This guy beats the PISS out of some emos WARNING: Violent video

that guy must have a really small penis to just beat up a whole bunch of emo kids for no reason. Compensating for a lack of something I suppose
when I heard the way they sounded when they talked all I kept thinkin was "give him one of them HAADOOOKINS!"
you never know who that dude was wit, for all we know there could of been 5 other dudes behind the camera man (reason they didn't fight back)...but imagineif the emo kids had a gun...
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by The Takeover

Around my way !!$% like that is comedy, if you not going to stand up for yourself then expect !!$% like that to happen its harsh but it's reality.... I just think it's funny seeing dudes get treated like ragdolls out there instead of manning up and handling their business, nobody got killed so what's the fuss about?

okay so your saying its okay for some random guy to come up to your friends, the one that cant fight or defend themselves physically, and woop their #%+ as long as they dont die?
Please think before you post,
Dawg, first and foremost.... this would not happen to any of my friends or anyone that has an ounce of courage.. Who's to say that these EIGHTMEN can't defend themselves vs ONE guy? I mean damn... even if they tryed and failed they would still not be as low as they are right now.
maybe around your way animal like behavior is okay but in most places in this world people deserve to be treated like human beings.
Son do you realize that human beings are animals?

And what exactly do animals do?
Fight for what is theirs and their own well-being ?
Prey on the weak and those who choose to let it continue without repercussion?
It's simple nature, defending yourself is instict, these dudes are just ###*+.
cant anyone suspect that maybe the dude had more guys behind the camera hidden away from view. maybe they knew to take the beating from one dude as oppose to awhole gang hidden away from view. im just sayin
Those kids need help. There were 8 of them and one of him. All they had to do is FIGHT BACK. POWER IN Numbers. These @@*$ was halirous cause the restDIDN'T DO @@*$
Originally Posted by SN Souljah

this is not bullying..i honestly see nothing wrong with this...he didnt like what he he tried his best to do something about it...

Originally Posted by The Takeover

Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by The Takeover

Around my way !!$% like that is comedy, if you not going to stand up for yourself then expect !!$% like that to happen its harsh but it's reality.... I just think it's funny seeing dudes get treated like ragdolls out there instead of manning up and handling their business, nobody got killed so what's the fuss about?

okay so your saying its okay for some random guy to come up to your friends, the one that cant fight or defend themselves physically, and woop their #%+ as long as they dont die?
Please think before you post,
Dawg, first and foremost.... this would not happen to any of my friends or anyone that has an ounce of courage.. Who's to say that these EIGHT MEN can't defend themselves vs ONE guy? I mean damn... even if they tryed and failed they would still not be as low as they are right now.
maybe around your way animal like behavior is okay but in most places in this world people deserve to be treated like human beings.
Son do you realize that human beings are animals?

And what exactly do animals do?
Fight for what is theirs and their own well-being ?
Prey on the weak and those who choose to let it continue without repercussion?
It's simple nature, defending yourself is instict, these dudes are just ###*+.

i understand what your sayin bro, i really do. Im just sayin, i KNOW its stupid they didnt defend themselves, i KNOW its stupid they didnt run away or doanything to prevent any more damage... they are idiots, im not denying that...but regardless of how stupid they are, they dont deserve one deservesthat kind of treatment for no reason, thats all im sayin. No one in this thread denys how dumb it was to just stand there and get punched, but it doesnt makeit acceptable or 'funny' that the guy is acting like a complete punk. Its not 'cool' at all what hes doing, and if that happened 'around myway' you can bet people would have those emo kids backs even if they were a laughing stock. I would most certainly do my part in making him think twiceabout trying to act tough in public ever again. But thats besides the point, i agree with you in some aspects but i also disagree with some of the comments youmade...its as simple as that.
this is cowardly.

the emo kids are pathetically soft but thats besides the point...the other kid is just as weak if he had to do all that $@!!

is this what people want to watch?
i woulda blown dudes leg off, and whoever else was behind the camera. i dont think he be gettin crazy with a 45 to his head
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by ninjahood

cats were takin turn like if it a RPG fight


In all seriousness though, if a random beating is the worst thing that happens to these former Soviet block living dudes, they're getting off easy.

The thug's suplex game was on point, though. As for his explanation, my old rugby coach claims he used to bring it to whole crews back in the 70s just to test his skills. He was a psycho and nothing led me to believe he was lying. No emos back then, though.
looking like abel from street fighter 4.
wow he was picking them up like they were toys or something......still funny to me though hahah he just walks up to that guy and kicks him
eh, if they didn't want to fight they should have just ran away.

at one point they just started walking up slow to the guy just to get beat.

this videos weird
throughout that whole video,I just had images of taking a huge $$$ rock and smashing his head in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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