how the frick do you imbedd videos. there has to be some form of computer programming and calculus involved lol
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by GFlower8

wondered this since i was a lil kid;

-how the hell do bar-codes work? especially at stores like if you don't get it scanned and deactivated at the register and try to walk out, those things at the doors just sense it and bam u get caught stealing?lol

barcodes are just a series of numbers read by the scanner to identify the product corresponding to that code in a database the computer accesses and then draws price and whatever else from, while registering the sale for inventory management

bar codes are not what go off, but a thing that is usually placed under them does. The alarm is a pretty slim oblong magnet thing that sends the signal to the detectors by the door. Theyre usually not placed on cheap stuff, but on electronics and whatever they might be under the label or something.
^Those things are called RFID tags/stickers. They're similar to the ones tagged on jeans that get removed when you purchase them. As the poster above me said, they are usually found in the more expensive items (books/CDs/electronics, etc.).


Why is pink lemonade pink? (no one ever answers this)

because it's just lemonade made with food coloring or mixed with some other type of juice (cranberry, grapefruit, etc).

how do you multi quote and use spoilers on NT?

Spoiler [+]
Like this.

Spoiler [+]
(spolier) text (/spoiler) just change the '(' ')'  with '[' ']'

Spoiler [+]
i think i got it, preciate it 

Spoiler [+]
next, double/multi quoting
Originally Posted by moundraised23

wats up with stuart scott's eye? Football accident (previously answered)
how is alcohol legal and not weed? Money & Politics
how do you multi quote and use spoilers on NT? spoiler =
Text [/ s p o i l er] idk bout multi quote
wat that thang smell like? depends
wat do animals talk about? survival
how do they communicate? depends on animal
why is being gay so accepted now? the growing population and growing maturity in today's society
why is it cool for dude to shop in the women's chiq jean section nowadays? its not, but unfortunately.. dudes be wilin'
why are gays gay? they like men
wat does dying feel like? imagine it'd feel pretty bad.. unless someone wanted to be put out of misery
how could all those slaves not take over plantations? Slave owners had guns, slaves didnt
How cool am I?!?!? 
Originally Posted by jdi23

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Why is there brail on a drive through ATM?

Was wondering this same thing the other day.

I know this. 

Walk up ATMs and drive through ATMs are manufactured the same way/same time, so they save time/money that way...
Originally Posted by G14

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

What happens when you die?

Are aliens amongst us and look exactly like us?


The geometry of human form is marvelous. But I wonder who/what the humanoid for was modeled after??? What if we zoomed out far enough into the universe and it turned out we been living on a cell thats apart of giant body. 
Originally Posted by jdi23

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Why is there brail on a drive through ATM?

Was wondering this same thing the other day.

cause ones with Brail are massed produced, it would be a waste of money to make 2 different templates and have to make sure you you order the correct one.

you could just mass order one style and be done with it.
Originally Posted by Control Are

What was Willis talking about?
How did kids know that taking the NES cartridge out and blowing on it would make it work?
Common's "I Used to Love H.E.R." >> What does "H.E.R." stand for?
u must be under 18.
NES cartridges probably looked dusty when they were examined when the game freezes. and i guess the natural instinct was to blow.(pause)
H.E.R. = Hip-hop in its Essence and Real.
How did different cultures come up with foods and stuff?

How did they find out what to use? All the spices, seasoning and stuff, how'd they do it?
Yeah, how did they find out about drugs. Like who lit the first marijuana plant on fire, who cooked some crack?
What would happen if Europe didn't go to the Americas and take it over?
What would happen if the Aztecs, Mayans, etc were left alone? Would they develop new technology never seen before?
What would happen if they^ eventually caught up and surpassed technologically the other continents and instead visited Europe, Africa, or Asia overseas and decided to take them over?
Being that we have microscopic cells in our bodies, we have different systems in our body (neurovascular, veins, arteries,etc.) and everything else that is formed in our body. Then, what if we are just a tiny microscopic cell within another cell, that's inside another bigger cell, forming another human or being (i.e:God).
Originally Posted by HoYiTsApNoYbOy

Being that we have microscopic cells in our bodies, we have different systems in our body (neurovascular, veins, arteries,etc.) and everything else that is formed in our body. Then, what if we are just a tiny microscopic cell within another cell, that's inside another bigger cell, forming another human or being (i.e:God).

I have a similar thought, using dreams instead of cells
Originally Posted by HoYiTsApNoYbOy

Being that we have microscopic cells in our bodies, we have different systems in our body (neurovascular, veins, arteries,etc.) and everything else that is formed in our body. Then, what if we are just a tiny microscopic cell within another cell, that's inside another bigger cell, forming another human or being (i.e:God).



I've always wondered.. if you weren't the specific sperm to reach the egg.. would you have never existed?

Also if you die while in the stomache, does that mean you never existed iok.
I always wondered how do pill forms of medicine know which part of the body to relieve once you swallow them. Like say I would have a headache initially and then out of nowhere my back starts hurting? How do the drugs know what's hurting? I need answers!
Originally Posted by triplekrown

I get serious deja vu from dreams and then they become a reality like 6 months later. I can only move my eyes and it's very hazy in the peripheral vision.

I'm scared one day I'll have some sort of bad scene in a dream. I'm a starting to believe in predetermination/destiny because of this unfortunately.

This has happened to me before. My dream car is a BMW 650. I had a dream that the 1[sup]st[/sup] day I got the car I was driving down the highway and got in this horrible accident with the car flipping over then I woke up…Spooked me bad.

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