This slap gives "bus driver uppercut" a run for it's money

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I think she got flash knocked out. She acted like nothing happened when she got up.
Sheeeesh :lol:

Rick James would be proud at the technique. I like how everybody else just acted like that **** happens everyday. :lol:
Dude full body weight power slapped the **** out of her 

Look like she asked for  .75 and he said no so she proceeded to start going in about him being broke 

Dat wind up tho 
This aint had NOTHING on the Bus Driver uppercut. This vid is 50% of Worldstar, The ONLY video comparable was Vietnam Tom/Epic Beard Man, knocking out Tyrone on the transit bus.
Some of the comments has had me laughing at this all day two more things that I noticed:

He footwork is damn good good because his shoe squeaks as he sets up for the slap (must be the herringbone setup)

He puts his hand on the counter before he slaps her; like there was a power source to draw from
My man was in the wrong and showed the worse judgement of the two, don't matter if its man or a woman, you don't really need to take it there against someone who's obviously not a threat to you. But a lesson for the physically weak, you can't openly disrespect someone and expect them to react reasonably.

its either one way or the other...she took it there & he finished it point blank...completely justified
It is amazing how quickly he went from street fighter to consumer... because no more than half a second after he connected he proceeded with the final request for his order
To the dude who said he didn't touch her....she pushes him at .36 right before the laws of gravity shift sucking her body into the core of the earth

and it seems like he was trying to get his .75 cent change but the register was broken and she commented on it
Typical NT tough talk.

This man just slapped black into this *****! He's angry and obviously don't give a ****. You don't know what he's holdin or what state of mind he in. Ol girl got up fine. She ain't dead. Sometimes you gotta act like you ain't see ****. Yal always tryna save a ***.
Tough guy talk? I carry a gun legally.  What's he gonna do to me?  Smashing a girl to the ground is unacceptable unless his life was in danger.   People like you make me sick. Your justifying for a man to hit a girl.  What if that was  your mother that he smacked like that?  Would you go oh well she got back up it's cool she didn't die? 
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Son these women be havin some strong get back up after that..

In all reality such a slap was uncalled for, dude was strong enough to give her a nice push, but she's silly to pick on a man that's 3x her size and obviously left his dambs at home...the man did warn you "I'm gonna beat your a**"
This thinking is what gets ****** killed. Stay behind the ropes and mind yours.
^ will never understand people with that kind of mindset...dont you know you will get killed jumping in other peoples buisness.
Capes turn into sheets real fast. I hope some of yall remember that in real life.
If it was another man or if the women was trying to hit him or had a weapon it would be different  but just from a girl talking you don't hit a female like that.   That's bogus and dude is just acting like a bully.  No excuse for that and yeah I would of stepped in if I saw that in person.  Me and my homie jumped a dude once because we saw him punch a girl at a party we were at.    
    Hitting women is never cool or funny in my book.  
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I just want to know when are these young girls gonna learn not to mess with
Old black dudes born btwn the 60's / 70's

These guys made an Olympic sport out of swatting chicks.
Jail time and feminism don't scare them
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Like other dude said in here....maybe its because I'm older now...but damn...

I don't like confrontations and usually just mind my business.

I can't say I don't blame the dude but I couldn't slap/hit a women like that though...

I'd be too worried about maybe breaking her face/jaw, or what if she fell after that slap and cracked her head open? Could have been a lot worse for that OG.
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Like other dude said in here....maybe its because I'm older now...but damn...

I don't like confrontations and usually just mind my business.

I can't say I don't blame the dude but I couldn't slap/hit a women like that though...

I'd be too worried about maybe breaking her face/jaw, or what if she fell after that slap and cracked her head open? Could have been a lot worse for that OG.
True I don't like confrontations either but dude could have killed her with that slap.   What if he started stomping her out after she hit the ground.  Would any of you have stepped in then?
he did push her first, then she pushed him, resulting in the the hand of god from kung fu hustle. SO he was in the wrong from the start
My man was in the wrong and showed the worse judgement of the two, don't matter if its man or a woman, you don't really need to take it there against someone who's obviously not a threat to you. But a lesson for the physically weak, you can't openly disrespect someone and expect them to react reasonably.

its either one way or the other...she took it there & he finished it point blank...completely justified

Justified? :smh:

If that was your mother, or sister, or girlfriend, would it also be justified? You have no idea what you're speaking about.

If that was your mother, or sister, or girlfriend, would it also be justified? You have no idea what you're speaking about.
***** my mother and sister got the brains and the class to never even be around a ***** like that, much less beg him for money and get up in his space like that 
True I don't like confrontations either but dude could have killed her with that slap.   What if he started stomping her out after she hit the ground.  Would any of you have stepped in then?

i seen a dude stompin sum lady out in the parking lot of publix like a couple years ago. i aint help & neither did anyody else cause if dude crazy enough to stomp a lady out all out in public he prolly crazy enough to kill yo *** too
i seen a dude stompin sum lady out in the parking lot of publix like a couple years ago. i aint help & neither did anyody else cause if dude crazy enough to stomp a lady out all out in public he prolly crazy enough to kill yo *** too
i worked at stone mountain park in high school and seen this chick get the breaks beat off her when some body tried to help she pushed them off and let dude kept hitting her. also had a homie that worked at a shell in miami tried to break up a fight and got a gun pulled on him by the dude than bothe him and he got in the car made out and sped off lol
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