They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

Save all that wall of text for someone else. Just cause someone doesn't agree with you 100% y'all want to crucify them. Even when one is agreeing with you, you still want to prove somehow that you're right. I clearly said that I recognize that it exists, but there are other factors involved as well. As mentioned in the article you posted.

"Susan Brower, state demographer, said the decline in black household income “stands out especially because the other racial groups are not moving in that direction.” The declining income was not caused by higher unemployment in the black community, she said, because there has been no statistically significant change in black unemployment in the state. In fact, black unemployment declined slightly between 2013 and 2014, from 15 percent to 13 percent.

Brower said the income drop could be caused by large movements by particular income groups within the black community, or shifts in occupations. Perhaps people took less-demanding jobs to return to school.

“These are important questions,” Brower said. “The numbers do look like something’s going on there. What we’ll try to do in the coming days is tease out exactly what that is.”

I also checked that cencus data site and it doesn't really provide the information necessary to jump to that conclusion. "

The first line says "anti-white anti-cop"

Was he anti-white? I hadn't heard much about the dude.
If you're referring to the Dallas Shooter, they are calling him Anti white due him stating he felt like killing white people especially white cops or something of the sorts.
Save all that wall of text for someone else. Just cause someone doesn't agree with you 100% y'all want to crucify them. Even when one is agreeing with you, you still want to prove somehow that you're right. I clearly said that I recognize that it exists, but there are other factors involved as well. As mentioned in the article you posted.

"Susan Brower, state demographer, said the decline in black household income “stands out especially because the other racial groups are not moving in that direction.” The declining income was not caused by higher unemployment in the black community, she said, because there has been no statistically significant change in black unemployment in the state. In fact, black unemployment declined slightly between 2013 and 2014, from 15 percent to 13 percent.

Brower said the income drop could be caused by large movements by particular income groups within the black community, or shifts in occupations. Perhaps people took less-demanding jobs to return to school.

“These are important questions,” Brower said. “The numbers do look like something’s going on there. What we’ll try to do in the coming days is tease out exactly what that is.”

I also checked that cencus data site and it doesn't really provide the information necessary to jump to that conclusion. "

The first line says "anti-white anti-cop"

Was he anti-white? I hadn't heard much about the dude.
If you're referring to the Dallas Shooter, they are calling him Anti white due him stating he felt like killing white people especially white cops or something of the sorts.

You wanted data, I gave you data. I didn't try to crucify you, so I do not know it what your problem is. And the census websites are for you to pull data, I do not know know what explanations you were hoping to find. The decomposition papers discuss the econometric technique used to investigate labor market discrimination. The papers address the other factors.

I could give further explanations on the other factors, but like you suggested, I save the wall of text for someone else.
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....And what is the new craze with people replacing 'worse' with 'worst' incorrectly. Is this on purpose kind of like when people say "aware me" or one of those new "my body is ready I need this in my life" kind of things?

It's getting worse, I know that. Or is it getting worst?
Obama's my hero man. I don't think I've ever looked up to or respected an individual more.

Speaking at the memorial right now. Powerful stuff. Keeping it 1000 as always.
Great unifying speech, but somehow his opposition will find the holes.
Do you have cliff notes?

Always been a fan of Obama as a person. Didn't vote for him, don't agree with many of his beliefs...but there's no doubt — the guy is a great leader and speaker.
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Some rustled conservative gonna say Obama is being divisive again by telling people they have to unify and practice empathy. Especially towards the black community.

Damb leftists always wit da identity politics :smh:
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Obama stating that it was an act of hate doesn't help things.


Obama told senior law enforcement officials on Monday that he sees the Dallas shooting as a hate crime, or one motivated by bias, said Jim Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, who was in the closed-door meeting at the White House.

Hate crimes, which carry more severe penalties, are offenses committed with an added element of bias against a person or group over race or ethnicity, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Pasco said Obama drew a parallels between the actions of the Dallas shooter and Dylann Roof, the man prosecutors say espoused white supremacist beliefs before fatally shooting nine black people inside a church in Charleston, South Carolina in June 2015.

Johnson's death makes the question of charges against him moot, but Pasco said police unions are using the incident to lobby for a change to a federal statute that would allow the targeting of police, regardless of their race, to be charged as a hate crime.

Great unifying speech, but somehow his opposition will find the holes.
Do you have cliff notes?

Always been a fan of Obama as a person. Didn't vote for him, don't agree with many of his beliefs...but there's no doubt — the guy is a great leader and speaker.

This article has some excerpts:

Full vid on his twitter.

Obama stating that it was an act of hate doesn't help things.


Obama told senior law enforcement officials on Monday that he sees the Dallas shooting as a hate crime, or one motivated by bias, said Jim Pasco, executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police, who was in the closed-door meeting at the White House.

Hate crimes, which carry more severe penalties, are offenses committed with an added element of bias against a person or group over race or ethnicity, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Pasco said Obama drew a parallels between the actions of the Dallas shooter and Dylann Roof, the man prosecutors say espoused white supremacist beliefs before fatally shooting nine black people inside a church in Charleston, South Carolina in June 2015.

Johnson's death makes the question of charges against him moot, but Pasco said police unions are using the incident to lobby for a change to a federal statute that would allow the targeting of police, regardless of their race, to be charged as a hate crime.


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I would like I here Obama's actual words to dude.

For some reason I got the feeling Obama said one nuanced comment, and ole boy ran with it.

Are you in support for laws like in Louisiana such as the "Blue Lives Matter" Law?

You know laws to protect the public the Police

Obama stating this incident in a close door meeting as a hate crime will only usher State legislators all over the US to come up with their own bills to offer hate crime protections to cops.
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You really think state level Republican legislators are looking to Barrack Obama to guide them. Especially something supposedly said in a private meeting.

Actually if the opposite happened, that might be true, if Obama came out strongly opposing the Blue Lives Matter proposals.

The conservatives would use it as a rallying cry.
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[h1]  Obama to police: Dallas shooting was a 'hate crime'[/h1]
President Barack Obama on Monday described the Dallas shooting as a "hate crime" against police, according to a top law enforcement representative in the meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

“One really striking thing the president said in his opening remarks was that the shooting in Dallas in many ways was strikingly parallel to the Dylann Roof shooting in Charleston in the sense that it was a hate crime,” said Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, in an interview with POLITICO.

During the nearly two-hour session, Obama told Pasco and seven other police association officials that if Micah Johnson were still alive, he would have been prosecuted for a hate crime, “which is quite a precedent from our standpoint,” Pasco said. Hate crime prosecutions are seen as a recognition that victims were targeted because of their race, religion, or some other characteristic, and they can carry greater penalties.

Pasco, who has been critical of the administration’s tone toward police, said he “very much” appreciated the remark.

“At the end of the meeting I asked him to reiterate that publicly,” Pasco said.

The meeting, which included groups representing both rank-and-file officers and chiefs, was originally planned by Biden, but Obama, who cut his trip to Spain short after five police officers were fatally shot in Dallas, decided to join at the last minute on Monday. Obama will be joined by Biden and former President George W. Bush on Tuesday, when he speaks at a memorial service for the slain officers.

On Wednesday, he’ll gather law enforcement officials and policing reform activists to discuss ways to jumpstart the reforms outlined by a White House task force last year. Some officers have perceived Obama as siding with movements like Black Lives Matter over the police, especially in the wake of high-profile police-involved shootings like those in Minnesota and Louisiana last week.

“The president and vice president wanted to hear directly from law enforcement officials about their ideas on best practices for building trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve,” said the White House in a readout of Monday’s gathering. 

The statement said they discussed implementing the task force reforms, as well as “ways to support officer training in safely deescalating confrontations and systems to ensure the safety and wellness of those who protect all of us. The president recognized the importance of their continued partnership and emphasized his commitment to finding solutions to enhance public safety and reduce tensions between officers and the communities they serve.”

White House Counsel Neil Eggleston and Domestic Policy Council director Cecelia Munoz also attended, according to the White House.

Pasco said Obama expressed openness to looking into the new restrictions on local law enforcement’s use of military surplus gear, like armored vehicles and grenade launchers. According the Pasco, the ballistic helmet that saved an Orlando officer during the Pulse nightclub attack is one of the restricted items, and others have legitimate uses for local police, Pasco said.

While there’s still skepticism about Obama’s support for police, Pasco said, Biden is the “lynchpin” who brings law enforcement and the administration together. Pasco, for example, said he’s known Biden since the 1980s, long before they worked together on the crime bill in the mid-1990s.

“We trust him,” Pasco said of Biden.

According to the White House, Biden committed to reconvening the officers, as well as community leaders, for “ongoing consultation.”
Obama's my hero man. I don't think I've ever looked up to or respected an individual more.

Speaking at the memorial right now. Powerful stuff. Keeping it 1000 as always.

I got the opportunity to see him give a speech at the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony this past month... Best speech I have ever seen. The dude also stood in the extreme heat without cover, shook the hand and saluted every single cadet without breaks, no water breaks, nothing, for well over an hour... I realize these are small things, but it was incredible to see.
Obama's my hero man. I don't think I've ever looked up to or respected an individual more.

Speaking at the memorial right now. Powerful stuff. Keeping it 1000 as always.
Every time Obama has visited Belgium to give speeches at universities or other venues I've missed out :smh: All the seats get booked almost immediately any time he announces a visit
It is still crazy how the media has put a bulk of the focus and Dallas alone,

Baton Rouge, and Minnesota didnt get the same attention as Dallas and everytime it is brought up in passing. We had coverage on a memorial site, but I bet we get no coverage of the slain victims not in law enforcement.

Can you imagine how much more the narrative would be messed up if Dallas happened first smh
I ain't a conspiracy theorist in the least bit....but that Dallas situation is FUNNY.

They prolly had ol boy trumped up on some charges...told him to do this and that...and cornered him and killed him. Now they control the narrative and tell the media that he told the cops he wanted to kill white cops....

This isn't far fetched in Americas history. The 60s were literally yesterday.

I'm sleep though
I ain't a conspiracy theorist in the least bit....but that Dallas situation is FUNNY.

They prolly had ol boy trumped up on some charges...told him to do this and that...and cornered him and killed him. Now they control the narrative and tell the media that he told the cops he wanted to kill white cops....

This isn't far fetched in Americas history. The 60s were literally yesterday.

I'm sleep though
if the government is willing to sacrifice good ole white cops out of fear of progress..

then BLM is winning

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-flags are half staff for the cops.
-obama cuts his trip short for those cops' funeral. nothing more.
-he speaks to ppl about what its like to be a poc in the u.s. with kid gloves.
-the dallas police chief can go to hell with his comments about if we want change we should stop protesting and join the police force. f i look like. AS IF that is the answer. as if in the time he's been a cop diallo, louima, bland, brown, martin, sterling, castile, bell, garner, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. haven't been a hashtag or on a poster somewhere.

negro please.
They were literally trying to fire the police chief like 2-3 months ago.
His officers threw him under the bus and were calling for his resignation.
Get this due alll the way out the paint.
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