This slap gives "bus driver uppercut" a run for it's money

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***** my mother and sister got the brains and the class to never even be around a ***** like that, much less beg him for money and get up in his space like that 
True but it still doesn't give him the right to hit her like that.   Next time a bum limps up to you begging for a dollar give him a ko punch.  

  My wife and I got home one evening and she was pregnant at the time.  3 random girls came walking up to us as we were getting out of the car.   They wanted us to give them a ride some where.   We told them no and that we didn't even know them.   So then as we are walking away they all start calling my wife the N word. 
    Well my wife is pregnant  so she can't fight them.   I was heated and wanted to smash all 3 of them but I know as a man I could really hurt them.  So all I did was spit in there faces.   As mad as a female might make us we still have to have self control.    
i worked at stone mountain park in high school and seen this chick get the breaks beat off her when some body tried to help she pushed them off and let dude kept hitting her. also had a homie that worked at a shell in miami tried to break up a fight and got a gun pulled on him by the dude than bothe him and he got in the car made out and sped off lol
Some women just ask for it if they stay with a dude that be beating on them.  
I understand her pushing him first, but WOW. That slap was too much for her to handle. Crazy how women in these videos getting hit stand right up.
she wasn't being meek and humble, she was antagonizing. its a tough world outchea, if you don't have the brains to keep your distance after a old school ***** warns you multiple times, well that's Darwin.
So in your words it was justified since he was an old school black man
  Would you look at it the same if it was an Asian in his 20's, or a old white man, etc..  Was she wrong yeah but he still shouldn't have hit her like that is all I'm saying.    
[COLOR=#red]Tough guy talk? I carry a gun legally. What's he gonna do to me?[/COLOR]  Smashing a girl to the ground is unacceptable unless his life was in danger.   People like you make me sick. Your justifying for a man to hit a girl.  What if that was  your mother that he smacked like that?  Would you go oh well she got back up it's cool she didn't die? 

Thinking that you can't be touched because you carry a gun legally is the worst thing you can do as a permit holder. Just because you have a plastic card with your photo on it that says permit holder, doesn't mean your the only one with a gun. This wasn't your mother, this is a girl that you don't know arguing with a guy that you also don't know. Stepping into a situation like this is the worst thing that you can do...especially if it turns out to be domestic.
While your scuffling with Kool-aid Man who just slapped this woman in the back of the face, she could be coming at you with a razor once she peeled herself up from the floor protecting her man. Or worse, the store clerk could pull a gun and empty a magazine into you because these two are regulars in the store. Then what?

It's best to let the authorites handle these types of situations, instead of jumping into something waving a gun that has nothing to do with you.
They should have a common sense course added to carry permit syllabus.
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its either one way or the other...she took it there & he finished it point blank...completely justified

I guess the question is did she really take it there.

She did NOT hit him. It doesn't even look like she touched him first. It's hard to tell because of the angle but she clearly takes several sudden steps back as if she was pushed and then comes up to dude and gives him the softest shove I've ever seen.

Did she take it there? No.

I'm no captain, I fully believe men and women should be treated equally when it comes to physical confrontation but dude slapping the space and time out of her was unreasonable, I'd say the same if she happened to be a frail little dude.
Tough guy talk? I carry a gun legally.  What's he gonna do to me?

Is that what you pull out when you know you'd get whooped? Also, is your friend always there to help you jump someone?

Furthermore - Spitting in someones face is sorry, you didn't take the high road there.
My man was in the wrong and showed the worse judgement of the two, don't matter if its man or a woman, you don't really need to take it there against someone who's obviously not a threat to you. But a lesson for the physically weak, you can't openly disrespect someone and expect them to react reasonably.

its either one way or the other...she took it there & he finished it point blank...completely justified

Justified? :smh:

If that was your mother, or sister, or girlfriend, would it also be justified? You have no idea what you're speaking about.


my mother or gf wouldnt put themselves in that ignorant situation

& if they did they would deserve it, just like the shorty still seeing stars

Certain things u just dont do to another person & not expect a reaction

& dude said he spit on some chicks .... but your trying to talk down because dude downed a chick asking for it .. lol ok
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Thinking that you can't be touched because you carry a gun legally is the worst thing you can do as a permit holder. Just because you have a plastic card with your photo on it that says permit holder, doesn't mean your the only one with a gun. This wasn't your mother, this is a girl that you don't know arguing with a guy that you also don't know. Stepping into a situation like this is the worst thing that you can do...especially if it turns out to be domestic.
While your scuffling with Kool-aid Man who just slapped this woman in the back of the face, she could be coming at you with a razor once she peeled herself up from the floor protecting her man. Or worse, the store clerk could pull a gun and empty a magazine into you because these two are regulars in the store. Then what?

It's best to let the authorites handle these types of situations, instead of jumping into something waving a gun that has nothing to do with you.
They should have a common sense course added to carry permit syllabus.
Who said I was gonna pull it though?  I don't walk around like I'm hard because I have a permit.    I just said I carry too since someone said what if he pulls a gun on you. So that was my response.   But I do agree with everything your saying.   To me the  video just looked like some random stuff though.    Every situation is different.  if it looked like a domestic dispute I would just call the police if dude was stomping out the girl. 
Is that what you pull out when you know you'd get whooped? Also, is your friend always there to help you jump someone?

Furthermore - Spitting in someones face is sorry, you didn't take the high road there.
What? no I've been jumped before and didn't pull out my pistol. lol Even though it was a 3 on 1 I didn't feel like my life was in danger.  I would only pull it out if I felt like I was gonna be killed and no I don't need anyone to help me in a fight.  Dude knocked a girl out cold so he got what was coming to him.  Other then that I never had friends fighting with me unless it was when we were kids in middle school fighting in a big brawl.      Third you are right I shouldn't have spit in those racist faces for calling my wife the N word.  My temper got to me.  

my mother or gf wouldnt put themselves in that ignorant situation

& if they did they would deserve it, just like the shorty still seeing stars

Certain things u just dont do to another person & not expect a reaction

& dude said he spit on some chicks .... but your trying to talk down because dude downed a chick asking for it .. lol ok
At least I didn't hit the girls for making me loss my temper.  As men it's not right to hit a girl unless shes coming at you bombing on you or she has a weapon or something.    Was she in the wrong yes but it still doesn't give the man a right to hit her like that.  
At least I didn't hit the girls for making me loss my temper.  As men it's not right to hit a girl unless shes coming at you bombing on you or she has a weapon or something.    Was she in the wrong yes but it still doesn't give the man a right to hit her like that.  

Nah we gotta get past that. If a woman swings on a man period she deserves to get bombed on back. Girl in this vid wasn't swinging on noone though.
So in your words it was justified since he was an old school black man :smh:   Would you look at it the same if it was an Asian in his 20's, or a old white man, etc..  Was she wrong yeah but he still shouldn't have hit her like that is all I'm saying.   

You took some words and left out others. He could a been a new school Latino who cares? That wasn't my point and you know it. You put your hands on somebody, that's it. If those girls had put hands to your wife, you wouldn't have smacked them down? K bruh, keep that terry cloth heart at your own peril.
What? no I've been jumped before and didn't pull out my pistol. lol Even though it was a 3 on 1 I didn't feel like my life was in danger.  I would only pull it out if I felt like I was gonna be killed and no I don't need anyone to help me in a fight.  Dude knocked a girl out cold so he got what was coming to him.  Other then that I never had friends fighting with me unless it was when we were kids in middle school fighting in a big brawl.      Third you are right I shouldn't have spit in those racist faces for calling my wife the N word.  My temper got to me.  
spitting in someones face is the ultimate sign of disrespect im surprised they didnt knuckle up. 
Nah we gotta get past that. If a woman swings on a man period she deserves to get bombed on back. Girl in this vid wasn't swinging on noone though.
I agree.  If a woman is coming at a man trying to hurt him he has all the right to defend himself.
spitting in someones face is the ultimate sign of disrespect im surprised they didnt knuckle up. 
They tried to have a biker that was passing by stop and fight me.  
   They said now your in trouble here comes one of my boyz.  When dude pulled over and saw what was going on he laughed and told those girls they were crazy and took off. 

Caught her a heaven sent slap

Crazy how from this to the uppercut, these females seem to really be having som strong jaws lately. Hopping right back up after these hits :lol:.
To the dude who said he'd pull out his pistol: you don't deserve to carry it.

The only time an individual should ever brandish their weapon is if they're going to fire it 100%. Otherwise, you're just elevating the situation to a point where you don't have complete control.
Justified? :smh:

If that was your mother, or sister, or girlfriend, would it also be justified? You have no idea what you're speaking about.

***** my mother and sister got the brains and the class to never even be around a ***** like that, much less beg him for money and get up in his space like that 

/your argument

True but it still doesn't give him the right to hit her like that.   Next time a bum limps up to you begging for a dollar give him a ko punch.  

  My wife and I got home one evening and she was pregnant at the time.  3 random girls came walking up to us as we were getting out of the car.   They wanted us to give them a ride some where.   We told them no and that we didn't even know them.   So then as we are walking away they all start calling my wife the N word.  :smh:     Well my wife is pregnant  so she can't fight them.   I was heated and wanted to smash all 3 of them but I know as a man I could really hurt them.  So all I did was spit in there faces.   As mad as a female might make us we still have to have self control.    

If those girls had put hands to your wife, you wouldn't have smacked them down? K bruh, keep that terry cloth heart at your own peril.

/your argument

I'm not at all condoning his actions. But women.. Or rather people in general need to realize that you can't act hard like that to a complete stranger and not expect that their are consequences to your actions.

If your gana act like your "bout that life" then you need to expect everything else that comes with that.

Like you getting smacked by a guy cause you were poppin off.

If you don't wanna get smacked.. Keep to yourself.

Wether or not she deserved it is kinda irrelevant. If she just acted right from the beginning and minded her own neck.. She woudve never gotten smacked.
:smh: Dude is a *****... 5 foot 100lb female against a 6'4 500lb male? Like I said, *****!

The size difference is exactly why her trash *** shouldnt even attempt to step to dude. Aint no way im having some scrawny man or woman step to me and test my patience. Dude aint *****, he just dont put up for disrespect. Your response is exactly why women feel they can get away with ish like this. its like how kids get away with disrespecting their parents.

:lol: You're kidding me right? :rofl:

His size is the reason why she shouldn't step up? Let me guess... you got bullied a lot in grade school huh?

Dude is a *****!

You don't even know the whole story, what took place, what caused it.... ect.

Yet, you defend a grown *** man 5x her size, condoning a hit that could probably kill her.
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