This Country Hasn't Changed One Bit

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

totally disagree.
I knew you would.
seriously though...."this country hasn't changed one bit."
...come on now
what a ridiculous statement to make...
are there still some backwards #!@ people? of course...yes
but are there more people than ever who have grown up more accepting and tolerant of other people than ever?...hell yes.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]nope, not at all. I just think there are more people who are[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]afraid to say they're accepting and tolerant of other people/race/ethnic background/ andreligion.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i look at is as back then, openly accepting other races meant you would beostricized from your own. people weren't willing to give that up. but as time has progressed, now those same people don't feel a need to hide the factthat they are in fact[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]racist.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]kind of like a fear of being openly gay in the 50's and in '08 mass amountsof people are coming out.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]also, unlock my avy.[/color]
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

totally disagree.
I knew you would.
yes, b/c my own political leaning makes me view the world with rose colored glasses

seriously though...."this country hasn't changed one bit."
...come on now
what a ridiculous statement to make...
are there still some backwards *#* people? of course...yes
but are there more people than ever who have grown up more accepting and tolerant of other people than ever?...hell yes.
more people that keep it to themselves hell yes
Guys, we're only a generation or two removed from the Civil Rights Era. Things have most definitely gotten better for minorities in America but there'smore work to do obviously.

Personally, I believe we'll be rid of racial prejudice when we no longer have to check Latino, Asian, African in any registration form.

In other words, a majority multi-racial society.

There is still racism but not nearly the degree that there was. People should be greatful for the strides that this country has made to this point, and ratherthan sulk about how bad it still is, make something of it and assure that our kids have it better than us... or just stop crying.
there are racist people all around the world...

and lets be serious, well at least for me living in NYC...the most diversely cultured city in the world...I KNEW since I was a little kid growing up that thiscountry still has racists

on the real for real, so many people nowadays are more like robots than anything else, they will do and believe anything you tell them and don't think forthemselves

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]nope, not at all. I just think there are more people who are[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]afraid to say they're accepting and tolerant of other people/race/ethnic background/ and religion.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i look at is as back then, openly accepting other races meant you would be ostricized from your own. people weren't willing to give that up. but as time has progressed, now those same people don't feel a need to hide the fact that they are in fact[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]racist.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]kind of like a fear of being openly gay in the 50's and in '08 mass amounts of people are coming out.[/color]
that's utterly ridiculous...

if anything....I agree with part of the premise of the OP..that people's racism has gone underground. almost NO ONE wants to identified as an outrightracist a la KKK & neo-nazis/skinheads. They'll make the subtle comments on the sly...but outright racists?...not a change. As you put it... thoseopen racists are ostracized from today's society... not glorified.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]also, unlock my avy.[/color]
say please
ArsnalJ23 scribbled:
There is still racism but not nearly the degree that there was. People should be greatful for the strides that this country has made to this point, and rather than sulk about how bad it still is, make something of it and assure that our kids have it better than us... or just stop crying.
Thank you very much for saying this. Your post has been quoted for emphasis, if you couldn't tellalready.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

ArsnalJ23 scribbled:
There is still racism but not nearly the degree that there was. People should be greatful for the strides that this country has made to this point, and rather than sulk about how bad it still is, make something of it and assure that our kids have it better than us... or just stop crying.
Thank you very much for saying this. Your post has been quoted for emphasis, if you couldn't tell already.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]nope, not at all. I just think there are more people who are[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]afraid to say they're accepting and tolerant of other people/race/ethnic background/ and religion.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i look at is as back then, openly accepting other races meant you would be ostricized from your own. people weren't willing to give that up. but as time has progressed, now those same people don't feel a need to hide the fact that they are in fact[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]racist.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]kind of like a fear of being openly gay in the 50's and in '08 mass amounts of people are coming out.[/color]
that's utterly ridiculous...

if anything....I agree with part of the premise of the OP..that people's racism has gone underground. almost NO ONE wants to identified as an outright racist a la KKK & neo-nazis/skinheads. They'll make the subtle comments on the sly...but outright racists?...not a change. As you put it... those open racists are ostracized from today's society... not glorified.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]also, unlock my avy.[/color]
say please

But are those outright racists truly truly ostracized? And how is my idea ridiculous?People are lemmings, we follow in the pack and do what the group says unless we have an idea, a spark, a notion that something is wrong and needschange.

What I'm saying, is that there were people who weren't racist, but went along with racistfriend/family/ and society. Made racist claims all to NOT be labelled as.... DON'T BAN ME PLEASE!!! a "%@@%#* lover"...

and unlock my avy PLEASE.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Now... I'm not saying that we as Americans live in or deal with the same fears that we did somealmost 60 years ago (which is not that long). But we do still live with fears. I choose to recognize my fears and slight racial things that happen inlife,because in the bigger picture. If i blew up the spot everytime something I felt was racist happened, I'd be feeding into what is expected of me.[/color]
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]nope, not at all. I just think there are more people who are[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]afraid to say they're accepting and tolerant of other people/race/ethnic background/ and religion.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i look at is as back then, openly accepting other races meant you would be ostricized from your own. people weren't willing to give that up. but as time has progressed, now those same people don't feel a need to hide the fact that they are in fact[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]not[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]racist.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]kind of like a fear of being openly gay in the 50's and in '08 mass amounts of people are coming out.[/color]
that's utterly ridiculous...

if anything....I agree with part of the premise of the OP..that people's racism has gone underground. almost NO ONE wants to identified as an outright racist a la KKK & neo-nazis/skinheads. They'll make the subtle comments on the sly...but outright racists?...not a change. As you put it... those open racists are ostracized from today's society... not glorified.
What's the argument here? That people today are less afraid to admit that they're not racist vs. people that are more afraid to admitthat they're racist?
If that's what it is, I don't see how it isn't the latter. But than maybe it's different depending on geographical regions.
I agree and disagree. Obviously we've seen a lot of racism of late during this campaign season. lunatics have come out of the woodwork displaying theirignorance. People are afraid and when that happens they need an outlet to voice their fustrations and usually pick the easiest thing/person they can to blame.

All I can say is step back for a moment from all this political b.s. it usually brings out the best AND worst of people. Sure there's still closet racistsout there, but thank god they're dying off. Its up to you to stand above it and extinguish it through your personal actions....alright, getting off mysoapbox.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

There is still racism but not nearly the degree that there was. People should be greatful for the strides that this country has made to this point, and rather than sulk about how bad it still is, make something of it and assure that our kids have it better than us... or just stop crying.

Yup - it's funny how the OP is saying things are the same as 40 years ago when you know damn well he didn't live 40 years ago to know the difference.

Is racism still alive? Yup. Everywhere - some/most people are afraid/hateful towards differences of ANY kind from themselves - apparently it's humannature or something. All you can do is keep educating people and be a positive role model yourself, judging people for who they are.
I've been hearing a lot of this logic lately and I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense. The basic argument is that if Obama wasn't black thepolls would look something like 75-25, but that's BS. I can tell you right now that if any white male democrat were running the polls the numberswouldn't look a whole lot different.

Obama simply doesn't appeal to the majority of conservatives because of his policies, and some of you obviously just don't get politics if you thinkthat a white version of Obama, as liberal as he is, would be getting the vast majority of the votes JUST because he's white. Sorry, it doesn't worklike that.

Conservatives would never support someone as liberal as Obama, no matter what color he'd be.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

I've been hearing a lot of this logic lately and I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense. The basic argument is that if Obama wasn't black the polls would look something like 75-25, but that's BS. I can tell you right now that if any white male democrat were running the polls the numbers wouldn't look a whole lot different.

Obama simply doesn't appeal to the majority of conservatives because of his policies, and some of you obviously just don't get politics if you think that a white version of Obama, as liberal as he is, would be getting the vast majority of the votes JUST because he's white. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Conservatives would never support someone as liberal as Obama, no matter what color he'd be.
I dont think the numbers would be different, but the hate.. would. It's disgusting.
Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

I've been hearing a lot of this logic lately and I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense. The basic argument is that if Obama wasn't black the polls would look something like 75-25, but that's BS. I can tell you right now that if any white male democrat were running the polls the numbers wouldn't look a whole lot different.

Obama simply doesn't appeal to the majority of conservatives because of his policies, and some of you obviously just don't get politics if you think that a white version of Obama, as liberal as he is, would be getting the vast majority of the votes JUST because he's white. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Conservatives would never support someone as liberal as Obama, no matter what color he'd be.
I dont think the numbers would be different, but the hate.. would. It's disgusting.

What hate?
Obama is already turning into one of the most beloved figures this country's seen in awhile.
Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

Originally Posted by H4ppyTime Harry

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

I've been hearing a lot of this logic lately and I don't think it makes a whole lot of sense. The basic argument is that if Obama wasn't black the polls would look something like 75-25, but that's BS. I can tell you right now that if any white male democrat were running the polls the numbers wouldn't look a whole lot different.

Obama simply doesn't appeal to the majority of conservatives because of his policies, and some of you obviously just don't get politics if you think that a white version of Obama, as liberal as he is, would be getting the vast majority of the votes JUST because he's white. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.

Conservatives would never support someone as liberal as Obama, no matter what color he'd be.
I dont think the numbers would be different, but the hate.. would. It's disgusting.

What hate?
Obama is already turning into one of the most beloved figures this country's seen in awhile.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Greek Tragedy[/color]
No. America ain't changed much. It's just more Assimilated Minorities....For example look at Obama. Do you think white voters actually care thathe's black? It makes no difference to them what colore he his. I don't think they look at him as a Black Man. They look at him as one of them. Heshares the same values, education, and ideals they do. It's the same way middle age white woman look at Oprah. She might as well be a middle age whitewoman because she has the same perspective they do on almost every issue she discusses on her talk show.
Originally Posted by InTheBean

I agree. All the old-timers in this country are obviously still racist, and they've passed their racist sentiments onto their children and grandchildren. The best we can hope for is for racism to be blanketed until it is nearly invisible, b/c it will never fully go away
First off, I think by bringing politics in this discussion, we are openening a whole new can of worms. But what I will say about this, is that it is veryevident that Barack Obama is well ahead in polls. I put no value into these polls, and on election day things will most likely be closer than the pollspredict. However, the fact that Barack is favored to win this elections speaks volumes for the progression of the U.S. For those who think his lead would bebigger if he werent black, or for those who think people are voting for McCain just because Barack is white, is ridiculous. McCain does have his strong pointsover Barack in this election and the fact that racism might be prevailing in this election is ludicrous (not saying anyone is really saying that). I think thatracial epithets have been in this election, but clearly it seems most americans are rolling there eyes to this and still voting on their beliefs and values,regardless of race.

One more thing for me to add. I think this might be some sort of theory I have on this subject. If you believe that racism has not changed one bit then that isin fact...ignorance. I think that there still are those closet radical racists, but I also do think that that number is declining rapidly. I also think thatour ideas of racism today are completely different than racism a long time ago. Not to say that people still don't say discriminatory things, andthat's any different from the old times, because its still hatred coming out. However, I think this hate is directed at single incidents and is meant to infact hurt the person, and racism is an easy means to do that, because so many still feel strongly and are skeptic of the racist people. They might not be atrue racist at all, they just use racist sentiments to make someone feel bad. That doesn't sound as eloquent as I wanted it to, but hopefully you can kindof see where I'm getting at.
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