Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by KickHead23


, you don't need sight to dream. .  

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you sir are also blind, hence why you did not understand the blatant meaning of the question.

,  I assume YouMadYouBad was being goofy. 

Anyways best question I read: "What do blind people dream of?" !

Why do we under appreciate those who want the best for us and treat those that hurt us as if they are our number one?
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Is TM 103 really on the way?


Who was the first basketball player that started dribbling between their legs and using crossovers? I never understood how Bob Cousy could get past dudes by simply dribbling with one hand

when someone gets a heart transplant how can they just move bones out the way without hurting the patient further?

Where does oil come from? And how does drilling work?

Do animals talk to each other? Like how do deer communicate with the rest of their family to cross the street at the same time?

Where do cab drivers get gas? And do they have to pay for it themselves?

Who performs the maintenance for cop cars, buses airplanes or any kind of vehicle the average person doesn't drive?

If you wanted to do special effects for a movie or create graphics for television programs, what the hell would you major in?

Why is their brail on a drive through ATM?

Why is the iphone screen so damn fragile when it's supposed to be some special bulletproof type glass?

what do women think my tapioca sauce tastes like? powder chicken?
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Why do strippers make more than pronstars?
Why do dudes get overexcited about strip clubs?

cus strippers grinding everynight

is there a seperate google2 or mega-google for the deep web?

since the contents of the deep web are not accesible through google
Originally Posted by jannydung

if god gave man free will, how does he also have a plan for us all? 

I love this question. I always take it with a hint of string theory and a ton of faith. First, I assuming God knows all. Why? Why not. I choose to. Moving along... Next, I take into account the theory that at every apparent choice, reality splits into 2 alternate dimensions; one for heads and the other for tails so to speak. Then I merge the two together. It's like PB&J. picture this. What if God had an overhead view and road map to where we were driving? We may pick the route ourselves, but God sees and knows all of the possible routes. And if He did not physically build each and every road Himself, then he at least contracted it out and oversaw the whole thing anyway.

But that's just how I've always seen it, even before I knew there were string theories or other "big words" for the %@$+. Even as a kid I always just assumed God knew either the nature of choice itself, or that since He designed this world, any and all of it's mechanisms were his to command or at very least permit and that this was His "plan" all along. 

Hope that helps. Works for me..
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by jannydung

if god gave man free will, how does he also have a plan for us all? 

I love this question. I always take it with a hint of string theory and a ton of faith. First, I assuming God knows all. Why? Why not. I choose to. Moving along... Next, I take into account the theory that at every apparent choice, reality splits into 2 alternate dimensions; one for heads and the other for tails so to speak. Then I merge the two together. It's like PB&J. picture this. What if God had an overhead view and road map to where we were driving? We may pick the route ourselves, but God sees and knows all of the possible routes. And if He did not physically build each and every road Himself, then he at least contracted it out and oversaw the whole thing anyway.

But that's just how I've always seen it, even before I knew there were string theories or other "big words" for the %!#!. Even as a kid I always just assumed God knew either the nature of choice itself, or that since He designed this world, any and all of it's mechanisms were his to command or at very least permit and that this was His "plan" all along. 

Hope that helps. Works for me..

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

... should I wiki that reference or just watch the movie?

Just go see the movie. Brings up some of the same questions and offers some interesting answers.
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by jannydung

if god gave man free will, how does he also have a plan for us all? 

I love this question. I always take it with a hint of string theory and a ton of faith. First, I assuming God knows all. Why? Why not. I choose to. Moving along... Next, I take into account the theory that at every apparent choice, reality splits into 2 alternate dimensions; one for heads and the other for tails so to speak. Then I merge the two together. It's like PB&J. picture this. What if God had an overhead view and road map to where we were driving? We may pick the route ourselves, but God sees and knows all of the possible routes. And if He did not physically build each and every road Himself, then he at least contracted it out and oversaw the whole thing anyway.

But that's just how I've always seen it, even before I knew there were string theories or other "big words" for the %@$+. Even as a kid I always just assumed God knew either the nature of choice itself, or that since He designed this world, any and all of it's mechanisms were his to command or at very least permit and that this was His "plan" all along. 

Hope that helps. Works for me..

Why did I not read?
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by jannydung

if god gave man free will, how does he also have a plan for us all? 

I love this question. I always take it with a hint of string theory and a ton of faith. First, I assuming God knows all. Why? Why not. I choose to. Moving along... Next, I take into account the theory that at every apparent choice, reality splits into 2 alternate dimensions; one for heads and the other for tails so to speak. Then I merge the two together. It's like PB&J. picture this. What if God had an overhead view and road map to where we were driving? We may pick the route ourselves, but God sees and knows all of the possible routes. And if He did not physically build each and every road Himself, then he at least contracted it out and oversaw the whole thing anyway.

But that's just how I've always seen it, even before I knew there were string theories or other "big words" for the %@$+. Even as a kid I always just assumed God knew either the nature of choice itself, or that since He designed this world, any and all of it's mechanisms were his to command or at very least permit and that this was His "plan" all along. 

Hope that helps. Works for me..

Why did I not read?

Probably because I was talking to jannydung. Either that or you're trying too hard.

Just go see the movie. Brings up some of the same questions and offers some interesting answers.
Bet. 'Preciate the recommendation.
wats up with stuart scott's eye?
how is alcohol legal and not weed?
how do you multi quote and use spoilers on NT?
wat that thang smell like?
wat do animals talk about?
how do they communicate?
why is being gay so accepted now?
why is it cool for dude to shop in the women's chiq jean section nowadays?
why are gays gay?
wat does dying feel like?
how could all those slaves not take over plantations?
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

I love this question. I always take it with a hint of string theory and a ton of faith. First, I assuming God knows all. Why? Why not. I choose to. Moving along... Next, I take into account the theory that at every apparent choice, reality splits into 2 alternate dimensions; one for heads and the other for tails so to speak. Then I merge the two together. It's like PB&J. picture this. What if God had an overhead view and road map to where we were driving? We may pick the route ourselves, but God sees and knows all of the possible routes. And if He did not physically build each and every road Himself, then he at least contracted it out and oversaw the whole thing anyway.

But that's just how I've always seen it, even before I knew there were string theories or other "big words" for the %@$+. Even as a kid I always just assumed God knew either the nature of choice itself, or that since He designed this world, any and all of it's mechanisms were his to command or at very least permit and that this was His "plan" all along. 

Hope that helps. Works for me..

Why did I not read?

Probably because I was talking to jannydung. Either that or you're trying too hard.

Just go see the movie. Brings up some of the same questions and offers some interesting answers.
Bet. 'Preciate the recommendation.

Why are u mad?
Originally Posted by GFlower8

Originally Posted by BK201

Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?
similiar question; where the hell does your stuff go when you delete it? like you can have 32gigs of memory worth of videos, pictures, documents etc and then you just "delete" it all...... where the hell does it go? it just gets mushed away in electronic micro chip wire land?
Actually, all that #*+ is never actually "deleted"'s image is actually stored momentarily and eventually re-written as some other data that you might download, save, etc.....
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

Is TM 103 really on the way?


when someone gets a heart transplant how can they just move bones out the way without hurting the patient further?

I remember reading that the recipient is lying on their stomach and doctors cut open your back and go in that way. I'm no doctor so if thats completely wrong...oops

Originally Posted by BK201

Someone please explain this to me: Why does it take so long to transfer data on your computer but it take 5 seconds to delete it?
I'm not talking about usb, firewire, etc I'm talking about let's say I have a disk image on my HD and I transfer files from my HD to the disk image that is saved ON on HD why the hell does it take so long?

Originally Posted by moundraised23

wats up with stuart scott's eye?

Stuart was injured on April 3, 2002[sup][3][/sup] in New York Jets mini-camp when he was doing a special for ESPN. Towards the end of a day at camp, Stuart was hit in the eye by a football thrown from a football throwing machine. He underwent surgery that night and was out of work for a few months, and has a lazy eye because of this accident.
Originally Posted by leopardbrain

Originally Posted by KickHead23

Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

, you don't need sight to dream. .  

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you sir are also blind, hence why you did not understand the blatant meaning of the question.

,  I assume YouMadYouBad was being goofy. 

Anyways best question I read: "What do blind people dream of?" !


lol he doesnt know what hes answering
What was Willis talking about?
How did kids know that taking the NES cartridge out and blowing on it would make it work?
Common's "I Used to Love H.E.R." >> What does "H.E.R." stand for?
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