This Picture is worth over a Billion words.


And here I am, not even able to afford a stick of gum
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

It is a lot o wealth, but not power plz tell me what a clout a netflix officer has

His business single handedly put Hollywood video and Blockbuster out of business.  Netflix completely changed the way we look at television and has many of the cable companies changing their policies to try and cap internet bandwidth to prevent people from canceling their cable subscriptions in favor of solely streaming Netflix and Hulu shows.  That's like saying that Apple had no clout when they came out with music downloads over iTunes.  They had a virtual monopoly over legal downloaded music content for over 5 years since they were only compatible with iPods. 
word! between the Netflix guy and whoever started that RedBox... they put a lot of companies out of business
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by oO Master Chief Oo

It is a lot o wealth, but not power plz tell me what a clout a netflix officer has

His business single handedly put Hollywood video and Blockbuster out of business.  Netflix completely changed the way we look at television and has many of the cable companies changing their policies to try and cap internet bandwidth to prevent people from canceling their cable subscriptions in favor of solely streaming Netflix and Hulu shows.  That's like saying that Apple had no clout when they came out with music downloads over iTunes.  They had a virtual monopoly over legal downloaded music content for over 5 years since they were only compatible with iPods. 
word! between the Netflix guy and whoever started that RedBox... they put a lot of companies out of business
I would like to know the story behind this photo.

Forget the wealth... the brainpower alone in that room is amazing. I wonder what type of discussions were held across the table.
I would like to know the story behind this photo.

Forget the wealth... the brainpower alone in that room is amazing. I wonder what type of discussions were held across the table.
So what was the actual reason or intent behind the meal/meeting?

What was discussed?

Anyone know?

It had to have had an actual purpose aside from congregating with other people of power.
So what was the actual reason or intent behind the meal/meeting?

What was discussed?

Anyone know?

It had to have had an actual purpose aside from congregating with other people of power.
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