Thinkin about getting a dog. Any suggestions?

one of these alpha dogs



I just got a puppy in March with my gf...we got a spaniel mix bc of the apartment rules...I wanted a big dog, but I'll have to wait until I get a house...Puppies require mad work...its annoying as hell, but you will enjoy seeing your dog everyday when you get home from work..

Here is my dog Guinness

Whenever I get a house I'm getting a Husky or German Sheppard
I just got a puppy in March with my gf...we got a spaniel mix bc of the apartment rules...I wanted a big dog, but I'll have to wait until I get a house...Puppies require mad work...its annoying as hell, but you will enjoy seeing your dog everyday when you get home from work..

Here is my dog Guinness

Whenever I get a house I'm getting a Husky or German Sheppard
A lot of people know what's good with German Shepherds.
 They are truly an amazing breed. I've had dogs all my life (collies and chihuahuas) but when I get my own place I will get a german shepherd. I'm a dog lover and this can be one of the best decisions of your life. My boy got his german shepherd about 10 months ago from a breeder, a champion with a pure blood line. This is what has impacted my decision for the future. She is one of the smartest, most loyal, friendliest, cutest dogs I've ever met. Like many said though they require a lot of energy and space and can be a pain as pups. But it seems like you are up for the challenge. If you are by any chance in the tri-state (NY, NJ, CT) I can direct you towards this kind of breed. 
Good luck with the process and decision.
A lot of people know what's good with German Shepherds.
 They are truly an amazing breed. I've had dogs all my life (collies and chihuahuas) but when I get my own place I will get a german shepherd. I'm a dog lover and this can be one of the best decisions of your life. My boy got his german shepherd about 10 months ago from a breeder, a champion with a pure blood line. This is what has impacted my decision for the future. She is one of the smartest, most loyal, friendliest, cutest dogs I've ever met. Like many said though they require a lot of energy and space and can be a pain as pups. But it seems like you are up for the challenge. If you are by any chance in the tri-state (NY, NJ, CT) I can direct you towards this kind of breed. 
Good luck with the process and decision.

american bulldog
i have a 5 month old that is already 60lbs
great temperament and with kids

american bulldog
i have a 5 month old that is already 60lbs
great temperament and with kids
I had a Wired Haired Fox Terrier growing up, and she was a crazy dog, but me and my family loved her to death. She lasted 21 years, sad to see her go deaf, blind, in diapers at night time, but I loved having a dog to hang out and play with. We had many funny stories about her. I plan on getting a few dogs in a couple of years.
To anyone whose lucky to have any kind of pet, treat them well, it'll go along way in life.

(Not my actual dog, close though)
I had a Wired Haired Fox Terrier growing up, and she was a crazy dog, but me and my family loved her to death. She lasted 21 years, sad to see her go deaf, blind, in diapers at night time, but I loved having a dog to hang out and play with. We had many funny stories about her. I plan on getting a few dogs in a couple of years.
To anyone whose lucky to have any kind of pet, treat them well, it'll go along way in life.

(Not my actual dog, close though)
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