This is why you don't go to asian barbershops

i remember i went to this one joint in NYC.. on st. marks and 3rd ave... i asked for a number 8 on top with a number 4 on the side. the guy grabs a number 4 or 5 and cuts the top off. i was so shocked i didnt even know what to say. i just paid the man and made the best of it - I went straight into denial mode "oh it looks good it looks good.. it will grow back"

I know he heard me, I asked him like 5 times if it was a numebr 8 and he said yes. it was about the size of my pinky fingernail.

he was israeli i think.
If dude got shaved then why not make some sort of comment during the haircut? I think its fake. Has to be. If he was really pissed, he would've gotten annoyed if he saw someone was recording him.
My dude keeps looking in the mirror like it'll grow back

Oh and IBTL
Originally Posted by tmoney85

i remember i went to this one joint in NYC.. on st. marks and 3rd ave... i asked for a number 8 on top with a number 4 on the side. the guy grabs a number 4 or 5 and cuts the top off. i was so shocked i didnt even know what to say. i just paid the man and made the best of it - I went straight into denial mode "oh it looks good it looks good.. it will grow back"
I know he heard me, I asked him like 5 times if it was a numebr 8 and he said yes. it was about the size of my pinky fingernail.

he was israeli i think.


at all the asians in this thread calling the video fake. Can't you hear the angst in this man's voice?

This !#+@ got me dying so bad. My dude was straight bewildered looking in the mirror on that "This can't be life" tip

The fact that he somehow missed them buzzing off his top makes this even more hilarious

Haircut was so bad he was willing to get his lawyer to press charges 
Originally Posted by Faint Dj3

lol ive never even heard of an asian barber. none i've ever seen in Atlanta
This and if people start doing what I don't want to my hair and I'm looking in the mirror I'm like naw I said such and such. . .but I cut my own hair now so I don't have to deal with paying somebody to cut it and fixing, lining it up better myself
i am asian and i thought this was hillarious.

"i will devote my life to making you suffer!" pretty epic statement for something that will grow back in a few weeks... hahahah
The irony between the wording on his shirt, and the bald head is what makes this video funnier 

I've never been to a barbershop where you have to pay before you get a cut.

They must be used to *%#@%$% people up, get that money first.
There are many urban Asian barber shops, I've been to a few and they have a steady clientele who are happy with the service.  But like someone mentioned, this was probably a salon.... not a barbershop.
Can yall Vietnamese folks translate what they were saying? 

And on a sidenote
@ the generic Jordan tee
how do you not stop them halfway through.
. cmon son.

and vietnam dudes around me are the best barbers around.
Uhmm, Clearly It's not the +%!%+$*%'s fault. The customer is the idiot if he's gonna go to a barber that could barely understand him just to save a couple bucks, he deserves it. No remorse for that guy, the +%!%+$*% just G'd him for his 10$. I'm sure if you spoke his language he would've done a great job. Don't knock a +%!%+$*%'s hustle.

They can speak English, they just can't cut. Language barrier has nothing to do with walking out of any of those places with a !+***$ up cut. I don't know how he ended up paying them before getting his cut though.
why he keep tapping the top of his dome like the hair is gonna come back?

Asian barbers?? never seen em

Pay b4 the cut?? never seen em

My barber of the past 4 years has been a dominican cat. never disappoints.
LOL @ black dudes waiting to get their cut...what kinda foolishness is that
? I don't even trust white barbers with my hair, why would I go to an Asian barber shop.
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