There are NO benefits for men to get married.

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

 at not being mature enough?
Im 25 going on 26 in October 
and my girl is the same age I dont know how could I make it any clearer 

that we both made this decision and came into an agreement

im not the only man that feels like that and shes not the only women that feels 

that way 

the crazy part about your argument is that you think there are not

any sensible,mature and responsible adults that view it the same way as me

you cant even show me a poll that says 100% of people man or women say that marriage is necessary 

any good marriage ======= any good bf/gf relationship 

only difference is a ring and it helps on your taxes

to me the American court system benefits of you marriage more then you do 

Im also going to keep saying my relationship >>>>>>>>>>>>>any marriage

its plenty of married couples that dont know $#!@ about each other 

im pretty sure there are tons of 4#!@%% marriages right now

weather married or not you deal with the same core issues 

 @ not being mature enough like everybody wants to take the same route as you 

Dude THE only difference is NOT the ring, that's your problem and that alone shows your and your girls maturity level if ya can't see passed that and all the legalities of it, it's a bond, a blessing, "till death do us part" does that not mean anything to you....when I stopped thinking about all the legalities of it and the vanity that came with what ring my wife would like I started seeing things donot understand that prior to my marriage I felt alot like you, why do you think it took me 10 years to marry her?...but the second I said the words "I do" and she repeated them to me in front of a priest, something change in me and in our relationship, call me crazy but that bond we had built over 10 years is alot stronger now than it was before our marriage....THAT my friend is something you won't understand till you yourself get married....and the fact that you try to null my argument being that I've been on both sides of the spectrum is why I said you still need to grow calling marriage a "status, title, a ring" that's all immaturity and inexperience speaking.

I think what he is trying to say is that ppl say that the ring/ceremony/contract=what marriage is all about and it doesnt. All those things are social symbolisms to prove to others what you vowed with marriage to be true. And i can only speak for  myself in saying that isnt true. And it was the time the ten years that made you guys bond love strong, the ring etc had nothing to do with it. Its just you have concieved your mind to believe that it did. And the whole death do us part in todays sociey is a joke. If you/your significant other lied/cheated/decieved etc to one another 99% of you guys and society would be headed to divorce court. And last time i checked if you cheated/lied/etc you dont just up and die. So that would mean that it isnt till death. And before you say i would never/they would never do that. that isnt the point the point is you vowed that under no circumstances other then demise would you ever be apart/seperate be less committed, lose love etc. And we all no that this isnt true. And a piece of paper/ring/ceremony doesnt make it true.

Marriage is meant to be more than social acceptance, approval,validity in others, prove show to others the bond between ppl. But a wedding is social, the pact is validity, and the ring is proof/showing to others. Which indirectly contridicts what was said in the vows.

If you truly love care for someone and are committed to them a contract/ring/wedding doesnt prove anything. It just shows others, displays to others the fact that you said it stated it. It doesnt show prove anything its time in, the actions, the things you do moving foward that show prove those things.

Its like i said before, i could sign my kids birth certificate, throw a big party, handout cigars and announce im about to be a daddy. How does that show prove that i will have an active role and a commitment in my kids life? This happens all the time albiet a majority of you guys this has happen to (single mother guys) So do you guys feel you who are products of no fathers being around, feel like your pops made a commitment and had a undying love for you and was there for you just cause he celebrated your birth, signed a piece of paper acknowledging him as your pops?

If you all about the social aspect, materialistic, acceptance aspect about it cool more power to you. But if you think the end to be all is ok im committed its forever cause i signed a paper, wear a ring, had a celebration therefore=marriage and lifelong bond and forever. Better save up your duckets cause you gonna need em for that divorce attorney and those years of child support and/or alimony. All that stuff is irreevant its the time and the actions and doings that will determine your marriage bond family structure, not some dusty pictures on the mantle, or a ring, or a video or a celebration.

Thats is one of the reasons ppl fail at life, they think all these social norms, events, material, and validity makes things poof happen. That along with many many many other aspects, but this one is a main one. No wedding/justice of peace/wedding/huge extravaganza< true feelings emotions,bonds and actions and acting out proving your love. All else is irrelevant and only holds the value the individuals involved place on it ie the ring/ceremony etc.

Just like i said with school. The walk across the stage is just that, a way to show others, and seek validity, and social acceptance from others. It was the commitment to studying passing making of good grades that achieved the goal of graduation. Not a party, not a acceptance of admittance, not the signing of the student loans. All that does is shows others, give a validation, to others im going to school i was accepted.

I think that's the problem ^^^bro, you are stuck being a rebel, trying to go so hard against what you believe society is pushing you to do, like I stated before, to me marriage is a bond/promise I made in front of God to my WIFE, before it's a a phony party with weding favors and some fancy rings, I could have done it just us two with noone else around with some pop-tart rings and as long as we had God's blessing it would mean the same up your mind.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

 this my new shht, i aint callin em B's and H's no more! straight "get back, you depreciating asset" 
 on some "you're stock is dropping by the minute while mine rises"
But how is your's rising though? Do you not age?

Don't see what's there to stoneface, the only way a man's stock rises as he ages is if his wallet gets fatter....there is no young fly female chasing sone 50 year old dude unless he has something to offer her...and at that stage in life the only thing a dude that age can offer is financial a middle class workin 50 year old chasing young chicks and you would be viewed as nothing but a creep and will be on some FOREVERALONE steez.
Originally Posted by Dskilz3

Having adult conversations with children = FAIL

Childish thread is childish. 
OP isn't taking in other peoples opinions, he's just passing off everything being said. So why he created this thread, I have no idea. 

LDJ, KSteezy (after he stopped derping), and DC are the only big contributors to this thread that I've seen on most of the pages, although there have been a few other NTer's who have also contributed, which is cool to see. I think I saw Diego drop some opinions 

But the mentality of some people nowadays is beyond me. Some of you sound driven by ignorance, and have immature reasons for not wanting to get married. Because of money? Because there are going to be younger women when you get old? Really? Some of you guys can't even handle your girl cheating on you, so how in the hell are you going to be able to handle one of your "youngin's" sneaking around behind your old !@@ back when you start trickin' on them? Them young chicks aren't going to be faithful to your old !@@. Be real, you're going to be wasting more money chasing young %**## than actually settling down and having a family. 

Don't want marriage? Thats cool, don't get married. 

Don't want kids? Thats cool too, don't have a kid. 

But have a better reason other than your obvious greed and lust, which are both driven by your immaturity. Too many of you fools have this "women come a dime a dozen, I can smash dimes my entire life" mentality, when half of the NT population isn't even smashing now. So what, you're planning on doing it later? Get real bruh. 

Some of you (especially OP) need to grow up, and see marriage for what it really is. Its a commitment, a journey, and a uniting of two people through their love, through God, and with their closest family and friends gathered in a ceremony to witness the purity of their relationship and their plans of taking care of each other for the rest of their natural lives. 

You know why a lot of you don't want to get married? Because you have a misconception of what marriage really is. You think its about getting tired of chasing skirts and settling down with the first female you see. Getting married to your baby moms, or doing it for the $!$% of it and being in the moment. +%$!+ not a joke, nor a movie homie, get married because you're in love, and because you completely trust the person with the rest of your life. 

Now everyone has their opinions on it, and I can't knock anyones honest, well thought out, and mature opinion. But some of the @#!# I'm reading is %%$$*!$ ridiculous. And by the time some of you fools find out what reality is, you probably would have lost the woman who could have been "the one" due to your immaturity and ignorance. 

Edit- Also, for those who are on the opposing side of marriage, and have real, well thought out reasons for not believing in it, I can dig it. Its not ever everyone, and someone most comfortable with being single, and having a "life partner" or etc, is respected. Marriage is for some and not for others, and some people in the world have some good respectable reasons for not wanting to be married. 

But the dumb #*% reasons, I cannot get with. 

straight like that. 
Originally Posted by Dskilz3

Having adult conversations with children = FAIL

Childish thread is childish. 
OP isn't taking in other peoples opinions, he's just passing off everything being said. So why he created this thread, I have no idea. 

LDJ, KSteezy (after he stopped derping), and DC are the only big contributors to this thread that I've seen on most of the pages, although there have been a few other NTer's who have also contributed, which is cool to see. I think I saw Diego drop some opinions 

But the mentality of some people nowadays is beyond me. Some of you sound driven by ignorance, and have immature reasons for not wanting to get married. Because of money? Because there are going to be younger women when you get old? Really? Some of you guys can't even handle your girl cheating on you, so how in the hell are you going to be able to handle one of your "youngin's" sneaking around behind your old !@@ back when you start trickin' on them? Them young chicks aren't going to be faithful to your old !@@. Be real, you're going to be wasting more money chasing young %**## than actually settling down and having a family. 

Don't want marriage? Thats cool, don't get married. 

Don't want kids? Thats cool too, don't have a kid. 

But have a better reason other than your obvious greed and lust, which are both driven by your immaturity. Too many of you fools have this "women come a dime a dozen, I can smash dimes my entire life" mentality, when half of the NT population isn't even smashing now. So what, you're planning on doing it later? Get real bruh. 

Some of you (especially OP) need to grow up, and see marriage for what it really is. Its a commitment, a journey, and a uniting of two people through their love, through God, and with their closest family and friends gathered in a ceremony to witness the purity of their relationship and their plans of taking care of each other for the rest of their natural lives. 

You know why a lot of you don't want to get married? Because you have a misconception of what marriage really is. You think its about getting tired of chasing skirts and settling down with the first female you see. Getting married to your baby moms, or doing it for the $!$% of it and being in the moment. +%$!+ not a joke, nor a movie homie, get married because you're in love, and because you completely trust the person with the rest of your life. 

Now everyone has their opinions on it, and I can't knock anyones honest, well thought out, and mature opinion. But some of the @#!# I'm reading is %%$$*!$ ridiculous. And by the time some of you fools find out what reality is, you probably would have lost the woman who could have been "the one" due to your immaturity and ignorance. 

Edit- Also, for those who are on the opposing side of marriage, and have real, well thought out reasons for not believing in it, I can dig it. Its not ever everyone, and someone most comfortable with being single, and having a "life partner" or etc, is respected. Marriage is for some and not for others, and some people in the world have some good respectable reasons for not wanting to be married. 

But the dumb #*% reasons, I cannot get with. 

straight like that. 
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

 this my new shht, i aint callin em B's and H's no more! straight "get back, you depreciating asset" 
 on some "you're stock is dropping by the minute while mine rises"
But how is your's rising though? Do you not age?

Don't see what's there to stoneface, the only way a man's stock rises as he ages is if his wallet gets fatter....there is no young fly female chasing sone 50 year old dude unless he has something to offer her...and at that stage in life the only thing a dude that age can offer is financial a middle class workin 50 year old chasing young chicks and you would be viewed as nothing but a creep and will be on some FOREVERALONE steez.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think that's the problem ^^^bro, you are stuck being a rebel, trying to go so hard against what you believe society is pushing you to do, like I stated before, to me marriage is a bond/promise I made in front of God to my WIFE, before it's a a phony party with weding favors and some fancy rings, I could have done it just us two with noone else around with some pop-tart rings and as long as we had God's blessing it would mean the same up your mind.
Open up your mind, lots of people don't believe in god.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I think that's the problem ^^^bro, you are stuck being a rebel, trying to go so hard against what you believe society is pushing you to do, like I stated before, to me marriage is a bond/promise I made in front of God to my WIFE, before it's a a phony party with weding favors and some fancy rings, I could have done it just us two with noone else around with some pop-tart rings and as long as we had God's blessing it would mean the same up your mind.
Open up your mind, lots of people don't believe in god.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I can't front lots of good posts now that I go back, LDJ I respect the way you display your argument but just like I told Southen, you are like me telling you what I think is the vest way to raise your children....all my friends live life the way you do, except they laugh at me for getting married because they say the option of them leaving with no legal or moral resentment still open, they are ok with the idea of raising their kids separate....they actually went about having kids to "strengthen" their relationship when it was rocky...what!? That blew my mind, perhaps you actually do want to spend the rest of your life with your baby-moms and leaving is not an option...then why not honor her, nobody said a wedding has to be a huge gathering, all you need is a priest and a couple of witnesses...I notice people who go against marriage are those who fail to see passed all legal and fancy crap of it to notice the simplicity of it, a bond/promise between a man and a woman who love/trust eachother blessed by God.

Again i didnt say im against marriage because i believe marriage is a love a bond between ppl, who commit to this way of life. And i have that. Same way we have this with our kids. And i do honor her, i just dont see how a public display proves it, and not having a public display disporoves it. But the fact remains you cannot look past the legal stuff because you have made a legal bond via pact contract.As far as leaving it is always an option whether im married or not married. Its not like the ring etc has some unsurreal magic powers that holds ppl togther. All of the apsects you mentioned could occur whether married in the heart, married on piece of paper, or married by both could they not? And as far as the kids raising is concern even if you have kids, you cant make a educated guess, or give advice on whats best for my kids, because they are my kids. All kids arent the same, and there are so so many dynamics, avenues, and aspects that goes into family that how can another determine whats best for another? All you can do is provide maybe a template of some sort for the other or share what has worked for you, that doesnt correlate into it working for me does it? I think not.

Reminds me of when someone dies like they moms etc dad, and someone says i feel where you comming from, i lost my moms/dad too. no you dont how can you feel how i feel you arent me, your moms wasnt my moms, you didnt share experience the love and life experiences that we had. All we would have in common is that we both lost a mom/dad. That doesnt equate oh i know the solution. Relationships and ppl and the interpolation of the two arent like things/constants. because there are to many varibles, and differences between us all. Its not like we both have the same computer there is a problem with it and there is only one solution for it and since your computer had the same problem, your advice is warrant seeing as you fixed it by doing such and such. Life/love/relationships are to complex and ever changing to apply that same logic to them.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I can't front lots of good posts now that I go back, LDJ I respect the way you display your argument but just like I told Southen, you are like me telling you what I think is the vest way to raise your children....all my friends live life the way you do, except they laugh at me for getting married because they say the option of them leaving with no legal or moral resentment still open, they are ok with the idea of raising their kids separate....they actually went about having kids to "strengthen" their relationship when it was rocky...what!? That blew my mind, perhaps you actually do want to spend the rest of your life with your baby-moms and leaving is not an option...then why not honor her, nobody said a wedding has to be a huge gathering, all you need is a priest and a couple of witnesses...I notice people who go against marriage are those who fail to see passed all legal and fancy crap of it to notice the simplicity of it, a bond/promise between a man and a woman who love/trust eachother blessed by God.

Again i didnt say im against marriage because i believe marriage is a love a bond between ppl, who commit to this way of life. And i have that. Same way we have this with our kids. And i do honor her, i just dont see how a public display proves it, and not having a public display disporoves it. But the fact remains you cannot look past the legal stuff because you have made a legal bond via pact contract.As far as leaving it is always an option whether im married or not married. Its not like the ring etc has some unsurreal magic powers that holds ppl togther. All of the apsects you mentioned could occur whether married in the heart, married on piece of paper, or married by both could they not? And as far as the kids raising is concern even if you have kids, you cant make a educated guess, or give advice on whats best for my kids, because they are my kids. All kids arent the same, and there are so so many dynamics, avenues, and aspects that goes into family that how can another determine whats best for another? All you can do is provide maybe a template of some sort for the other or share what has worked for you, that doesnt correlate into it working for me does it? I think not.

Reminds me of when someone dies like they moms etc dad, and someone says i feel where you comming from, i lost my moms/dad too. no you dont how can you feel how i feel you arent me, your moms wasnt my moms, you didnt share experience the love and life experiences that we had. All we would have in common is that we both lost a mom/dad. That doesnt equate oh i know the solution. Relationships and ppl and the interpolation of the two arent like things/constants. because there are to many varibles, and differences between us all. Its not like we both have the same computer there is a problem with it and there is only one solution for it and since your computer had the same problem, your advice is warrant seeing as you fixed it by doing such and such. Life/love/relationships are to complex and ever changing to apply that same logic to them.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

But how is your's rising though? Do you not age?

Don't see what's there to stoneface, the only way a man's stock rises as he ages is if his wallet gets fatter....there is no young fly female chasing sone 50 year old dude unless he has something to offer her...and at that stage in life the only thing a dude that age can offer is financial a middle class workin 50 year old chasing young chicks and you would be viewed as nothing but a creep and will be on some FOREVERALONE steez.
The crux of that argument here and in the original Craigslist response was that the man's stock would be rising because of his money (again, we're not even talking regular men but she wanted a 500k+ man) and that as he gets richer with time, she will get uglier.

However, that argument only works when you are talking about unemployed women. If you are talking about a woman who also has her own career, then as time goes on, both are aging and therefore getting uglier, and both are earning more.
"I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think I'm overreaching at all… I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY… I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match them – in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth. What am I doing wrong?"
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

But how is your's rising though? Do you not age?

Don't see what's there to stoneface, the only way a man's stock rises as he ages is if his wallet gets fatter....there is no young fly female chasing sone 50 year old dude unless he has something to offer her...and at that stage in life the only thing a dude that age can offer is financial a middle class workin 50 year old chasing young chicks and you would be viewed as nothing but a creep and will be on some FOREVERALONE steez.
The crux of that argument here and in the original Craigslist response was that the man's stock would be rising because of his money (again, we're not even talking regular men but she wanted a 500k+ man) and that as he gets richer with time, she will get uglier.

However, that argument only works when you are talking about unemployed women. If you are talking about a woman who also has her own career, then as time goes on, both are aging and therefore getting uglier, and both are earning more.
"I'm looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don't think I'm overreaching at all… I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY… I wouldn't be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match them – in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth. What am I doing wrong?"
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Dude THE only difference is NOT the ring, that's your problem and that alone shows your and your girls maturity level if ya can't see passed that and all the legalities of it, it's a bond, a blessing, "till death do us part" does that not mean anything to you....when I stopped thinking about all the legalities of it and the vanity that came with what ring my wife would like I started seeing things donot understand that prior to my marriage I felt alot like you, why do you think it took me 10 years to marry her?...but the second I said the words "I do" and she repeated them to me in front of a priest, something change in me and in our relationship, call me crazy but that bond we had built over 10 years is alot stronger now than it was before our marriage....THAT my friend is something you won't understand till you yourself get married....and the fact that you try to null my argument being that I've been on both sides of the spectrum is why I said you still need to grow calling marriage a "status, title, a ring" that's all immaturity and inexperience speaking.

I think what he is trying to say is that ppl say that the ring/ceremony/contract=what marriage is all about and it doesnt. All those things are social symbolisms to prove to others what you vowed with marriage to be true. And i can only speak for  myself in saying that isnt true. And it was the time the ten years that made you guys bond love strong, the ring etc had nothing to do with it. Its just you have concieved your mind to believe that it did. And the whole death do us part in todays sociey is a joke. If you/your significant other lied/cheated/decieved etc to one another 99% of you guys and society would be headed to divorce court. And last time i checked if you cheated/lied/etc you dont just up and die. So that would mean that it isnt till death. And before you say i would never/they would never do that. that isnt the point the point is you vowed that under no circumstances other then demise would you ever be apart/seperate be less committed, lose love etc. And we all no that this isnt true. And a piece of paper/ring/ceremony doesnt make it true.

Marriage is meant to be more than social acceptance, approval,validity in others, prove show to others the bond between ppl. But a wedding is social, the pact is validity, and the ring is proof/showing to others. Which indirectly contridicts what was said in the vows.

If you truly love care for someone and are committed to them a contract/ring/wedding doesnt prove anything. It just shows others, displays to others the fact that you said it stated it. It doesnt show prove anything its time in, the actions, the things you do moving foward that show prove those things.

Its like i said before, i could sign my kids birth certificate, throw a big party, handout cigars and announce im about to be a daddy. How does that show prove that i will have an active role and a commitment in my kids life? This happens all the time albiet a majority of you guys this has happen to (single mother guys) So do you guys feel you who are products of no fathers being around, feel like your pops made a commitment and had a undying love for you and was there for you just cause he celebrated your birth, signed a piece of paper acknowledging him as your pops?

If you all about the social aspect, materialistic, acceptance aspect about it cool more power to you. But if you think the end to be all is ok im committed its forever cause i signed a paper, wear a ring, had a celebration therefore=marriage and lifelong bond and forever. Better save up your duckets cause you gonna need em for that divorce attorney and those years of child support and/or alimony. All that stuff is irreevant its the time and the actions and doings that will determine your marriage bond family structure, not some dusty pictures on the mantle, or a ring, or a video or a celebration.

Thats is one of the reasons ppl fail at life, they think all these social norms, events, material, and validity makes things poof happen. That along with many many many other aspects, but this one is a main one. No wedding/justice of peace/wedding/huge extravaganza< true feelings emotions,bonds and actions and acting out proving your love. All else is irrelevant and only holds the value the individuals involved place on it ie the ring/ceremony etc.

Just like i said with school. The walk across the stage is just that, a way to show others, and seek validity, and social acceptance from others. It was the commitment to studying passing making of good grades that achieved the goal of graduation. Not a party, not a acceptance of admittance, not the signing of the student loans. All that does is shows others, give a validation, to others im going to school i was accepted.

I think that's the problem ^^^bro, you are stuck being a rebel, trying to go so hard against what you believe society is pushing you to do, like I stated before, to me marriage is a bond/promise I made in front of God to my WIFE, before it's a a phony party with weding favors and some fancy rings, I could have done it just us two with noone else around with some pop-tart rings and as long as we had God's blessing it would mean the same up your mind.
And just like I stated before that all good if you feel that way but you have no right to say one is more mature than the other
over there decision about it especially when it was a decision between the both of us
you cant sit up there and tell me my relationship is less important because we (as a bond) chose not to go that route
its not about being a rebel about it its a personal choice between me and my sig other
and I dont get how you dont understand that its a choice
as many different types of marriage situation around this world how you express you love for someone is up to you
just because me and my sig other see that ring as nothing doesnt make us immature (so stop making the immaturity part into your argument its irrelevant brah)
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Dude THE only difference is NOT the ring, that's your problem and that alone shows your and your girls maturity level if ya can't see passed that and all the legalities of it, it's a bond, a blessing, "till death do us part" does that not mean anything to you....when I stopped thinking about all the legalities of it and the vanity that came with what ring my wife would like I started seeing things donot understand that prior to my marriage I felt alot like you, why do you think it took me 10 years to marry her?...but the second I said the words "I do" and she repeated them to me in front of a priest, something change in me and in our relationship, call me crazy but that bond we had built over 10 years is alot stronger now than it was before our marriage....THAT my friend is something you won't understand till you yourself get married....and the fact that you try to null my argument being that I've been on both sides of the spectrum is why I said you still need to grow calling marriage a "status, title, a ring" that's all immaturity and inexperience speaking.

I think what he is trying to say is that ppl say that the ring/ceremony/contract=what marriage is all about and it doesnt. All those things are social symbolisms to prove to others what you vowed with marriage to be true. And i can only speak for  myself in saying that isnt true. And it was the time the ten years that made you guys bond love strong, the ring etc had nothing to do with it. Its just you have concieved your mind to believe that it did. And the whole death do us part in todays sociey is a joke. If you/your significant other lied/cheated/decieved etc to one another 99% of you guys and society would be headed to divorce court. And last time i checked if you cheated/lied/etc you dont just up and die. So that would mean that it isnt till death. And before you say i would never/they would never do that. that isnt the point the point is you vowed that under no circumstances other then demise would you ever be apart/seperate be less committed, lose love etc. And we all no that this isnt true. And a piece of paper/ring/ceremony doesnt make it true.

Marriage is meant to be more than social acceptance, approval,validity in others, prove show to others the bond between ppl. But a wedding is social, the pact is validity, and the ring is proof/showing to others. Which indirectly contridicts what was said in the vows.

If you truly love care for someone and are committed to them a contract/ring/wedding doesnt prove anything. It just shows others, displays to others the fact that you said it stated it. It doesnt show prove anything its time in, the actions, the things you do moving foward that show prove those things.

Its like i said before, i could sign my kids birth certificate, throw a big party, handout cigars and announce im about to be a daddy. How does that show prove that i will have an active role and a commitment in my kids life? This happens all the time albiet a majority of you guys this has happen to (single mother guys) So do you guys feel you who are products of no fathers being around, feel like your pops made a commitment and had a undying love for you and was there for you just cause he celebrated your birth, signed a piece of paper acknowledging him as your pops?

If you all about the social aspect, materialistic, acceptance aspect about it cool more power to you. But if you think the end to be all is ok im committed its forever cause i signed a paper, wear a ring, had a celebration therefore=marriage and lifelong bond and forever. Better save up your duckets cause you gonna need em for that divorce attorney and those years of child support and/or alimony. All that stuff is irreevant its the time and the actions and doings that will determine your marriage bond family structure, not some dusty pictures on the mantle, or a ring, or a video or a celebration.

Thats is one of the reasons ppl fail at life, they think all these social norms, events, material, and validity makes things poof happen. That along with many many many other aspects, but this one is a main one. No wedding/justice of peace/wedding/huge extravaganza< true feelings emotions,bonds and actions and acting out proving your love. All else is irrelevant and only holds the value the individuals involved place on it ie the ring/ceremony etc.

Just like i said with school. The walk across the stage is just that, a way to show others, and seek validity, and social acceptance from others. It was the commitment to studying passing making of good grades that achieved the goal of graduation. Not a party, not a acceptance of admittance, not the signing of the student loans. All that does is shows others, give a validation, to others im going to school i was accepted.

I think that's the problem ^^^bro, you are stuck being a rebel, trying to go so hard against what you believe society is pushing you to do, like I stated before, to me marriage is a bond/promise I made in front of God to my WIFE, before it's a a phony party with weding favors and some fancy rings, I could have done it just us two with noone else around with some pop-tart rings and as long as we had God's blessing it would mean the same up your mind.
And just like I stated before that all good if you feel that way but you have no right to say one is more mature than the other
over there decision about it especially when it was a decision between the both of us
you cant sit up there and tell me my relationship is less important because we (as a bond) chose not to go that route
its not about being a rebel about it its a personal choice between me and my sig other
and I dont get how you dont understand that its a choice
as many different types of marriage situation around this world how you express you love for someone is up to you
just because me and my sig other see that ring as nothing doesnt make us immature (so stop making the immaturity part into your argument its irrelevant brah)
What I look for in a wife

Looks-has to have a thin build, and be tall (over 5ft9) so we can breed tall far as race goes she has to be white or Nigerian.
She has to make 6 figures, preferably a doctor, lawyer or engineer.
She needs to have a diversity of interests in music, the arts, cinema etc
She has to be adventurous sexually
Also needs to be open to adoption, I'm adopting 2 children.

I can't be with someone for the rest of my life if they don't fulfill these criteria....FOREVER ALONE
I don't care if these are "dumb reasons", settling for someone who isn't PERFECT is one of the worst things I could do to myself. I deserve the perfect woman...looks, intelligence and personality, anything short of that is a no-go.
What I look for in a wife

Looks-has to have a thin build, and be tall (over 5ft9) so we can breed tall far as race goes she has to be white or Nigerian.
She has to make 6 figures, preferably a doctor, lawyer or engineer.
She needs to have a diversity of interests in music, the arts, cinema etc
She has to be adventurous sexually
Also needs to be open to adoption, I'm adopting 2 children.

I can't be with someone for the rest of my life if they don't fulfill these criteria....FOREVER ALONE
I don't care if these are "dumb reasons", settling for someone who isn't PERFECT is one of the worst things I could do to myself. I deserve the perfect woman...looks, intelligence and personality, anything short of that is a no-go.
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

Having adult conversations with children = FAIL

Childish thread is childish. 
OP isn't taking in other peoples opinions, he's just passing off everything being said. So why he created this thread, I have no idea. 

LDJ, KSteezy (after he stopped derping), and DC are the only big contributors to this thread that I've seen on most of the pages, although there have been a few other NTer's who have also contributed, which is cool to see. I think I saw Diego drop some opinions 

But the mentality of some people nowadays is beyond me. Some of you sound driven by ignorance, and have immature reasons for not wanting to get married. Because of money? Because there are going to be younger women when you get old? Really? Some of you guys can't even handle your girl cheating on you, so how in the hell are you going to be able to handle one of your "youngin's" sneaking around behind your old !@@ back when you start trickin' on them? Them young chicks aren't going to be faithful to your old !@@. Be real, you're going to be wasting more money chasing young %**## than actually settling down and having a family. 

Don't want marriage? Thats cool, don't get married. 

Don't want kids? Thats cool too, don't have a kid. 

But have a better reason other than your obvious greed and lust, which are both driven by your immaturity. Too many of you fools have this "women come a dime a dozen, I can smash dimes my entire life" mentality, when half of the NT population isn't even smashing now. So what, you're planning on doing it later? Get real bruh. 

Some of you (especially OP) need to grow up, and see marriage for what it really is. Its a commitment, a journey, and a uniting of two people through their love, through God, and with their closest family and friends gathered in a ceremony to witness the purity of their relationship and their plans of taking care of each other for the rest of their natural lives. 

You know why a lot of you don't want to get married? Because you have a misconception of what marriage really is. You think its about getting tired of chasing skirts and settling down with the first female you see. Getting married to your baby moms, or doing it for the $!$% of it and being in the moment. +%$!+ not a joke, nor a movie homie, get married because you're in love, and because you completely trust the person with the rest of your life. 

Now everyone has their opinions on it, and I can't knock anyones honest, well thought out, and mature opinion. But some of the @#!# I'm reading is %%$$*!$ ridiculous. And by the time some of you fools find out what reality is, you probably would have lost the woman who could have been "the one" due to your immaturity and ignorance. 

Edit- Also, for those who are on the opposing side of marriage, and have real, well thought out reasons for not believing in it, I can dig it. Its not ever everyone, and someone most comfortable with being single, and having a "life partner" or etc, is respected. Marriage is for some and not for others, and some people in the world have some good respectable reasons for not wanting to be married. 

But the dumb #*% reasons, I cannot get with. 

straight like that. 

/thread]By far the realist most open-minded statement I've ever read on NT
Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

Having adult conversations with children = FAIL

Childish thread is childish. 
OP isn't taking in other peoples opinions, he's just passing off everything being said. So why he created this thread, I have no idea. 

LDJ, KSteezy (after he stopped derping), and DC are the only big contributors to this thread that I've seen on most of the pages, although there have been a few other NTer's who have also contributed, which is cool to see. I think I saw Diego drop some opinions 

But the mentality of some people nowadays is beyond me. Some of you sound driven by ignorance, and have immature reasons for not wanting to get married. Because of money? Because there are going to be younger women when you get old? Really? Some of you guys can't even handle your girl cheating on you, so how in the hell are you going to be able to handle one of your "youngin's" sneaking around behind your old !@@ back when you start trickin' on them? Them young chicks aren't going to be faithful to your old !@@. Be real, you're going to be wasting more money chasing young %**## than actually settling down and having a family. 

Don't want marriage? Thats cool, don't get married. 

Don't want kids? Thats cool too, don't have a kid. 

But have a better reason other than your obvious greed and lust, which are both driven by your immaturity. Too many of you fools have this "women come a dime a dozen, I can smash dimes my entire life" mentality, when half of the NT population isn't even smashing now. So what, you're planning on doing it later? Get real bruh. 

Some of you (especially OP) need to grow up, and see marriage for what it really is. Its a commitment, a journey, and a uniting of two people through their love, through God, and with their closest family and friends gathered in a ceremony to witness the purity of their relationship and their plans of taking care of each other for the rest of their natural lives. 

You know why a lot of you don't want to get married? Because you have a misconception of what marriage really is. You think its about getting tired of chasing skirts and settling down with the first female you see. Getting married to your baby moms, or doing it for the $!$% of it and being in the moment. +%$!+ not a joke, nor a movie homie, get married because you're in love, and because you completely trust the person with the rest of your life. 

Now everyone has their opinions on it, and I can't knock anyones honest, well thought out, and mature opinion. But some of the @#!# I'm reading is %%$$*!$ ridiculous. And by the time some of you fools find out what reality is, you probably would have lost the woman who could have been "the one" due to your immaturity and ignorance. 

Edit- Also, for those who are on the opposing side of marriage, and have real, well thought out reasons for not believing in it, I can dig it. Its not ever everyone, and someone most comfortable with being single, and having a "life partner" or etc, is respected. Marriage is for some and not for others, and some people in the world have some good respectable reasons for not wanting to be married. 

But the dumb #*% reasons, I cannot get with. 

straight like that. 

/thread]By far the realist most open-minded statement I've ever read on NT
Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
Originally Posted by Kramer

Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
Congratulations. I commend you on that stance, as well as your parents, and also for the candor to admit that.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
Congratulations. I commend you on that stance, as well as your parents, and also for the candor to admit that.
Originally Posted by Kramer

Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
You are you gonna buy a whip and not look under the hood and test drive it. 

Originally Posted by Kramer

Flame suit equipped. Here's my thing with marriage: Marriage is actually going to be really special for me cuz I am waiting to only have sex with my wife (which is gonna be hard going to a state college next year
) My parents waited for each other and they've been married a real long time and have a great relationship and we have a good family. And yall say how can you only have sex with one woman your whole life but it wont be a huge deal b/c that's all I will have known so its like maybe I am missin out but I wouldn't know. I believe Im gonna have a strong family too though
You are you gonna buy a whip and not look under the hood and test drive it. 

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

 Things were better back in the day when there was no term for marriage as we know? I'm sorry I thought life had progressed into a much better, safer, and advanced world. Thought that equality between sexes was better then back in the day club your woman in the head if she disobeys. Guess you proved me wrong.

Im not trying to disregard the rest of your post in any way but let me get at this real quick.

You mention equality between men and women.
I cant say Ive done research in this area but Im fairly certain that there is a direct correlation between the women's equality movement and the high divorce rates we have in this country today.

Decades ago, marriages were so "succesful" not because everybody was happy but because women had no other choice than to put up with our +++%.
We are all selfish beings by nature. The whole concept of marriage is not a natural concept. In a perfect world the +++% sounds ideal but whens the last time you lived in a perfect world?

I will say this, I do see some married couples who genuinely look happy (Shout outs to Ksteezy) I honestly dont know how they do it and I have mad admiration for relationships like that. The truth is though, in these times I dont think they are the majority.

Marriage might work for some people and it might not work for others. What we CAN NOT allow ourselves to do is to think that there is a clear path that leads to a happy and mature adult life.

I agree with all you said, but im not sure why youre quoting me. I was being sarcastic with that comment. Youre agreeing with what im saying about how past relationships, marriages, most women didnt have a choice. So you cant really compare the two but if you did then I would say, higher divorce rate over being in the past. Imo most people that divorced shouldnt have been maried in the first place.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

 Things were better back in the day when there was no term for marriage as we know? I'm sorry I thought life had progressed into a much better, safer, and advanced world. Thought that equality between sexes was better then back in the day club your woman in the head if she disobeys. Guess you proved me wrong.

Im not trying to disregard the rest of your post in any way but let me get at this real quick.

You mention equality between men and women.
I cant say Ive done research in this area but Im fairly certain that there is a direct correlation between the women's equality movement and the high divorce rates we have in this country today.

Decades ago, marriages were so "succesful" not because everybody was happy but because women had no other choice than to put up with our +++%.
We are all selfish beings by nature. The whole concept of marriage is not a natural concept. In a perfect world the +++% sounds ideal but whens the last time you lived in a perfect world?

I will say this, I do see some married couples who genuinely look happy (Shout outs to Ksteezy) I honestly dont know how they do it and I have mad admiration for relationships like that. The truth is though, in these times I dont think they are the majority.

Marriage might work for some people and it might not work for others. What we CAN NOT allow ourselves to do is to think that there is a clear path that leads to a happy and mature adult life.

I agree with all you said, but im not sure why youre quoting me. I was being sarcastic with that comment. Youre agreeing with what im saying about how past relationships, marriages, most women didnt have a choice. So you cant really compare the two but if you did then I would say, higher divorce rate over being in the past. Imo most people that divorced shouldnt have been maried in the first place.
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