thinking of becoming a mason...

Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

all i've heard from my wife's aunt is...
-u get to ride the goat
-the husbands have get to fornicate with other dudes wives
-they get a pass from the cops whenever they're stopped (if they do some kind of symbol/sign)
-hella military dudes are in it
-you never know what goes down at the lodge.
-the wife must be present at the lodge meetings.

This is all false ....non of this happens in the lodge matter of fact 

What we dont do
  • Sacrifice white virgins or virgins in general
  • ride goats
  • fornicate with other wive.....its in the by laws that @$! WILL get you kicked out
  • Dance with the DEVIL in  the pale moonlight
  • plot world destruction
yes you can tell people what you are and degree ....IM currently a 32nd degree mason....and truth be told the HIGHEST DEGREE IS 3rd everything else is extra knowledge
did you guys know about the 44, 95 105 466, 906 degrees......prolly not

for the most part we do communtiy work and escort high ranking churc members of any denominations....see hitler vs mason in WW2   
Originally Posted by Tetsujin23

all i've heard from my wife's aunt is...
-u get to ride the goat
-the husbands have get to fornicate with other dudes wives
-they get a pass from the cops whenever they're stopped (if they do some kind of symbol/sign)
-hella military dudes are in it
-you never know what goes down at the lodge.
-the wife must be present at the lodge meetings.

This is all false ....non of this happens in the lodge matter of fact 

What we dont do
  • Sacrifice white virgins or virgins in general
  • ride goats
  • fornicate with other wive.....its in the by laws that @$! WILL get you kicked out
  • Dance with the DEVIL in  the pale moonlight
  • plot world destruction
yes you can tell people what you are and degree ....IM currently a 32nd degree mason....and truth be told the HIGHEST DEGREE IS 3rd everything else is extra knowledge
did you guys know about the 44, 95 105 466, 906 degrees......prolly not

for the most part we do communtiy work and escort high ranking churc members of any denominations....see hitler vs mason in WW2   
Pops was in it when he grew up in Grenada and was approached to join when he moved to Brooklyn but he said it was "just an excuse to go drink and stuff" lol. Its basically a fraternity and yes you do have to do "crazy" things just like when you rush a collegiate fraternity. My dad said he had to be buried in a coffin for a couple of hours and walk around in the middle of night but he really wouldn't get into any real details. For the most part, he claims it was some elitist BS that his grandmother told him do so he did it.
Pops was in it when he grew up in Grenada and was approached to join when he moved to Brooklyn but he said it was "just an excuse to go drink and stuff" lol. Its basically a fraternity and yes you do have to do "crazy" things just like when you rush a collegiate fraternity. My dad said he had to be buried in a coffin for a couple of hours and walk around in the middle of night but he really wouldn't get into any real details. For the most part, he claims it was some elitist BS that his grandmother told him do so he did it.
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