We're talking aggregate sporting culture though. I'm sure you can point to instances of it happening in America but the overarching culture and standards for whats acceptable and what's not are very very different.
I won't argue that there are no differences between American and European sports culture and sports discourse because there obviously are.
But I think the main reason for "the better team lost" narratives is the bigger factor luck plays in football in comparison to sports with higher scores. In football, a dominant team will lose more often than in basketball, for example. This NY times article touches on that issue:
[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/27/sports/soccer/with-new-book-seeking-truth-in-statistics-of-soccer.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3As%2C%5B%22RI%3A7%22%2C%22RI%3A12%22%5D[/URL]"]