They found Jennifer Hudson's nephew.....

Oh man.. RIP to him and her mom and brother.

Its s shame someone would really hurt a 7 year old

And she was getting in with the good life too
Although this story seems like some %%+* from the movies.It's not.This isn't a rare occurrence.%%+* like this happens every day this is just the kindaworld we live in.If Jennifer Hudson was just your average girl.We wouldnt even know about this.
so so sad RIP
Englewood is a dangerous neighborhood. Probably one of the dangerous in Chicago. Why didn't Jennifer Hudson realize this and move her family to the'Burbs.

Tragic, RIP.
damn to lose your bro, mom, and nephew in the matter of a weekend? I can't imagine..

3 generations just gone like that

this is horrible R.I.P
That coward needs to get electrocuted for real. That is just sick. I would not feel sorry for him if his family and everyone else he knew just disowned him.Stuff like this just gets me heated.

R.I.P lil man
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