How the $$%$ does a Television broadcast things from around the world and through a glass screen??????? 
and how the hell dd we actually figure out how to travel to space??????
Originally Posted by Babe Ruthless

-Is it always the same guy in the jack in the box head?

-Is that the CEO of Jack in the Box's voice?

-How do we know the EXACT shape and structure of a molecule, when in fact we've never seen electrons or any of that?

-I've never understood, exactly, why IS Jadakiss as hard as it gets?
Ok, man, you have sick @#$ SN
. I just had to point that out lol.
Originally Posted by rocman23

Man I remember I made a thread like this a couple years ago and everybody told me I was bugging, and needed to stop smoking


Who decided to name things, come up with numbers, letters. Who said this piece of fruit was an apple? How did they decide to call it fruit?

How did they randomly come up with color names?

How can you tell that a baby needs glasses?

Why are the projects called the projects?

What do babies think about?

How did anyone know the first plane would fly? How did they know it wouldn't just explode?

not really a direct answer to your question but babies eyesight aren't fully developed until 3 months (i believe) so their visions will be blurry and actually cannot see very far. if they have an eye problem it will probably be detected after a doctor runs some simple sight tests.

babies are thinking about how the world works and want to learn as much as possible

i'm taking a child psychology course so i sort of know this stuff . can't say i'm 100% positive its accurate though
How can someone knowingly consume a non renewable resource knowing that there is a finite amount?
Cavemen were sustainable... developed human beings will eventually run the earth dry.

I'm not even a tree hugger... but this is blatant reality
How is it that after we learned to fly, it only took 50 more years to get to the moon??
How the hell do touchscreens work?
What would other colors look like?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

why do we have an appendix?

Just recently I found out our appendix was used to digest tree bark back when we ate stuff like that..
Is a picture really worth a thousand words?

What is Death like?

If humans solved the question to life would life still be worth living?

How much wood did the woodchuck really chuck ?
Originally Posted by rocman23

Man I remember I made a thread like this a couple years ago and everybody told me I was bugging, and needed to stop smoking


Who decided to name things, come up with numbers, letters. Who said this piece of fruit was an apple? How did they decide to call it fruit?

How did they randomly come up with color names?

How can you tell that a baby needs glasses?

Why are the projects called the projects?

What do babies think about?

How did anyone know the first plane would fly? How did they know it wouldn't just explode?

They call a project a project because its a experiment,and were in it,only as objects..
Originally Posted by diew its james

Originally Posted by rocman23

Man I remember I made a thread like this a couple years ago and everybody told me I was bugging, and needed to stop smoking


Who decided to name things, come up with numbers, letters. Who said this piece of fruit was an apple? How did they decide to call it fruit?

How did they randomly come up with color names?

How can you tell that a baby needs glasses?

Why are the projects called the projects?

What do babies think about?

How did anyone know the first plane would fly? How did they know it wouldn't just explode?

not really a direct answer to your question but babies eyesight aren't fully developed until 3 months (i believe) so their visions will be blurry and actually cannot see very far. if they have an eye problem it will probably be detected after a doctor runs some simple sight tests.

babies are thinking about how the world works and want to learn as much as possible

i'm taking a child psychology course so i sort of know this stuff . can't say i'm 100% positive its accurate though

but how do we know that babies dont really know all the secrets of the universe, like that baby geniuses movie?
Originally Posted by 916kid

Where do cops pump gas at?
the police station by my house has its own gas station. i see cops filling up all the time.

and with the baby needing glasses thing, how do they know their prescription. the doctor going to ask the baby "better or worse? number 1 or number 2?"
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

What do blind people dream of?

What if slaves were never brought to North America?

we had a blind girl at our school, and we asked her this question in class. granted she lost her sight over time, but she said she dreamed about normal things.
Originally Posted by natelav129

Originally Posted by philly5fan

How in the hell did the first language originate?? Like how do you explain a language with there being no words to explain it with??????

Computer chips?

How is it that i can memorize a major amount of songs.. but can not remember something from 2 days ago?

How do people know dogs are colorblind??
THIS. Must have been crazy......

Also, +%* is really at the deepest depths of the ocean? Like what if theres a continent-sized creature just laying on the sea floor waitin to murk us all.

Originally Posted by xbiker47

natelav129 wrote:

philly5fan wrote:

How in the hell did the first language originate?? Like how do you explain a language with there being no words to explain it with??????

Computer chips?

How is it that i can memorize a major amount of songs.. but can not remember something from 2 days ago?

How do people know dogs are colorblind??
THIS. Must have been crazy......

Also, +%* is really at the deepest depths of the ocean? Like what if theres a continent-sized creature just laying on the sea floor waitin to murk us all.


the language thing...its not like on a friday night, people couldnt speak, and on a saturday morning some dude was like

and all the electronics questions can be answered by 1's and 0's....and how tiny they can make things
Why is marijuana illegal and things like cigarettes and alcohol legal and the negative affects of those substances are well known?
Why do dreams feel real while you're in them, then when you wake it was some ridiculous *$+*?

Why do humans feel they are superior to all other beings on Earth?

Why does America still have a bi-partisan political system?
Originally Posted by rocman23

Man I remember I made a thread like this a couple years ago and everybody told me I was bugging, and needed to stop smoking


Who decided to name things, come up with numbers, letters. Who said this piece of fruit was an apple? How did they decide to call it fruit?

How did they randomly come up with color names?

How can you tell that a baby needs glasses?

1) Why are the projects called the projects?

What do babies think about?

2) How did anyone know the first plane would fly? How did they know it wouldn't just explode?
1) At least in my part of the world, the term "projects" refers to the different housing projects that our government has created to provide housing for government employees, war veterans, and probably some of the other less-fortunate citizens.

2) They didn't. Achieving flight was a long process that required a lot of trial and error, with the fair share of unfortunate accidents and deaths.
First, they studied how birds flew. Discovered Bernoulli's Principle somewhat after. Experimenting with gliders came next. After doing their homework on these previous attempts, the Wright Brothers tried to apply these into the design of their aircraft, the Wright Flyer (which is known as the first heavier-than-air aircraft capable of powered flight), and gave a shot at powered flight. The first engine that was used to power the Wright Flyer was a small petrol engine. Then, technological advancements resulted in engine becoming more efficient and powerful, fuel being more potent. Pretty much the same story up to present day. Innovations + accidents = progress.

Cliffsnotes of the history of flight fail.
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