Thirstiest Men on Instagram

Thirsties Women on Instagram...

Thirsty for that attention...
Exactly .. half naked pics but complain how dudes only wanna give em the D and never want to "wife" em...

I wouldnt blame any dude for not wanting to wife you while actin like a playboy model on social media. smh #****

Thirsties Women on Instagram...

Thirsty for that attention...
Exactly .. half naked pics but complain how dudes only wanna give em the D and never want to "wife" em...

I wouldnt blame any dude for not wanting to wife you while actin like a playboy model on social media. smh #****


"You take half naked pics and show your body off. I just like the picture. And im the one thats thirsty?"
I love calling them out on it and somehow I am the bad guy. Why are you taking so many damn pics of yourself and posting them. How many angles of your face do we really need to see.

"Trying out this new hairstyle"

It is sad. Sand dudes taking selfies is even worse.
lmaooooo she's about to throat the next guy she sees to make up for that bruised ego :lol:
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