Things you bring with you to poop.

So the real question is do you squat when you're not at the home toilet?

Like if you're at the homie's crib, are you courteous enough to not Rick James his toilet seat? Do you remove your shoes (which presents a whole different set of questions)?

So many questions....
:lol: man it started out as a habit when I was a kid. Then when I was a teenager I read that it was supposed to be healthy to squat. Never looked back.

Typically I do the do and home, and if I don't have decent set up (i.e. Something to lean on), I don't do it elsewhere.
Damn man, I'm all for "alternative" lifestyle choices that are beneficial for one's health but I don't think I could ever be a pop a squat pooper.

I have a hard enough time not tipping over during lunges on leg day 

I will be investing in a squatty potty soon though.
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I saw a pic a while back of a toilet in China i believe, and the opening was down on the floor, so you were able to squat down naturally and do the business, instead of having to balance on a toilet lid.

I've noticed recently that people that are in the stalls next me, when they are wiping, sounds like they are rubbing/wiping back and forth. Not sure if they are going back and forth on the crack or on their drawers. Someone enlighten me.
A cold 12oz glass bottle of modelo especial and freddie gibbs

It used to be a fat doobie and some devin tha dude
:lol: man it started out as a habit when I was a kid. Then when I was a teenager I read that it was supposed to be healthy to squat. Never looked back.

Typically I do the do and home, and if I don't have decent set up (i.e. Something to lean on), I don't do it elsewhere.

That is so strange yet interesting to me pause. Your natural proclivity was to squat.

And you weren't taught that?
What's up with people resorting to savage ways in the name of health?

Dudes be swapping out hot showers for cold ones, and now you guys are popping squats over perfectly functional toilets.

I dreaded going to rural China because I had to pop squats over holes in the ground all the time. Never again.
That is so strange yet interesting to me pause. Your natural proclivity was to squat.

And you weren't taught that?

Started out as a way for me to avoid cold toilet seats. :lol:

When I was 8, I remember complaining about cold toilet seats to my older half brother and he told me to try standing on the toilet seat to get it warm. In retrospect, he probably suggested it so that I would fall into the toilet. :lol:

But I tried it and just went ahead with the poop, and I haven't looked back ever since. No pun intended.
Hold up do u drop tha duece??? Lool
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all I need is my phone.

However, a good deuce in the morning to start the day is imperative for me. If I have a mediocre one, I get cranky.

In the Philippines, their public toilets don't have the seat. So my Dad would always bring a cushioned seat with him whenever we travelled from town to town. That was a life saver though.
What's up with people resorting to savage ways in the name of health?

Dudes be swapping out hot showers for cold ones, and now you guys are popping squats over perfectly functional toilets.

I dreaded going to rural China because I had to pop squats over holes in the ground all the time. Never again.

Had to do something similar at this camp in Nigeria. Hated it.
Omw to **** right now, only with phone in hand. Should I post pics of posture?
can't tell you how many times my girl has gotten mad because I finish pooping in 2 mins but still on the toilet 30 mins later, legit listening to a podcast and playing candy crush :lol:

seriously the only alone time I get
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