently you see women, or at least the ones who you pursue, as only being able to contribute looking pretty and nothing else and as only being your tremendous wealth and wordly possessions to "rob" them from you and trap you so they get half. Or are you about monogamy and long term relationships and families still, just don't want to be bothered with a ceremony which you perceive to be "meaningless?"

Are you going to have your names on the birth certificate when your kids are born? Give them your last name or have them keep the Mother's name?

I want to marry the future mother of my kids and give them my last name as a symbol to her and my kids of my commitment to them. Yes, the legal aspect is undeniable as well and that (life insurance, health care, tax purposes) is part of what I want them to have. Given the fact I trusted her enough to bare my children and figure to spend the rest of my life with her, I equally trust that she will not try to take advantage of the situation and get me for half or anything like that. Furthermore, my future wife will be someone with their own career who is financially near or on par, hell maybe makes more (current girl I "mess with" is a nurse and her pockets probably ***# on mine's) than me. Is there a risk there? Perhaps.

Even if we agree for her to become "just" a housewife, there have been multiple studies done by economist including the US Bureau of Labor (and admittedly it is a somewhat flawed science) on the valuation, or opportunity cost, of a housewife's contribution to the household that puts the # at 125K. or

Again, it's just not my goal to be a baby daddy nor do I want my kids in a single mother home situation (obviously barring anything unforeseen between myself and the mother) with various other dudes in and out of their life. So yes, I do value a father over a baby daddy. Nothing is absolute though, it's not to say all married dads are automatically good and not being married or together with the mom so you can spare me the examples of failed marriages or good ones.

It's funny because yall are the same dudes always complaining about equality and chivalry. Talkin' bout she got hands she can open her own door, let's go Dutch, she can carry her own heavy bags if she want to be equal, then the same time are going to expect a woman to do all the cooking and cleaning, wait on you hand and foot, and basically still subscribe to gender roles when it benefits you all the while comparing them to property talking about depreciation and replacing them. Double standard much?
Their arguments aren't even consistent though. Do you want to stay single forever and "lease" women, switching them out whenever you think you can get a newer, faster, better, more willing one since they are "depreciating assets" and apparently you see women, or at least the ones who you pursue, as only being able to contribute looking pretty and nothing else and as only being your tremendous wealth and wordly possessions to "rob" them from you and trap you so they get half. Or are you about monogamy and long term relationships and families still, just don't want to be bothered with a ceremony which you perceive to be "meaningless?"

Are you going to have your names on the birth certificate when your kids are born? Give them your last name or have them keep the Mother's name?

I want to marry the future mother of my kids and give them my last name as a symbol to her and my kids of my commitment to them. Yes, the legal aspect is undeniable as well and that (life insurance, health care, tax purposes) is part of what I want them to have. Given the fact I trusted her enough to bare my children and figure to spend the rest of my life with her, I equally trust that she will not try to take advantage of the situation and get me for half or anything like that. Furthermore, my future wife will be someone with their own career who is financially near or on par, hell maybe makes more (current girl I "mess with" is a nurse and her pockets probably ***# on mine's) than me. Is there a risk there? Perhaps.

Even if we agree for her to become "just" a housewife, there have been multiple studies done by economist including the US Bureau of Labor (and admittedly it is a somewhat flawed science) on the valuation, or opportunity cost, of a housewife's contribution to the household that puts the # at 125K. or

Again, it's just not my goal to be a baby daddy nor do I want my kids in a single mother home situation (obviously barring anything unforeseen between myself and the mother) with various other dudes in and out of their life. So yes, I do value a father over a baby daddy. Nothing is absolute though, it's not to say all married dads are automatically good and not being married or together with the mom so you can spare me the examples of failed marriages or good ones.

It's funny because yall are the same dudes always complaining about equality and chivalry. Talkin' bout she got hands she can open her own door, let's go Dutch, she can carry her own heavy bags if she want to be equal, then the same time are going to expect a woman to do all the cooking and cleaning, wait on you hand and foot, and basically still subscribe to gender roles when it benefits you all the while comparing them to property talking about depreciation and replacing them. Double standard much?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

For those who are vehemently against marriage, can I ask what your upbringing was like? Honestly, I think the way you were brought up and your experiences seeing the dynamic of your OWN family molds how you view things in the present. Also, your ages....not to knock anyone, but there are some immature responses on both sides of the argument in this thread. Personally, I'm willing to accept other peoples POVs, but it's easy to weed out comments from folks who come off as "young."

Your first comment is quite presumptous, in the fact that just because someone doesnt practice exercises something means they are against it. I dont exercise my right to be homosexual, nor do i practice it, does that mean im against or hate the idea of homosexuality...? No it doesnt. My parents are still together and im well im in my 30's And our relationship really isnt to much different then that of my parents to be quite honest. I have no ill wills etc.. for ppl who choose to get married by todays society, I just feel that i am already married because all the things that what a true marriage stands for i have, and i dont see how a ring/ceremony/contract will change the love/bond commitment weve had all these years.

How does social acceptance/validity and worldy things=love? I have yet to get an answer to this. And if thats the case then does the size of a ring/wedding prove shows the stronger bond/commitment? Like I said there arre ppl outside of american today that dont have rings/pacts contracts etc. Is there love for there sig. other and there kids any less then americans in our society because of americas practices?

So a family who been together for 30+ yrs in  the remote parts of africa bond/commitment isnt as strong as some couple in utah because one signed a pact had a ceremony/ring etc? If so how and why? 

And again i ask if a pact/ceremony/rings=comittment love, then what does that say about religion and your love for your kids? You dont have a written pact/exchange rings ceremony with god/your kids. So how do you prove your undying love, commitment in those instances.

I believe actions/doings are the only true measurement of commitment. Like i said before, ppl havde commitments written contracts in alot of aspects of life. Ppl have pacts/contracts to pay bills etc, that dont mean that they will, or even have the intentions on doing so. So whats exactly you guys point?

This thread reminds me of some of the ppl i deal with hosea help feed the homeless, outreach programs, big brothers/big sisters, programs i deal with. You get these young college kids who sole intentions are to get credits for college, so society, potential employers etc.. view them in a certain manner. Or the ppl who just drop in help during the holidays/certain times of the year so ppl will view them as compationate and caring etc.. Which is what alot of celebs companies do etc.. then you got ppl like myself who do it because I have a general care for ppl and society and want to assist others, and dont need the acceptance, the thumbs up, etc.. And do it just for the love and compassion I have for humanity.

Also to the ppl who said without marriage your bond isnt real etc.. So that would suggest that before you got married etc you didnt have a love/bond with the person. So when did it all of a sudden kick in? Was it at the point of saying i do, all of a sudden love magically appeared, and a life long bond and commitment was predestined? Was it at the point of signing the papers at the court house? When did the defining moment happen?

Becausse you guys said that if your not then you dont have that same love commitment bond etc... So that would include all of you married ppl to before you walked down the aisles. So essentially you guys are saying a single event, along with a signed contract, and materialistic possessions change the whole facade and dynamic of your life and feelings you had with a person. So when does this occur? Its like you guys are equating marriage etc with some sort of metamorphic effect on ones love,bond and commitment to that love.
If I was speaking to you SPECIFICALLY, then initial comment would be presumptuous.  But I wasn't.  I threw that statement out there because I was interested to see some responses from those who are piggybacking off of what you're saying w/o actually adding much to the discussion aside from clapping .gifs.  The folks using lease/owning analogies in their "arguments."  It goes on and on....I DO believe there is a direct correlation between your home environment as a child to what you became/believe today.  Is there a chance that you may settle down (via marriage)?  Sure.  Is there a chance you won't (via marriage)?  Sure.  Nothing in this world is 100% certain. 

FWIW, I actually respect your POV (and DC to a certain extent) on this topic and appreciate what you said.  Do I agree with everything you said? No.  But I get where you're coming from.  I'm not out there to push my beliefs on anyone.  I feel a certain way about marriage and so does everyone else in here.  I don't come into these threads with my feet dug in the sand and unwilling to hear out what folks have to say and be close-minded and naive to think that folks may have a different viewpoint.  There are people who are clearly going against the grain for the sake of doing so.  However, I'm all ears when there is a well-thought out response or POV that has a different goal than LULZ or shock-value. 

My bad and i as well respect yours. My point was that its the emotions/actions actually doing of the commitment=marriage and not the rings/ceremony/contract. I can swear, give my word, throw a big hoopla about my kids and say i love them will always be there for them etc. But it doesnt prove nor show that i have or will is my point. Its the coutless hrs i had worked, its the being there at all of the pta meetings, the practices, the games, etc that shows my commitment. Same as the mother of my child, i feel when she was sick and hospitalized and i cared for her even wiped her behind (yes i know its gross) showed i love care for her, its the i busted my behind working 2 jobs so she could work part time and finish getting her degree because it would help her in her aspirations in her working career. Its why i gave up on my job and started my own thing. Its why i got this house out in the boonies/country just because of the excellent school district and convience it is on my lady and my kids. Its things she has sacrificed done for me that proves our commitment love/bond. Im sorry but i just fail to see how those events= better yet get trumped by a dress/and a ring. Materialistic things and a single event in this long journey we call life is better then proven actions. I just dont see it.

Its like saying your more committed to paying your bills because you signed a contract obligating yourself to do so versus a person who has always paid theres on time like clockwork for 20+ years. i find it funny ppl say I dont have a bond/commitment with someone although i been doing it almost as long as some of you guys been on this planet, yet you feel you have this long time commitment bond undying love and havent put in nowhere near the time or havent did any action to prove this outside of a single event in life, a contact, a social gathering, and a ring.

So the fact i been doing something consistant for almost 2 decades says im not committed, but yet you havent proven anything and just celebrating, and buying materialistic things proves you are? How does that even make sense?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

For those who are vehemently against marriage, can I ask what your upbringing was like? Honestly, I think the way you were brought up and your experiences seeing the dynamic of your OWN family molds how you view things in the present. Also, your ages....not to knock anyone, but there are some immature responses on both sides of the argument in this thread. Personally, I'm willing to accept other peoples POVs, but it's easy to weed out comments from folks who come off as "young."

Your first comment is quite presumptous, in the fact that just because someone doesnt practice exercises something means they are against it. I dont exercise my right to be homosexual, nor do i practice it, does that mean im against or hate the idea of homosexuality...? No it doesnt. My parents are still together and im well im in my 30's And our relationship really isnt to much different then that of my parents to be quite honest. I have no ill wills etc.. for ppl who choose to get married by todays society, I just feel that i am already married because all the things that what a true marriage stands for i have, and i dont see how a ring/ceremony/contract will change the love/bond commitment weve had all these years.

How does social acceptance/validity and worldy things=love? I have yet to get an answer to this. And if thats the case then does the size of a ring/wedding prove shows the stronger bond/commitment? Like I said there arre ppl outside of american today that dont have rings/pacts contracts etc. Is there love for there sig. other and there kids any less then americans in our society because of americas practices?

So a family who been together for 30+ yrs in  the remote parts of africa bond/commitment isnt as strong as some couple in utah because one signed a pact had a ceremony/ring etc? If so how and why? 

And again i ask if a pact/ceremony/rings=comittment love, then what does that say about religion and your love for your kids? You dont have a written pact/exchange rings ceremony with god/your kids. So how do you prove your undying love, commitment in those instances.

I believe actions/doings are the only true measurement of commitment. Like i said before, ppl havde commitments written contracts in alot of aspects of life. Ppl have pacts/contracts to pay bills etc, that dont mean that they will, or even have the intentions on doing so. So whats exactly you guys point?

This thread reminds me of some of the ppl i deal with hosea help feed the homeless, outreach programs, big brothers/big sisters, programs i deal with. You get these young college kids who sole intentions are to get credits for college, so society, potential employers etc.. view them in a certain manner. Or the ppl who just drop in help during the holidays/certain times of the year so ppl will view them as compationate and caring etc.. Which is what alot of celebs companies do etc.. then you got ppl like myself who do it because I have a general care for ppl and society and want to assist others, and dont need the acceptance, the thumbs up, etc.. And do it just for the love and compassion I have for humanity.

Also to the ppl who said without marriage your bond isnt real etc.. So that would suggest that before you got married etc you didnt have a love/bond with the person. So when did it all of a sudden kick in? Was it at the point of saying i do, all of a sudden love magically appeared, and a life long bond and commitment was predestined? Was it at the point of signing the papers at the court house? When did the defining moment happen?

Becausse you guys said that if your not then you dont have that same love commitment bond etc... So that would include all of you married ppl to before you walked down the aisles. So essentially you guys are saying a single event, along with a signed contract, and materialistic possessions change the whole facade and dynamic of your life and feelings you had with a person. So when does this occur? Its like you guys are equating marriage etc with some sort of metamorphic effect on ones love,bond and commitment to that love.
If I was speaking to you SPECIFICALLY, then initial comment would be presumptuous.  But I wasn't.  I threw that statement out there because I was interested to see some responses from those who are piggybacking off of what you're saying w/o actually adding much to the discussion aside from clapping .gifs.  The folks using lease/owning analogies in their "arguments."  It goes on and on....I DO believe there is a direct correlation between your home environment as a child to what you became/believe today.  Is there a chance that you may settle down (via marriage)?  Sure.  Is there a chance you won't (via marriage)?  Sure.  Nothing in this world is 100% certain. 

FWIW, I actually respect your POV (and DC to a certain extent) on this topic and appreciate what you said.  Do I agree with everything you said? No.  But I get where you're coming from.  I'm not out there to push my beliefs on anyone.  I feel a certain way about marriage and so does everyone else in here.  I don't come into these threads with my feet dug in the sand and unwilling to hear out what folks have to say and be close-minded and naive to think that folks may have a different viewpoint.  There are people who are clearly going against the grain for the sake of doing so.  However, I'm all ears when there is a well-thought out response or POV that has a different goal than LULZ or shock-value. 

My bad and i as well respect yours. My point was that its the emotions/actions actually doing of the commitment=marriage and not the rings/ceremony/contract. I can swear, give my word, throw a big hoopla about my kids and say i love them will always be there for them etc. But it doesnt prove nor show that i have or will is my point. Its the coutless hrs i had worked, its the being there at all of the pta meetings, the practices, the games, etc that shows my commitment. Same as the mother of my child, i feel when she was sick and hospitalized and i cared for her even wiped her behind (yes i know its gross) showed i love care for her, its the i busted my behind working 2 jobs so she could work part time and finish getting her degree because it would help her in her aspirations in her working career. Its why i gave up on my job and started my own thing. Its why i got this house out in the boonies/country just because of the excellent school district and convience it is on my lady and my kids. Its things she has sacrificed done for me that proves our commitment love/bond. Im sorry but i just fail to see how those events= better yet get trumped by a dress/and a ring. Materialistic things and a single event in this long journey we call life is better then proven actions. I just dont see it.

Its like saying your more committed to paying your bills because you signed a contract obligating yourself to do so versus a person who has always paid theres on time like clockwork for 20+ years. i find it funny ppl say I dont have a bond/commitment with someone although i been doing it almost as long as some of you guys been on this planet, yet you feel you have this long time commitment bond undying love and havent put in nowhere near the time or havent did any action to prove this outside of a single event in life, a contact, a social gathering, and a ring.

So the fact i been doing something consistant for almost 2 decades says im not committed, but yet you havent proven anything and just celebrating, and buying materialistic things proves you are? How does that even make sense?
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Mrsouthernhospitality - how old are you?...not trying to bash you but maybe you haven't mature enough to make that step, can't say I blame you, just like you I held of onthe idea of marriage for a looooong time....only difference is I'm not afraid to admit I was thinking like a little is what it is, just don't spit that none-sense about your relationship >>>>> ANY marriage

Any good marriage >>>>>>> any good bf/gf relationship, let us be serious..
 at not being mature enough?
Im 25 going on 26 in October 
and my girl is the same age I dont know how could I make it any clearer 

that we both made this decision and came into an agreement

im not the only man that feels like that and shes not the only women that feels 

that way 

the crazy part about your argument is that you think there are not

any sensible,mature and responsible adults that view it the same way as me

you cant even show me a poll that says 100% of people man or women say that marriage is necessary 

any good marriage ======= any good bf/gf relationship 

only difference is a ring and it helps on your taxes

to me the American court system benefits of you marriage more then you do 

Im also going to keep saying my relationship >>>>>>>>>>>>>any marriage

its plenty of married couples that dont know $#!@ about each other 

im pretty sure there are tons of 4#!@%% marriages right now

weather married or not you deal with the same core issues 

 @ not being mature enough like everybody wants to take the same route as you 

Dude THE only difference is NOT the ring, that's your problem and that alone shows your and your girls maturity level if ya can't see passed that and all the legalities of it, it's a bond, a blessing, "till death do us part" does that not mean anything to you....when I stopped thinking about all the legalities of it and the vanity that came with what ring my wife would like I started seeing things donot understand that prior to my marriage I felt alot like you, why do you think it took me 10 years to marry her?...but the second I said the words "I do" and she repeated them to me in front of a priest, something change in me and in our relationship, call me crazy but that bond we had built over 10 years is alot stronger now than it was before our marriage....THAT my friend is something you won't understand till you yourself get married....and the fact that you try to null my argument being that I've been on both sides of the spectrum is why I said you still need to grow calling marriage a "status, title, a ring" that's all immaturity and inexperience speaking.
Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Mrsouthernhospitality - how old are you?...not trying to bash you but maybe you haven't mature enough to make that step, can't say I blame you, just like you I held of onthe idea of marriage for a looooong time....only difference is I'm not afraid to admit I was thinking like a little is what it is, just don't spit that none-sense about your relationship >>>>> ANY marriage

Any good marriage >>>>>>> any good bf/gf relationship, let us be serious..
 at not being mature enough?
Im 25 going on 26 in October 
and my girl is the same age I dont know how could I make it any clearer 

that we both made this decision and came into an agreement

im not the only man that feels like that and shes not the only women that feels 

that way 

the crazy part about your argument is that you think there are not

any sensible,mature and responsible adults that view it the same way as me

you cant even show me a poll that says 100% of people man or women say that marriage is necessary 

any good marriage ======= any good bf/gf relationship 

only difference is a ring and it helps on your taxes

to me the American court system benefits of you marriage more then you do 

Im also going to keep saying my relationship >>>>>>>>>>>>>any marriage

its plenty of married couples that dont know $#!@ about each other 

im pretty sure there are tons of 4#!@%% marriages right now

weather married or not you deal with the same core issues 

 @ not being mature enough like everybody wants to take the same route as you 

Dude THE only difference is NOT the ring, that's your problem and that alone shows your and your girls maturity level if ya can't see passed that and all the legalities of it, it's a bond, a blessing, "till death do us part" does that not mean anything to you....when I stopped thinking about all the legalities of it and the vanity that came with what ring my wife would like I started seeing things donot understand that prior to my marriage I felt alot like you, why do you think it took me 10 years to marry her?...but the second I said the words "I do" and she repeated them to me in front of a priest, something change in me and in our relationship, call me crazy but that bond we had built over 10 years is alot stronger now than it was before our marriage....THAT my friend is something you won't understand till you yourself get married....and the fact that you try to null my argument being that I've been on both sides of the spectrum is why I said you still need to grow calling marriage a "status, title, a ring" that's all immaturity and inexperience speaking.
Mrsouthernhospitality - just to add you speaking on marriage would be like me being strongly opinionated on how to raise a child being that I don't have any, it's one of those experiences we all think we have figured out but get smacked by reality when it happens, if you were divorce then I'd be more undersanding, but as of now you are just a dude who THINKS knows marriage is all about, but in reality has no idea.
Mrsouthernhospitality - just to add you speaking on marriage would be like me being strongly opinionated on how to raise a child being that I don't have any, it's one of those experiences we all think we have figured out but get smacked by reality when it happens, if you were divorce then I'd be more undersanding, but as of now you are just a dude who THINKS knows marriage is all about, but in reality has no idea.
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