There's a plane in the Hudson River RIGHT NOW

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

no one was hurt? isnt hitting water almost as bad as hitting dirt?? living out in the desert, thats a scary thought that birds could knock out the planes here and thered be no soft landing in water... wed be hitting dirt

Actually, hitting water would be worse than hitting dirt because water is the less compressible matter b/w the two.
each year in the US 1 out of 6800 drivers dies in an auto accident. The rate for
airline passengers is 1 in 1.6 million.

In the US, each year there are about 40,000 deaths per year in automobile
accidents vs. about 200 in air transport.
I googled it, incase you're wondering where the info came from
Crazy. Glad everyone is ok tho. This still won't stop me from abusing my free US Airway flight privileges tho
damn, passengers were lucky the plane landed near the hudson river. if the plane was flying over mid town when the birds hit the engines, it would've beendone for.
[size=-1]Car Crash Stats: There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. About 115 people die every day in vehicle crashes in the United States -- one death every 13 minutes.[/size]
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

This guy they're interviewing that was a passenger is so shook but he's funny too.... just said something like "it was pretty cool"

Dude was chillin', after narrowly escaping death.

Man, though... When I first saw this headline on, I thought it was a tragedy.

I run to the TV and turn it on, and miraculously, no one is dead.

You're damn right that pilot deserves an award. What an amazing maneuver.

And more props to the rescue teams' response time. With how quick that plane was sinking, they didn't have much time at all.
all these dudes they're interviewing are calm as hell. Just goingthrough the crash story like they're just describing a movie plot.
Originally Posted by thejoker0077

this is big news because........................ no1 got hurt so ys this such big news???

In other news, FAA says everyone has been accounted for. That's good news.
Appears that everyone is ok which is great news.

Great job by the pilot and his crew for getting that plane down the safest way possible. They are all truly heros.
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