Originally Posted by natelav129

Originally Posted by philly5fan

How in the hell did the first language originate?? Like how do you explain a language with there being no words to explain it with??????

Computer chips?

How is it that i can memorize a major amount of songs.. but can not remember something from 2 days ago?

How do people know dogs are colorblind??
THIS. Must have been crazy......

Also, +%* is really at the deepest depths of the ocean? Like what if theres a continent-sized creature just laying on the sea floor waitin to murk us all.
Go to the beach at night and just look out into the water. I always picture something like that in my head haha.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

what if the earth actually was flat?
what if Mars is what Earth will look like in millions of years?

Why do we have to have our seatback right and table tray up while the plane is taking off and landing? 
How come Hardee's has a better selection of food than Carl's jr?

Are the stories about the Bermuda Triangle real?
Originally Posted by Kramer

What would other colors look like?

man wheres that hilarious mind blown gif i saw on nt last night. lol forgot which thread i saw it in
Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?
How are we born into the human being that we are?
Would i still be born if my mother would have been with someone else,vice versa?
Originally Posted by philly5fan

How do people know dogs are colorblind??
always wondered that, and is it just dogs or all animals?
Originally Posted by youngcurse

-Who designed the highways?
where do they make all the street signs and stop lights? everywhere u go down to the paint on the streets its all perfect and mapped out.
Originally Posted by nickgotmoney07

lmao : rollin : rollin : rollin this dude said i can eat other nuts lmao im childish
Originally Posted by BK201

Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?
similiar question; where the hell does your stuff go when you delete it? like you can have 32gigs of memory worth of videos, pictures, documents etc and then you just "delete" it all...... where the hell does it go? it just gets mushed away in electronic micro chip wire land?
Originally Posted by eashawty

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

why do lesbians use dildos

ive always wondered this...
simply put, some lesbians still like to get it in, but dislike/are not attracted to males/male genitalia for one reason or another
however, i do know some lesbians who dont like anything at all inside them

hope that helps lol
how did we decide that dog years are set in variables of 7?
do animals have regular conversations like human beings? what do they talk about?
why do men/women cheat on good "partners" for subpar individuals?
why are we all too well aware of the double standards between men and women yet do nothing to overturn them?
how much longer will the world/ civilization last?
how many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
how did Halle Berry win an oscar but not Angela Bassett?
who decided Gabourey was one of America's top 100 most beautiful people?!?
Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by BK201

Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?
similiar question; where the hell does your stuff go when you delete it? like you can have 32gigs of memory worth of videos, pictures, documents etc and then you just "delete" it all...... where the hell does it go? it just gets mushed away in electronic micro chip wire land?

it's gone fro the universe
-Where do the names for streets and cities come from? Like, say I live on Jefferson Drive. WHO decided that that street in particular would be named Jefferson Drive? Is there a counsel, is it up to a vote?

-Also, I don't know how to phrase this question without it seeming offensive. But how do lesbians know they're "done" when having sex? Like, when a male orgasms, there's a refractory period and he chills out for a while. Since women can have multiple orgasms, who's to say when they're finished? Serious question.
Originally Posted by eashawty

but how do we know that babies dont really know all the secrets of the universe, like that baby geniuses movie?

Babies are total badasses in that they possess infinite potential for language learning. When born, a baby can discriminate between every sound in every documented language on earth. As soon as they start learning their native language, they specialize to only hear the sounds within that language, and lose their discriminatory ability. Raise your babies bilingual, kids. Saves them a lot of hassle in the long run. Your ability to acquire a language drops drastically after the age of about 7.

My questions:
  • Same as the ocean thing kinda. What's down there? What if where two tectonic plates overlap there's a little zone unaffected by the external environment and there's dinos down there that survived the extinction event? Or even they were just deep enough to be affected only a little and were able to adapt and survive.
  • I too want to know where my files go when I delete them.
  • How come if it rains in Alberta there's always worms on the pavement but now that I live in Vancouver it rains 200 days a year and there's never worms? Do we just not have them because it's too easy for them to drown here?
  • Who decided to start drinking milk? Did they just squeeze those gross fleshy things and drink what came out?
  • Apparently the best human meat comes from athletic white females aged 18-24. Why? What would make races taste different? Is it what they eat? If so, would an asian/black/indian girl raised in Canada on 'Canadian' food have the same quality of meat as a white girl? Totally weird/creepy but ever since I heard that I've wondered.
how and who created the world.

if god, then who created him.

if little bacteria particles and stuff, then who created that.

If I were to be able to live FOREVER and I went on a space shuttle in space and just kept going and going when would I hit a wall at the end of the universe.

what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Are there really bad !@% agents and stuff that do super high tech secret missions like Jason Bourne.

What is in Area 51?

Are we alone in this world?

and did Hitler actually think his mustache looked good?
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by BK201

Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?
similiar question; where the hell does your stuff go when you delete it? like you can have 32gigs of memory worth of videos, pictures, documents etc and then you just "delete" it all...... where the hell does it go? it just gets mushed away in electronic micro chip wire land?

it's gone fro the universe

cant answer why it takes so long, but when it gets deleted, it technically doesnt get COMPLETELY deleted. it gets "crushed up" into a tiny-%*# file and moved into an inaccessible (from the user interface anyway) corner of your hard-drive, sort of. think of a trash compactor turning all that stuff into a little box. ala why when you delete stuff from an ipod, "other" section continues to grow.
GFlower8 wrote:
-how the hell does sending in a yogurt lid help towards breast cancer?

I think they donate money based on the number of lids they get sent back.
Originally Posted by Kramer

How the hell do touchscreens work?
There's basically two pieces of "screen" with liquid in between them. When you press the outer "screen", the liquid makes way and the two "screens" touch. I'm not too sure about what goes on after that though.
Originally Posted by 916kid

Where do cops pump gas at?
Already answered, but to confirm, police stations.
Originally Posted by AI for MVP

Why do humans feel they are superior to all other beings on Earth?
Because we are. Just kidding, I respect all forms of life.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

When I'm going to trust a female enough to date her.
When you stop being blissfully ignant.

Originally Posted by FullTech

-How do people put ice cream in a cake, I'm not talking about ice cream cake but ice cream filled in a regular cake?
Same way other fillings are put in, either by sandwiching the ice cream with layers of cake, or by squeezing inside a hollow cake with a pastry bag.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

What are fingernails made of?

How do batteries just.. have energy in them? Can't find a better way to say it but you get the idea.
Fingernails are made from the same stuff as our toenails "a tough protein called keratin".

Batteries get their power from the chemicals inside, which vary by battery type (i.e. manganese, mercury, lithium, etc.)
How good can technology really get is there a ceiling? Will we really be time traveling and %@!%???

How many hairs on my head ?

how many fingernails have i fully regrown grown in my life ?

whos out there in space ?

Is there a god?

Who decided that the color blue was that color?

What if 8 was the symbol for a different number like 1, so 823456..., who decided 8 was 8 ???

too many unanswered questions i have
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