This shows your age on NT if you remember these images

Where's that gif of the black kid with the dreds in the red sweater that was simulating getting blow by the wind?

Embarrassing sexual encounters was the best

Iight I posted this story on NT before but here it goes..So lets rewind to 2001 or living in VA with my moms after HS..I didnt know anybody their so I do what any other teenager did back in the day hit the AOL chatroom. so im chating up with this chick and i hit her with the A/s/l/P so she gives me the info..but no im like cool..describe yourself..shorty descibes herself.short a lil thick in the right places..(im not into skinny chicks but not FAT chick eithers) long im like iight bet i can work with that we exchange numbers..we talk on the phone shorty has the :smokin voice, we did the phone bone she is like tues is my birthday, I want you to im like mind you im a we schedule the the way the complex was set up..I could see who parked im looking out the window waiting for shorty to come i notice an unfamilair car pulling up to the window so im like this must be i do a last minute inspect of the living room..make sure I got 2 condoms in my back when shorty knocks on the door. i look through the peephole.. SMFH she aint nothing how she described herself..yea she is thick in all the right places..if all the right places happens to be everywhere..but im like F it shorty drove along in the mood lets get it poppin..So we sitting on the couch..talking chopping it up watching southpark the i start nibbling on her ear (she told me thats her spot) so we start touching..shorty goes then im like lets proceed to smash..i take off shorty pants and from her mid calf to her ankles is ashy as hell like her car had flour buckets as the pedal and the i stop hit her with the image and she is like "oh i was so nervous about coming over, i must have forgotten" so boom now that im looking at her..she isnt very moisturized she looking something like a camels lips..but once again im like F it..i dont went this i lay her down throw on the condom and proceed to attempt to matter what i did..shorty couldnt spread her legs..i just couldnt get it cracking so @ this point im like you know what this isnt gonna work..I popped both the condoms..and shorty is like forget like hell we back on the couch chillin by this time im ignoring on aim..chillin..she watching tv..she is like im hungry as hell..and goes in her jean jacket pocket and pulls out them soft oatmeal cookies with the cream in the middle

View media item 671222 like where did that come my homegirl came and knocked on my i went outside to talk to her,and about 10 min later the fat chick comes and says im im like iight peace..i give her a hug and she told me shell talk to me about 2 weeks later i see her @ the mall but she didnt spot me..i bolted the other way...she sent me an email saying how she was @ the mall getting me a gift some phat farm outfit..shorty had MONEY..her pops passed away and that tues she came to my house she turned 18..she finally got the check and wanted to buy me something
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Hi-C . . I member randome screen names like Jordan Freak 32, Jaw Knee, peterock1, djbooduh . . butt dey mostly posted in showcase

Lol remember when JK32 was the youngest NTer at the time? When he posted those DS size 12 white cement 4s from 99 up on eBay that he got for couple hundreds and sold for damn near a stack. This was 2006 or something

And DJbooduh. I ran into homie couple years back at Fat Lace in SF. Cool dude.

View media item 670955
I remember your give away...Though I didn't win. Thought it was awfully nice...NT back in the days :smokin.
There were a lot of active screen names from back in the day that just disappeared. Just people who posted regularly that you don't even notice but then they vanish and their name pops up in one of these threads and you're like "oh yea, that dude".
There were a lot of active screen names from back in the day that just disappeared. Just people who posted regularly that you don't even notice but then they vanish and their name pops up in one of these threads and you're like "oh yea, that dude".
word... was so sad when the boards changed and my join date with them :smh:
word... was so sad when the boards changed and my join date with them :smh:

lol I`m so glad I got to keep my Join date, I had another screen name from like 2001 or 2002 but I forgot the login for it, I only used it to lurk so it wasn't that big of a deal.
This thread made me search up my old username and read up on what I used to post.

Wow in mase voice. (Throwback lol)

Anyone remember the NT revolt thread?? Where dudes were just going in on mods and ended posting a ton of porn to get banned?? This was around the time JROSE got banned I think
Anyone remember the NT revolt thread?? Where dudes were just going in on mods and ended posting a ton of porn to get banned?? This was around the time JROSE got banned I think
I DO.  I remember thinking that thread was open uncharacteristicly long.  I may have also posted a in b4 the lock gif ..
The dude that was constantly trying to take NT over.

Also there was another dude I don't remember his screen name, he a skinny Black dude I think from cali he looked mad young. I remember he posted a story about meeting a chick online and turns out it was a ******, he even went to the house to meet the supposed chick and the ****** answered the door.
not sure if it was posted already but anyone remember during the national trucker days when henzo battled some guy and it was on worldstar.., and also during the same summer when we invaded jjb :nerd:
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