This Picture is worth over a Billion words.

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I rather chill with Larry Ellison than the rest of them to be honest... him and Richard Brandson would be too much fun.

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

The illuminati clowns will have a field day with this

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I bet Hov wanted to be at this dinner SO bad...
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I rather chill with Larry Ellison than the rest of them to be honest... him and Richard Brandson would be too much fun.

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

The illuminati clowns will have a field day with this

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I bet Hov wanted to be at this dinner SO bad...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I bet Hov wanted to be at this dinner SO bad...

why u say that?

Because he always trys to place himself with people with large amounts of power and money... 

Slim wrote:
because that is the class of people he wishes he was. they would've laughed if Jay-Z walked in the room.

...i mean i see what u guys are saying these folks made/make money....but none of them made their money off anything Jay made his money off of...they all invented something in one way or the other minus Obama...not entertainment or entertaining per se 

I dont see Jay being like let me in that meeting to talk bout xyz....the money talk yes but I doubt money was brought up at that dinner or a main theme of it

this isnt the top fashion designers in the world n Kanye sitting at home pissed
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

I bet Hov wanted to be at this dinner SO bad...

why u say that?

Because he always trys to place himself with people with large amounts of power and money... 

Slim wrote:
because that is the class of people he wishes he was. they would've laughed if Jay-Z walked in the room.

...i mean i see what u guys are saying these folks made/make money....but none of them made their money off anything Jay made his money off of...they all invented something in one way or the other minus Obama...not entertainment or entertaining per se 

I dont see Jay being like let me in that meeting to talk bout xyz....the money talk yes but I doubt money was brought up at that dinner or a main theme of it

this isnt the top fashion designers in the world n Kanye sitting at home pissed
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Dakingii

^u took that comment about Jay-Z a little too serious bruh

Theres no use...look at the mans AVY...

....It's like me in a BMW thread.....
 nahh it aint like that...i mean im a fan but out of the Illuminati and jay-z responses i just figured that was the least stupid so i wud address it to see if i was missing sumtin
i just think the dinner was important and hopefully conversation was sparked that cud trigger sum innovative things that may actually benefit government from an administrative stand point in some way
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Dakingii

^u took that comment about Jay-Z a little too serious bruh

Theres no use...look at the mans AVY...

....It's like me in a BMW thread.....
 nahh it aint like that...i mean im a fan but out of the Illuminati and jay-z responses i just figured that was the least stupid so i wud address it to see if i was missing sumtin
i just think the dinner was important and hopefully conversation was sparked that cud trigger sum innovative things that may actually benefit government from an administrative stand point in some way
Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

U guys r ******ed that's not power

Says Kirby, the pink marshmallow thing...
I'm sure with all that money, they could do whatever the hell they wanted to 
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